Joe Biden makes sick joke, and no one’s laughing

President Biden is a gaffe machine. It’s like he’s never been let out in public before.

And Joe Biden made a sick joke, and no one’s laughing.

With all eyes on Donald Trump as he’s arrested and indicted on 34 felony charges, many in America have forgotten about Joe Biden.

But just when Biden thought he could get away with a lie, conservatives jumped on him.

President Joe Biden frequently uses Twitter to boast about his achievements while in office, particularly in the area of the economy. But when he made a similar boast on April 1, things took a turn for the worse, and critics immediately dismissed it as an April Fools Day hoax.

Biden started off by asserting that the economy was in a mess when he came office, as he has done on several occasions. He omitted, however, that COVID regulations were to blame for many Americans’ unemployment as well as the closure of numerous small businesses.

“When I took office, the economy was reeling. Hundreds of thousands of small businesses had closed – and millions of Americans had lost their jobs,” Biden tweeted. “We got relief to small businesses fast to jumpstart the strongest recovery of any major economy in the world.”

Biden’s tweet was sent on April 1st, and a lot of detractors quickly seized on this coincidence to claim that it was a joke.

“I love a good April Fool’s joke,” the U.S. Ministry of Truth tweeted in response.

The president’s Twitter account received praise from Doug Powers for sharing “the best April Fool joke” of the day.

Others merely pointed out the inaccuracies in Biden’s remarks, highlighting the context that was absent (specifically, the forced lockdowns and closures brought on by COVID), and contended that the economy would have stabilized once things opened whether or not Biden had taken any action.

“Small businesses were closed and people lost their jobs by mandate. The small relief program the SBA put forth under your admin was sued for discrimination, and promised funds were pulled from them last minute in a disgraceful maneuver. Otherwise, great tweet,” Carol Roth tweeted.

“When you took office, inflation was at 1.4% and gas was $2.39/gal. Today, inflation is at 6% and gas is $3.50/gal. Real wages have fallen for 23 straight months. The list goes on and on and on,” Jake Schneider added.

Twitter’s Community Notes even fact-checked the president, noting that the missing context actually made a big difference.

“Context is needed to remind readers that President Biden took office in January 2021, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, which had started to spread early in 2020, causing significant business closings and job loss,” one of the noted read.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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