All hell will break loose if Republicans win this one race

The 2022 midterms are proving to be a hotly contested cycle this time around. Everything is up for grabs for Republicans and Democrats alike.

And all hell will break loose if Republicans with this one race that they were never supposed to get close to winning.

The west coast is often a very hostile area for Republicans hoping to run for any level of office.

In California, Oregon, and Washington, Democrats dominate local, state, and federal elections. Democrats are expected to win everything from local Sherriff to U.S. Senate races.

One race that Democrats have held in their back pocket for a very long time is Oregon’s governorship.

For nearly forty years, Democrats have dominated races for the Oregon Governor’s mansion. Republicans simply have not come close to winning that race for quite some time.

Joe Biden even won the state of Oregon by a whopping 16 points in the 2020 Presidential election.

But the tides have changed.

Reports indicate that the Republican nominee running for Oregon Governor, Christie Drazan, is in a virtual tie with her Democrat opponent Tina Kotek.

This is such a huge deal, even the Wall Street Journal published a dedicated, lengthy piece on the race and how the GOP could very well win it.

The Wall Street Journal reports:

Oregonians might choose a Republican governor for the first time in 40 years, polls show, as voters look for new leadership to take on homelessness and crime and a well-funded independent candidate complicates the race.

Former Democratic state House Speaker Tina Kotek and former state House GOP leader Christine Drazan are running evenly at just under 39%, according to the polling average on the website FiveThirtyEight.

The Wall Street Journal points out that there are many reasons why the GOP could finally win the governor’s race in Oregon.

One is that there’s a liberal independent who is pulling more votes away from Democrat Tina Kotek rather than Christine Drazan.

Even still, political pollers have noted that it’s more than just that.

Voters seem fed up with the drug and crime issues that are plaguing Oregon’s cities and suburbs.

This is a sentiment shared by millions of other Americans who feel like they can’t trust the Democrats right now on law & order.

Combine that with a Democrat President who is severely underwater with his approval ratings, and you have a recipe for disaster for the Democrats at the ballot box.

We’ve already seen races that should have been won by Democrats in a landslide go Republican. Consider in 2021 the New Jersey State Senate President Democrat who lost his race to a no-name Republican trucker who spent $153 on his campaign.

All this shows that plenty of Americans are tired of the Democrats’ antics. And it will likely show at the ballot box this year.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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