Chilling new DoD report shows massive new threat to United States because of Biden

Joe Biden’s foreign policies and defense policies are atrocious. But even then, people didn’t think things could get this bad.

But a chilling new DoD report shows a massive new threat to the United States because of Biden.

The U.S. military is currently “not prepared” to engage in a major conflict, with major powers like China and Russia posing unprecedented threats to national security, according to a report by the Commission on the National Defense Strategy released in July. The report highlighted the severity of these threats, describing them as the most significant since World War II.

The Commission’s report highlights a series of critical shortcomings within the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), identifying outdated business practices, byzantine research processes, and an over-reliance on decades-old military hardware as primary obstacles.

These issues, the report asserts, are remnants of an era of uncontested military dominance and are ill-suited to the current strategic environment.

“The threats the United States faces are the most serious and most challenging the nation has encountered since 1945 and include the potential for near-term major war,” the report states. “The United States last fought a global conflict during World War II, which ended nearly 80 years ago. The nation was last prepared for such a fight during the Cold War, which ended 35 years ago. It is not prepared today.”

China and Russia have emerged as the primary adversaries challenging U.S. military supremacy. The report details how China, through two decades of focused military investment, has largely negated U.S. military advantages in the Western Pacific. The Chinese government’s defense budget, estimated at $711 billion annually, was further increased by 7.2% in March 2024.

“Without significant change by the United States, the balance of power will continue to shift in China’s favor,” the report warns.

In addition, the report highlights the strategic partnership between China and Russia, established as a “no-limits” alliance in February 2022. This partnership has since expanded to include military and economic collaboration with Iran and North Korea, creating a formidable axis opposed to U.S. interests.

“This new alignment of nations opposed to U.S. interests creates a real risk, if not likelihood, that conflict anywhere could become a multitheater or global war,” the report explains. “The U.S. needs a similarly integrated approach to match, deter, and overcome theirs.”

The report also addresses recruitment shortfalls, which have led to a decrease in the size of the Army, Air Force, and Navy. This decline in personnel further exacerbates the military’s readiness issues.

The U.S. defense industrial base (DIB) is cited as being unable to meet the equipment, technology, and munitions needs of the United States and its allies. To mitigate this, the report suggests increased coordination and partnership with allied nations to bolster industrial capacity.

The Commission calls for comprehensive reforms across the DOD and other relevant agencies, emphasizing the need to “rewrite laws and regulations” to eliminate barriers to innovation, budgeting, and procurement.

“New authorities may be needed to promote jointness, strengthen the DoD workforce, and supplement the national security authorities of other agencies,” the report states. “Integration with allies requires dismantling barriers to information-sharing, coproduction, and exports.”

Despite these glaring vulnerabilities, the Biden administration’s response has been alarmingly inadequate. Many argue that President Biden’s defense and foreign policies have been weak and indecisive, failing to adequately address the growing threats from China and Russia.

President Biden’s defense budget has not focused enough on modernizing military hardware or reforming outdated practices within the DOD. Instead, the administration has been preoccupied with politically charged domestic issues, diverting attention and resources away from critical defense needs.

Biden’s approach to foreign policy has also been criticized for lacking a clear, coherent strategy. His administration’s attempts to engage with adversarial powers have often appeared more conciliatory than firm, potentially emboldening countries like China and Russia to challenge U.S. interests more aggressively.

The recent joint military exercises by Russian and Chinese bombers off the coast of Alaska serve as a stark reminder of the growing coordination between these adversaries. This unprecedented move underscores the urgency for the U.S. to reassess its defense strategies and fortify its military capabilities.

The findings of the Commission on the National Defense Strategy underscore a critical need for the United States to modernize its military practices and equipment, enhance recruitment efforts, and foster stronger alliances to counter the growing threats posed by China and Russia. As global tensions rise and adversarial powers continue to strengthen their military capabilities, the urgency for the U.S. to address these vulnerabilities has never been greater.

President Biden’s administration must prioritize national defense and adopt a more assertive stance in foreign policy to safeguard U.S. interests and maintain global stability.

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