Astonishing mistake exposes this truth about Donald Trump

What just happened on Monday morning is shocking. And it could blow up in top officials’ faces.

And an astonishing mistake exposed this truth about Donald Trump.

On Monday morning, a suspicious mistake was made.

As the heat ramps up surrounding Donald Trump, more and more people are raising questions as to the validity of these indictments.

Well, on Monday morning, a grand jury in Georgia indicted Trump and 18 others on charges of “violating Georgia’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act through participation in a criminal enterprise in Fulton County, Georgia, and elsewhere, to accomplish the illegal goal of allowing Donald J Trump to fees, the presidential term of office, beginning on January, 20 21.”

What happened right before the grand jury had finished deliberating is what is raising people’s eyebrows and suspicions.

Before the jury had even finished, charges were leaked online that showed the charges voted on by the jury.

This raised a lot of concern about the integrity of the judicial system in Georgia, especially when it came to the Trump indictment.

If everything were honest and truthful, why would these charges appear online the exact way the jury voted, before the jury had even finished?

When the DA, Fani Willis, was asked about these suspicious leaks, she refused to give a clear answer.

“No, I can’t tell you anything about what you refer to,” she said when asked.

Later the DA’s office claimed these leaks were “fictitious.”

Even if they were fictitious as the DA claims, they were surprisingly accurate to what the grand jury later decided on.

Many already have been questioning themselves on the validity of these charges and much of what Trump is being charged with.

This strange leak exposes the truth for many. Even if things are as they claim, there is at least something fishy going on here.

This most recent indictment is considered by many to be the final straw.

And with these new leaks, before the grand jury had voted, many are outraged.

Where is the honest system of justice in America?

Why is there so much whispering and hiding the truth on such major cases such as these?

The American people are demanding answers, and they aren’t going anywhere until they get them.

Some feel that this truly is a “witch hunt” as Trump calls it and others demand answers to easy questions.

But everyone demands honesty and integrity which does not seem to be present even as more and more shady issues arise.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we report on this breaking news.

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