Biden administration caught bringing terrorists into the United States

The Biden administration has made it clear that they do not care about the US. But no one thought they would go this far.

And now the Biden administration has been caught bringing terrorists into the US.

Border Patrol agents recently apprehended three Palestinian terror suspects who illegally entered the United States through the southern border. This incident has majorly highlighted the growing concern over the Biden administration’s handling of border security and demonstrates a systemic failure that potentially endangers American lives.

The individuals were part of a larger group of illegal aliens crossing through the San Diego sector. This sector has become a hotspot for illegal entries, with Border Patrol agents increasingly overwhelmed and under-resourced.

The New York Post reports that the Border Patrol lacks the necessary tools to effectively screen and assess the flood of illegal entrants, raising serious questions about national security.

One of the Palestinian suspects had a disturbing image on their phone depicting a masked man holding an automatic rifle. Although the specific terrorist group affiliation remains unclear, the implications are alarming.

A Border Patrol agent, speaking anonymously, expressed frustration and a sense of futility: “I wanted to get into Border Patrol and protect from terrorists. And it’s like, well, I probably let terrorists into the country.” This sentiment reflects the broader dissatisfaction within the ranks of those charged with protecting our borders.

Adding to the gravity of the situation, another apprehended individual was a Turkish national with known ties to terror groups.

The Biden administration’s recent changes to asylum regulations, though intended to manage the influx of migrants, appear to contain loopholes that facilitate the reentry of potentially dangerous individuals.

Border Patrol agents rely heavily on U.S. terror watchlists to flag potential threats. However, the lack of access to international criminal databases severely hampers their efforts.

As one agent lamented, “Knowing who these guys are, we have, like, no access to anything international. We really don’t know.”

In response to the October 7 massacre in Israel, the federal law enforcement agency issued a memo urging heightened vigilance for hostile actors attempting to cross the border from the Middle East.

The San Diego Field Office Intelligence Unit warned that individuals motivated by the Israel-Hamas conflict might attempt to infiltrate the U.S. via Mexico. The memo included details on identifying marks and patches associated with groups like Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah.

This is not an isolated incident. The number of illegal immigrants flagged on the terror watchlist has soared under the Biden administration.

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data reveals a dramatic increase from 26 individuals between 2017 and 2020 to 98 in 2022, and 169 in 2023. These figures paint a stark picture of the growing threat posed by inadequate border security.

The administration’s failure to adequately address border security is not a new criticism. President Biden and his team have repeatedly downplayed the issue, even as public disapproval of their handling of the border crisis mounts. Critics argue that the administration’s approach is not only ineffective but dangerously negligent.

The Biden administration’s response to these failures has been lackluster. Despite the clear and present danger, there has been little meaningful action to bolster border security. Instead, the focus has often been on downplaying the severity of the situation and dismissing legitimate concerns as political stunts.

In light of these recent apprehensions, there is an urgent need for a comprehensive overhaul of border security protocols. This includes better funding for the Border Patrol, enhanced training, and greater access to international criminal databases. Without these measures, the U.S. remains vulnerable to infiltration by hostile actors intent on causing harm.

The arrest of three Palestinian terror suspects at the southern border is a reminder of the Biden administration’s border security failures. As the number of illegal crossings continues to rise, so too does the risk to national security.

It is imperative that immediate and decisive action is taken to secure our borders and protect the American people from the very real threat posed by terrorist infiltration.

We must hold our elected officials accountable for their actions.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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