Former Walz associate stabs him in the back and exposes him

Tim Walz is a liar and hated by many. But no one was expecting this betrayal.

Because a former Walz associate has stabbed him in the back and exposed him.

The political landscape in America has long been plagued by politicians who put on a façade to appeal to the masses, but few have mastered the art of deception as effectively as Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.

Once hailed as a champion of the people, Walz has repeatedly shown himself to be nothing more than a fraud and a liar, as evidenced by the recent scathing remarks made by Retired Command Sergeant Major Thomas Behrends.

The exposure of Walz’s military record, or lack thereof, along with his deceptive practices, reveals a man who is not only unfit to hold office but is a disgrace to the very principles he claims to uphold.

Tim Walz has long flaunted his military service as a badge of honor, using it as a tool to garner support and legitimacy among voters. However, as Retired Command Sergeant Major Thomas Behrends recently highlighted in a Facebook post, Walz’s military career is riddled with lies and exaggerations.

Behrends, who succeeded Walz after his retirement from the Minnesota National Guard, did not mince words when he described Walz as a “traitor” and a “military imposter.” These accusations are not baseless; they are grounded in Walz’s own actions and the misrepresentation of his military service.

In his Facebook post, Behrends called attention to the glaring discrepancies in Walz’s portrayal of his military career. A photo of Walz in military uniform was juxtaposed with an image of him dressed in a drag queen outfit, symbolizing the duality of his public persona—one that he wants the public to see and another that reveals who he truly is.

Behrends’ post goes on to describe Walz as a “Traitor, Deserter, Military Imposter,” a man who has been “drug out of his outhouse and into the light” for the American people to see his true colors.

The most damning evidence against Walz is his decision to leave the military just before his unit was deployed to Iraq. In an interview with the New York Post, Behrends lambasted Walz for abandoning his comrades and shirking his duty to his country.

“He had the opportunity to serve his country, and said ‘Screw you’ to the United States,” Behrends stated. This act of cowardice is not something one would expect from a man who now seeks to serve as Vice President of the United States.

The controversy surrounding Walz’s military service does not end with his premature departure from the National Guard. Walz has also been accused of “stolen valor,” a term used to describe individuals who falsely claim military honors or exaggerate their service record.

According to reports, Walz has misleadingly claimed to have retired at the rank of Command Sergeant Major, or E-9, when in reality, he retired as a Master Sergeant, or E-8.

This distinction may seem minor to the uninitiated, but to those who have served in the military, it is a significant misrepresentation of one’s achievements and experience.

Breitbart News uncovered an archived press release from Walz’s 2005 congressional campaign, in which Walz claimed to be a Command Sergeant Major. This claim was later debunked, as it was revealed that Walz had been conditionally promoted to the rank of Command Sergeant Major but did not fulfill the necessary requirements to retain that rank.

As a result, his promotion was rescinded, and he retired at a lower rank. Despite this, Walz continued to present himself as a higher-ranking officer, misleading voters and the public about his true military standing.

This fraudulent behavior is not only a slap in the face to those who have genuinely earned their ranks through hard work and dedication, but it also raises serious questions about Walz’s character and integrity. If he is willing to lie about something as sacred as his military service, what else is he willing to deceive the public about?

Tim Walz’s deceit is not limited to his military record; it extends to his political career as well. As governor of Minnesota, Walz has consistently failed to deliver on his promises and has shown a blatant disregard for the truth.

His tenure has been marked by a series of failures, from his mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic to his disastrous response to the riots that ravaged Minneapolis in the wake of George Floyd’s death.

Under Walz’s leadership, Minnesota has become a state of chaos and division. His inability to maintain law and order, coupled with his pandering to radical leftist groups, has left the state in a state of disarray. Walz’s policies have led to a rise in crime, a decline in public safety, and an exodus of businesses and residents from the state.

Yet, despite these glaring failures, Walz continues to paint himself as a champion of the people, all while ignoring the voices of the very constituents he claims to represent.

Walz’s duplicity is further exemplified by his recent decision to run as Vice President Kamala Harris’s running mate in the upcoming presidential election. By aligning himself with Harris, Walz has shown that he is more interested in advancing his political career than in serving the people of Minnesota.

Harris, known for her own brand of radical leftism and flip-flopping on key issues, is the perfect match for Walz—a politician who is willing to say and do whatever it takes to gain power, regardless of the truth.

The recent revelations about Tim Walz’s military service and his ongoing pattern of deception should serve as a wake-up call to voters. Walz is not the hero he portrays himself to be; he is a fraud and a liar who has repeatedly betrayed the trust of the American people. From his decision to abandon his military unit to his false claims of a higher rank, Walz has shown that he is willing to deceive the public to further his own agenda.

As voters, it is our responsibility to hold our elected officials accountable for their actions. Tim Walz has proven time and again that he is not worthy of the trust placed in him by the people of Minnesota. His record of lies and deceit disqualifies him from holding any position of power, let alone serving as Vice President of the United States.

In the coming months, as the election draws nearer, it is imperative that we, the American people, remain vigilant and informed. We cannot allow politicians like Tim Walz to continue to deceive us with their lies and false promises.

The truth must be brought to light, and those who seek to lead our nation must be held to the highest standards of integrity and honesty.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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