Democrat lawmakers secretly plot behind Harris’ back

Kamala Harris is extremely unpopular even among Democrats. And now, people are starting to take action.

And Democrat lawmakers are secretly plotting behind Harris’ back.

As Vice President Kamala Harris continues to push her radical economic agenda, including a disastrous plan for price controls, it’s becoming increasingly clear that her proposals are not just alarming conservatives but are causing panic even within her own party.

The Biden-Harris administration has already inflicted severe economic damage on America, and now Harris’s latest moves have her own supporters scrambling to distance themselves from her toxic policies.

The economic toll of the Biden-Harris administration is undeniable. From skyrocketing inflation to stagnant wages, Americans are feeling the pinch in every aspect of their lives. Harris, who has been an integral part of this administration, has played a key role in driving policies that have led to one of the worst economic periods in modern American history.

Yet, instead of acknowledging her failures, Harris is doubling down on the same reckless policies that have already caused so much harm.

The most recent example of Harris’s economic irresponsibility is her proposal for sweeping price controls across various economic sectors, including the grocery industry. The idea that the federal government should dictate prices is not only economically unsound but also reeks of the failed socialist policies that have led to poverty and scarcity in countries like Venezuela.

It’s no wonder that Harris’s plan quickly earned the nickname “Kamunism” on social media, a term that has resonated with Americans who understand the dangers of government overreach.

Former President Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, was quick to condemn Harris’s proposal, labeling it as “communist.” But it’s not just conservatives who are sounding the alarm.

The grocery industry, a critical sector of the economy, is deeply concerned about the potential for price controls to lead to empty shelves and higher prices for consumers. Even some economists who have traditionally aligned with the Democratic Party are expressing serious doubts about the feasibility and wisdom of Harris’s plan.

Perhaps the most telling sign of Harris’s growing isolation is the lack of support she’s receiving from her own party. According to reports from Politico, Democratic lawmakers and Congressional aides have been privately dismissing Harris’s price control plan as a non-starter.

They argue that the proposal is more about generating talking points than offering a serious solution to inflation. These unnamed Democrats have made it clear that they do not see price control or price gouging bills gaining any traction in Congress.

One anonymous Democratic lawmaker described Harris’s plan as “very general, very lofty goals,” essentially acknowledging that the proposal is more about posturing than practicality. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, a prominent Democrat, echoed this sentiment on NBC’s Meet the Press, urging people not to take Harris’s proposals too seriously.

Whitmer’s comments suggest that even within her own party, Harris is being viewed as out of touch and politically desperate.

The skepticism extends to the logistics of Harris’s plan. The degree of antitrust enforcement required to implement these price controls would be a significant hurdle in both the House and Senate. One Democratic source candidly admitted to Politico, “I honestly still don’t know how this would work.” This lack of clarity underscores the perception that Harris is more interested in making headlines than in crafting viable economic policy.

A key concern among Democrats and industry insiders is where Harris is getting her policy advice. Her increasing embrace of government control over prices, housing, and other sectors has raised eyebrows, even among those who typically support more progressive policies.

Harris’s shift from discussing “price controls” to “price gouging” is seen by many as a thinly veiled attempt to avoid the negative connotations of outright price setting, but the underlying intent remains the same: expanding government power at the expense of market freedom.

During the Democratic National Convention, Harris’s economic advisor, Brian Nelson, attempted to reassure critics by claiming that the federal government would only intervene in cases of “price gouging” during national emergencies. However, Nelson’s inability to define what constitutes an emergency or to provide concrete examples of price gouging by corporations only added to the skepticism.

His vague and unconvincing defense of Harris’s plan did little to alleviate concerns that this is just another attempt to deflect blame from the Biden-Harris administration’s role in causing inflation.

The grocery industry, which operates on razor-thin profit margins, has been particularly vocal in its opposition to Harris’s proposal. Industry leaders have pointed out that the idea that grocery stores are responsible for inflation is not only false but also ignores the real culprit: the Biden-Harris administration’s reckless spending.

The trillions of dollars poured into so-called Covid relief and questionable infrastructure projects have flooded the economy with money, driving up demand while supply remains constrained. The result has been higher prices across the board, a reality that grocery store owners find both unfair and mendacious.

One industry source told Politico, “I’m sure it polls well, but it’s an obvious effort to deflect blame from her administration on inflation.” This sentiment reflects a broader concern that Harris is more interested in scoring political points than in addressing the root causes of the economic challenges facing Americans.

The grocery industry’s resistance to Harris’s plan is a clear indication that her policies are not only misguided but also potentially disastrous for the very people she claims to want to help.

As Kamala Harris continues her campaign for the presidency, it’s becoming increasingly apparent that she is a candidate in decline. Her radical economic proposals, lack of support within her own party, and the backlash from key industries all point to a politician who is out of touch with reality. Even her so-called supporters are plotting behind her back, understanding that allowing Harris to continue on her current path could lead to even greater economic destruction.

Harris’s desperation is evident in her attempts to distance herself from the Biden administration’s failures while simultaneously pushing for even more government control. But the American people are not fooled. They see through Harris’s rhetoric and understand that her policies will only lead to more economic pain and suffering.

The economic damage inflicted by the Biden-Harris administration has been severe, and Kamala Harris’s latest proposals only threaten to make things worse. As Americans continue to grapple with the consequences of inflation, stagnant wages, and economic uncertainty, it is clear that the last thing this country needs is more government intervention and price controls.

Kamala Harris’s radical economic agenda must be rejected, not only by conservatives but by all Americans who value freedom, prosperity, and the principles of a market-based economy. The future of our nation depends on it.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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