Joe Biden turned on Fox News and couldn’t believe what he heard from this surprise guest

The embarrassment of the Biden administration mean’s Joe isn’t safe from attacks within his own party. And those attacks have reached new heights.

Because Joe Biden turned on Fox News and was stunned by what he heard from this surprise guest.

Joe Biden’s lackadaisical approach to border security is allowing tens of thousands of unidentified illegal immigrants into the country.

Because of this, border towns have been overrun and destroyed, and this depravity has already spread to every neighborhood in America.

Joe Biden does not appear to be bothered by this at all.

Though even several Democrats are sounding the alarm.

Representative Henry Cuellar, who sits in the United States House of Representatives as the representative for Texas’ 26th District, is one such Democrat.

Rep. Cuellar is aware personally of the terrible effects that illegal immigration has on his constituency because the 26th District shares a very long and broad border with Mexico.

Rep. Cuellar was open about his dissatisfaction with Joe Biden’s soft posture on border security on Fox News’ America Reports last Tuesday.

When asked about his stance on Joe Biden’s border policies, Rep. Cuellar claimed “Well, look, policies have to change, policies have to change. You can change individuals, but if you don’t change the policies, then you’re not going to make a difference at the border.”

He then went on to say, “I will tell you this, that when you have large numbers of individuals coming in, you have to make sure that every person doesn’t have a criminal record . . . So, yes, when you have large numbers of people, you always run the risk that you’re going to find some bad apples in that large number.”

The fact that a Democrat is making these assertions ought to serve as a wake-up call to all Democrats who have been oblivious to this situation for years.

Democrats routinely reject worries about the southern border by characterizing them as “political” or “racial,” which is admittedly how they do with nearly any urgent issue they do not want to solve.

Border security is a problem shared by all political parties, therefore Joe Biden would be wise to prioritize it on his agenda.

Sadly, it doesn’t seem likely that this will occur anytime soon.

The reason for this is that by closing the border, Joe Biden and his radical allies in Washington, D.C., stand to lose politically.

Joe Biden’s main concern is turning illegal immigrants into Democratic voters, thus the more that enter the country, the more opportunity he has to do so.

After all, career politicians like Joe Biden are just interested in winning elections.

For political reasons, Joe Biden should stop prioritizing border security, but the results will be nothing short of catastrophic.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more updates on the southern border.

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