Former Hunter associate speaks out in support of Trump

The entire Biden family surrounds itself with crazy and extreme liberals. But it seems that some of that might be changing.

Because a former Hunter associate has spoken out in support of Trump.

In a shocking twist, Hunter Biden’s former business partner and longtime confidant, Devon Archer, has reportedly aligned himself with former President Donald Trump and the Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement.

Archer’s shift in political loyalty, as reported by the National Pulse, has sent shockwaves through political circles, raising questions about the integrity of the Biden family and the future of the Biden presidency.

Archer’s decision to support Trump was made public by Lori Mills, a Republican Party committeewoman in Ventura County, California, who posted a photo on X (formerly Twitter) showing Archer attending a Beverly Hills fundraiser for Trump. Mills wrote, “Great time tonight at President Trump’s Fundraiser in Beverly Hills! Did you know Hunter Biden’s old business partner is now MAGA? Can’t blame him!”

This revelation comes at a crucial time for the Biden administration, as the House of Representatives ramps up its investigation into Hunter Biden’s business activities and their connection to President Joe Biden. Archer has already provided damning testimony to Congress, admitting that Hunter frequently put his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, on the phone during business meetings.

Archer’s insider knowledge has become a key component in the House’s ongoing impeachment inquiry, which alleges that Joe Biden used his political office for the financial benefit of his son and other family members.

Devon Archer has been a central figure in the unraveling saga of Hunter Biden’s shady business dealings, particularly during Joe Biden’s tenure as vice president under President Barack Obama. Archer served on the board of Burisma, the controversial Ukrainian energy company that paid Hunter Biden tens of thousands of dollars per month despite his lack of relevant experience.

During his testimony before House committees, Archer revealed that Hunter often used his father’s political influence to advance their business interests. Most shockingly, Archer testified that Joe Biden participated in at least 20 business-related calls while serving as vice president, casting a shadow over the White House’s insistence that President Biden was not involved in his son’s business ventures.

This direct connection between Joe Biden and his son’s foreign dealings has fueled accusations that the current president abused his office for personal gain. Republicans in Congress have pushed forward with an impeachment inquiry, which continues to unearth new evidence of corruption within the Biden family.

While Democrats dismiss the investigations as politically motivated, Archer’s testimony—and now his open support for Trump—adds another layer of credibility to the mounting allegations against the president.

The fact that Devon Archer, once one of Hunter Biden’s closest business associates, is now a supporter of Donald Trump suggests that even those closest to the Bidens are beginning to recognize the gravity of the situation. Archer’s decision to switch sides can be seen as a sign that the walls are closing in on Joe Biden, as more and more individuals with firsthand knowledge of the Bidens’ business dealings come forward with damaging information.

Despite the growing evidence against him, Joe Biden and his allies in the media have largely downplayed the significance of Archer’s testimony. The White House has continued to insist that Joe Biden had no involvement in his son’s business activities, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

In fact, President Biden’s administration has gone on the offensive, attempting to frame the impeachment inquiry as a partisan attack orchestrated by Republicans to distract from Trump’s legal troubles.

However, the facts tell a different story. Archer’s revelations have painted a picture of a deeply corrupt political family, willing to exploit the power and prestige of the vice presidency for personal financial gain. The House of Representatives continues to uncover evidence of the Biden family’s foreign entanglements, including questionable business deals in China, Ukraine, and elsewhere.

Meanwhile, the mainstream media has done little to hold the president accountable, further fueling the perception that the Biden family is protected by powerful forces within the establishment.

Adding to the growing disillusionment with the Biden administration is the president’s own handling of the legal troubles surrounding Hunter Biden. Earlier this year, Hunter pleaded guilty to three felony charges, including tax evasion and unlawful possession of a firearm.

When asked whether President Biden would consider pardoning his son, the White House issued a statement saying that Joe Biden would not pardon Hunter, a move that critics argue was designed to distance the president from the scandal. But for many Americans, this hollow gesture does little to erase the perception that the Biden family has long operated under a different set of rules than the rest of the country.

Devon Archer’s open support for Trump is a major blow to the Biden camp, especially as the 2024 presidential election approaches. Archer’s decision to attend a Trump fundraiser in Beverly Hills suggests that he has not only distanced himself from the Bidens but has also embraced the political movement that stands in stark opposition to everything Joe Biden represents.

Archer’s presence at the fundraiser sends a clear message: even those who were once deeply entrenched in the Biden family’s business dealings are now turning their backs on the president.

The timing of Archer’s political shift is particularly significant. As Trump continues to solidify his position as the frontrunner for the Republican nomination, Archer’s endorsement provides additional momentum for the MAGA movement. Trump’s message of “draining the swamp” and holding corrupt politicians accountable resonates with millions of Americans who are fed up with the entrenched political class in Washington, D.C.

Archer’s support for Trump underscores the growing frustration with the Biden administration’s failure to deliver on its promises of transparency and accountability.

In many ways, Archer’s switch to the Trump camp is emblematic of a larger trend in American politics. More and more Americans, disillusioned by the failures of the Biden administration and the corruption within the Democratic Party, are flocking to Trump’s message of America First. The MAGA movement, which began as a populist revolt against the political establishment, has now become the dominant force in conservative politics, with Trump at its helm.

The question now is whether the House’s impeachment inquiry will lead to real consequences for Joe Biden. Despite Archer’s testimony and the growing body of evidence linking the president to his son’s business dealings, Democrats in Congress remain staunchly opposed to any efforts to hold Biden accountable.

Meanwhile, the mainstream media continues to provide cover for the president, downplaying the significance of the investigations and dismissing Archer’s revelations as politically motivated.

However, with Devon Archer now firmly in the Trump camp, it becomes increasingly difficult for Biden and his allies to sweep these allegations under the rug. Archer’s defection adds another layer of legitimacy to the impeachment inquiry, as it shows that even those closest to the Bidens are willing to break ranks and speak out against the corruption that has long plagued the Biden family.

As the 2024 election approaches, the American people will have a choice to make. Will they continue to tolerate the corruption and abuse of power that has defined the Biden administration? Or will they turn to Donald Trump, a leader who has promised to clean up Washington and restore accountability to the federal government? The answer to that question may well determine the future of the country.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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