George Soros scored a major victory that could sink conservatives in 2024

Republicans received some bad news. Democrats were couldn’t contain their excitement.

That’s because George Soros scored a major victory that could sink conservatives in 2024.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton received 65% of the vote in Miami-Dade County, Florida.

In 2020, however, former President Donald Trump changed the script, gaining 54% of the vote in the county to Joe Biden’s 46%.

And in the 2022 Midterms, Democrats faired even worse than many expected.

Thanks to Ron DeSantis’ leadership, the entire state of Florida swept red, solidifying itself as a red state stronghold.

DeSantis won by almost 20% in the entire state, beating his opponent Charlie Crist 59.4 – 40%.

And in Miami-Dade County, he won 55.3% of the vote compared to Crist’s 44%.

The bulk of Miami-Dade County’s population is Hispanic, and Democrats were concerned that they would be wiped out unless they could increase their margins among Latino voters.

Instead of examining the policies that are driving away Hispanic voters, such as support for woke indoctrination in schools, open borders, and the violent Black Lives Matter movement, Democrats concluded that their poor performance with Latinos in Florida was due to “misinformation” on Spanish-language radio.

To that purpose, a George Soros-linked entity attempted to buy a collection of Spanish-language stations, including the famed Radio Mambi, which serves as a home base for the Cuban exile population, a group that frequently votes Republican.

“A liberal group linked to billionaire George Soros has been cleared by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to purchase Spanish-language radio stations throughout the country, rekindling concerns that a “radical political agenda” will influence information provided to Hispanic voters,” Fox News reported.

“Miami’s iconic, Spanish-language conservative talk radio station Radio Mambi is one of the 18 stations the Soros-backed Latino Media Network will purchase from Televisa Univision for a reported $60 million.”

“Radio Mambi, which is historically linked to the Cuban exile community and offers an anti-communism view, will be controlled by liberals once the deal is finalized,” the report continued.

“Latino Media Network, which is partially financed by an investment group affiliated with Soros Fund Management, is controlled by Jess Morales Rocketto, a former Hillary for America and AFL-CIO employee, and former Obama White House staffer Stephanie Valencia.”

Conservatives accused Soros of buying these stations with the intention of converting them into propaganda factories for the Democratic Party, ensuring that Latino voters in Florida only hear programming favorable to the Left in the run-up to the 2024 election.

After Florida Governor Ron DeSantis won a landslide re-election with 57% of the Hispanic vote statewide, Soros’ purchase of Spanish-language radio stations took on extra significance.

Democrats are counting on Soros-owned Spanish-language stations to control the information Latino voters hear in order to enable Joe Biden – or anyone Democrats choose – win in two years.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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