Major conservative news outlet gets SHUT DOWN

The radical Left have dominated cable news for years. Now they want TOTAL control.

Because this major conservative news channel just got shut down.

While Fox News is the most popular cable news network, that doesn’t mean that the major news outlets are generally conservative.

In fact, the opposite is true.

Big Media is largely dominated by the radical Left with the likes of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, and even internet or print outlets like The Washington Post.

On top of that, many of the Big Tech companies behind the infrastructure that allow news networks to reach their viewers are also controlled by Leftists.

AT&T is a prime example of that.

In fact, AT&T was just caught shutting down one of the biggest cable news networks from their DirectTV service.

The victim?

The ever popular Newsmax.

According to Newsmax, AT&T directed DirectTV to cut Newsmax off at midnight, preventing them from reaching their millions of viewers.

They also say this is the second time it’s happened in the last twelve months.

Newsmax reports:

At midnight Tuesday, AT&T’s DirecTV cut Newsmax’s signal, immediately shutting the network off from more than 13 million customers of the satellite service, DirecTV Stream, and U-Verse.

This is the second time in the past year AT&T has moved to cancel a conservative channel, with DirecTV deplatforming OAN in April.

Newsmax also argues that DirectTV pays other channels way more than Newsmax despite Newsmax being one of the highest rated channels.

DirecTV pays cable license fees to all top 75 cable channels and to all 22 liberal news and information channels it carries. Almost all of these channels are paid hefty license fees significantly more than Newsmax was seeking — and despite the fact that most of the channels have much lower ratings than Newsmax.

“This is a blatant act of political discrimination and censorship against Newsmax,” the CEO of Newsmax, Christopher Ruddy, said.

“The most extreme liberal channels, even with tiny ratings, get fees from AT&T’s DirecTV, but Newsmax and OAN need to be deplatformed,” Ruddy ranted.

This is allegedly a part of a conspiracy to deplatform Newsmax from the DirectTV platform, and as news reached Congress, GOP Congress members took action to put an end to it.

“…41 Republican congressmen led by Rep. Wesley Hunt, R-Texas, sent a letter to the CEOs of AT&T, DirecTV, and hedge fund TPG Capital, the minority operator of the satellite system, warning of hearings,” Newsmax reports.

It’s no surprise that Big Tech and the radical Left are doing what they can to deplatform conservatives, and this is just the latest example of that gross censorship.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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