Hillary Clinton’s horrific anti-Trump comments have even Democrats shocked

The Radical Left has a habit of making dangerous comments about their political opponents. But a major line has been crossed.

And Hillary Clinton’s horrific anti-Trump comments have even Democrats worried.

In a concerning display of disregard for political violence, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton appeared on MSNBC just one day after an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, only to downplay the incident and call for the media to create a more consistent narrative of how “dangerous” Trump is.

During the interview with Rachel Maddow, Clinton’s comments laid bare the growing radicalism within the Democratic Party, which seems more interested in vilifying Trump than addressing real threats to democracy—like the attempted murder of a former president.

While Democrats like Clinton continue to preach about “protecting democracy,” their actions tell a different story. The failure to even acknowledge the gravity of the assassination attempt, and instead push an agenda to increase hostility toward Trump, is a clear indicator of how far the radical Left is willing to go in its war against conservative values.

The dangerous rhetoric being employed against Trump is nothing new, but the call to ignore violence against political opponents reaches a new, alarming low.

Clinton’s comments are telling. Rather than focusing on the assassination attempt, she instead complained about how the media isn’t doing enough to consistently attack Trump. “I don’t understand why it’s so difficult for the press to have a consistent narrative about how dangerous Trump is,” Clinton told Maddow.

The former Secretary of State went on to say that the media “careens from one outrage to the next” and that Trump’s “demagoguery” should be the singular focus of coverage.

This is the same Clinton who once claimed that civility should be restored to politics. However, her words now reveal a stark contrast—she is calling for an even more intense media campaign to portray Trump as a danger to the nation while completely ignoring the violent rhetoric and actions taken by the Left against the former president.

Clinton even went as far as to say that Trump has disqualified himself from office “over and over again,” while insisting that the media and the American people need to take him both “seriously and literally.”

But what about the real and literal violence being directed at Trump? Where is the media’s outcry over the fact that a Democrat, Ryan Wesley Routh, was able to get onto the golf course where Trump was playing and come within 400 yards of him with a firearm? Instead of addressing this clear act of political violence, the Left continues to focus on attacking Trump’s character and portraying him as a danger to democracy.

The assassination attempt on Trump is not an isolated incident—it is part of a larger trend of escalating political violence, often inspired by the very rhetoric that Clinton and others on the Left spew on a daily basis.

Earlier in the day, even as the attempt on Trump’s life was fresh in the news, the liberal media questioned whether Trump’s campaign would call for “toning down the violence,” despite the suspect having been identified as a Democrat who donated to ActBlue and had previously attempted to register foreign fighters to take up arms for Ukraine.

The suspect, Routh, was arrested after attempting to flee the scene of the crime. According to reports, U.S. Secret Service agents spotted his gun barrel through a chain-link fence near the edge of the golf course and opened fire. Routh fled the scene in an SUV, only to be arrested later in a neighboring county after a police shutdown of the highway. Yet, even with this clear and present danger to Trump’s life, there has been shockingly little outrage from the mainstream media or the Democratic establishment.

This lack of response is indicative of a broader problem within the Democratic Party and its allies in the media. Violence against conservatives, and particularly against Trump, is brushed aside, while even the smallest misstep by Trump or his supporters is blown out of proportion. The hypocrisy is staggering. On the one hand, the Left constantly rails against so-called “dangerous rhetoric” coming from Trump and his allies. On the other hand, they remain silent or even encourage violence when it is directed at him.

In her interview, Clinton didn’t just stop at calling for the media to increase their attacks on Trump. She went a step further, suggesting that Trump’s supporters could face civil or criminal penalties for what she called “propaganda.”

Clinton claimed that there needed to be a “deterrence” for Trump’s supporters, essentially advocating for the criminalization of political speech that doesn’t align with her worldview.

This is a dangerous path for any political leader to take, and it reveals just how authoritarian Clinton and her allies on the Left have become. By suggesting that Trump supporters should be punished for merely expressing their views, Clinton is promoting a form of censorship and intimidation that has no place in a free society. It’s one thing to disagree with Trump’s policies or rhetoric, but it’s another to call for legal penalties against his supporters simply for voicing their opinions.

Meanwhile, Trump’s campaign has released a list of all the violent rhetoric used by Democrats against the former president, a list that is pages long. From members of Congress openly calling for “uprisings” to leftist commentators encouraging violence against Trump supporters, the incitement is clear. Yet, when the violence actually occurs—as it did this past weekend—there is nothing but silence from the same people who once claimed to stand for civility and decency.

Perhaps the most egregious part of Clinton’s interview was her claim that Trump is the one responsible for spreading dangerous rhetoric. She told Maddow that Americans need to reject the “chaos” that Trump represents, referring to his time in office as a period of “romance with dictators” that “put innocent lives at risk.”

But what about the chaos that the Left has stirred up with its own rhetoric? What about the lives that are put at risk by the violent language used by Democrats and their supporters?

The attempted assassination of Trump should have been a wake-up call for those who constantly push the narrative that Trump is a danger to the country. But instead of condemning the violence, Clinton used her platform to push even more division and hostility. Her failure to even acknowledge the assassination attempt speaks volumes about where the priorities of the Democratic Party lie.

It’s clear that the Left has no interest in reducing political violence or bringing the country together. Their focus is solely on demonizing Trump and anyone who supports him, regardless of the consequences. By failing to hold their own supporters accountable for acts of violence and by calling for more attacks on Trump in the media, Clinton and her allies are pushing the nation further toward division and unrest.

We cannot stand by and allow political violence to be normalized. Whether it’s an assassination attempt on a former president or the calls for legal penalties against his supporters, these actions are a threat to the very fabric of our democracy.

The mainstream media, along with Democrats like Hillary Clinton, must be held accountable for their role in stoking the flames of division and hatred.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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