American soldiers are in imminent danger thanks to this awful act by Joe and Kamala

The Democrats have sold out our country. It’s as if they don’t care who gets hurt.

And now American soldiers are in imminent danger thanks to this awful act by Joe and Kamala.

Our politicians should be focusing on making America stronger, safer, and more prosperous.

Instead, it seems like all they want to do is score political points or go to bat for their favorite groups.

But now it’s costing the safety of our men and women in arms.

Viktor Bout, the infamous Russian arms dealer who was once behind bars in the U.S. for terrorism-related offenses, is now reportedly back in business, thanks to the ill-advised prisoner swap orchestrated by the Biden-Harris administration.

Bout, who was released in exchange for WNBA player Brittney Griner, has wasted no time returning to his old ways—this time, selling weapons to terrorists who are directly targeting U.S. forces.

According to The Wall Street Journal, Bout is now arming the Houthis, an Iranian-backed terrorist group based in Yemen.

The Houthis, emboldened by their newfound arsenal, have been responsible for numerous attacks on merchant vessels in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, ramping up their aggression following the Hamas-led terrorist attack on October 7.

Their list of targets isn’t just limited to ships—they’ve also attacked Israel and launched strikes on U.S. Navy warships, even managing to down several U.S. surveillance drones, each worth over $30 million.

The Houthis reportedly met with Bout in Moscow a few months ago, where they negotiated a deal for $10 million worth of automatic weapons under the guise of purchasing “pesticides and vehicles.”

While Bout has claimed that these allegations are “baseless,” his refusal to directly deny the accusations only raises more questions.

What’s unclear, as The Wall Street Journal pointed out, is whether Bout’s arms deals are being conducted on behalf of the Russian government or simply with its tacit approval.

Either way, the Houthis were able to secure new assault rifles and had discussions about acquiring more lethal weapons, including Kornet antitank missiles and antiaircraft systems.

It’s a chilling reminder of just how dangerous Bout is, and how disastrous the Biden administration’s decision to release him has turned out to be.

Bout was originally convicted in 2011 for attempting to sell millions of dollars’ worth of missiles to Colombia’s FARC, a terrorist group aiming to shoot down U.S. military helicopters.

At the time, then-Attorney General Eric Holder remarked that “Viktor Bout’s arms trafficking activity and support of armed conflicts have been a source of concern around the globe for decades.”

The verdict back in 2011 was seen as justice being served, with U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara highlighting that Bout was prepared to sell a weapons cache that “would be the envy of some small countries.”

Now, however, Bout is back on the loose, and terrorists around the world are cashing in.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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