New rumor about next Speaker of the House has Democrats worried sick

Since McCarthy was removed from office in a historic vote, the speakership has been in question. There have been many speculations about who might come forward as an option.

Now, the newest rumor has Democrats worried.

Kevin McCarthy was ousted from his Speakership earlier this week, and since his removal speculations have been circulating as to who might replace him.

Currently, Patrick McHenry is serving as the speaker pro tempore until the House elects a new Speaker to replace McCarthy.

Recently, former President Donald Trump’s name got thrown into the mix, and recent questions he answered have just fueled the fire.

Trump also posted an image of himself on his social media platform Truth Social, in which he is holding the speaker’s gavel.

When asked by a reporter what his thoughts and plans on the speakership were, Donald Trump’s answer only added more speculation into the mix.

“A lot of people have been calling me about speaker. All I can say is we will do whatever is best for the country and other Republican Party and people.”

Congressman Troy Nehls stated in a post on Twitter that he would be nominating Trump for the speakership and had already received vocal support from a number of other Republicans.

On top of all of that, Matt Gaetz, who led the opus to oust McCarthy, has already voted for Trump to be Speaker of the House.

Back when McCarthy was trying to be elected, Matt Gaetz repeatedly voted for Trump during a number of rounds of voting.

While Trump remains steadfast in his attempt at the Presidency, many are still speculating that there is opportunity for the speakership.

Trump himself claimed that he was focusing on the presidency as he is “leading by like 50 points for president” and that his “focus is totally on that.”

However, could this be an attempt to throw off the Radical Left from his scent?

In his own words, Trump is focused “totally” on the presidency, but if he gets enough support for the speakership, could that change his mind?

Trump’s promise to do what is best for the American people is an encouraging one, and another reason why so many are hoping he will become President again.

Two other Republicans have also announced a bid for the speakership (House Majority Leader Steve Scalise and Rep. Jim Jordan), and most assume that the speakership will go to one of these men.

However, hope still remains for diehard Trump fans that he will hold to his promise and make America great again, but that he will start in the House of Representatives.

Regardless of the outcome, Americans both need and deserve a strong candidate who will put the needs of the American people first.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring you the news and the TRUTH.

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