Kamala caught in a shocking lie during the debate and even her supporters are stunned

Kamala Harris lies all the time when addressing America. But this time, she has taken it too far.

And Harris was caught in a shocking lie that has left even her supporters stunned.

During Tuesday night’s debate, Vice President Kamala Harris blatantly lied about her position on gun confiscation, yet the establishment media — with ABC News moderator David Muir at the helm — allowed her to get away with it.

Harris claimed she has no intention of taking away Americans’ firearms, but her record shows otherwise. The fact that she was not challenged on this deceitful claim exposes the media’s clear bias against Donald Trump and their determination to protect Harris at all costs.

When pressed by former President Donald Trump, who correctly pointed out her past support for gun confiscation through mandatory buyback programs, Harris tried to cover her tracks. She responded, “Tim Walz and I are both gun owners. We’re not taking anybody’s guns away.” But this is the same Kamala Harris who, during her 2019 presidential campaign, openly supported the idea of mandatory gun buybacks. Back then, she stated, “I would support a mandatory buyback of assault weapons. This is what the American people want.”

Harris’s sudden change in rhetoric during the debate — claiming to be a staunch defender of gun rights because she owns a firearm — is a transparent political ploy. Harris’s ownership of a gun is not the issue; her support for taking guns away from law-abiding Americans is. She can’t claim to protect Second Amendment rights while advocating for policies that directly infringe upon them.

Trump, as always, cut to the heart of the matter when he responded, “She is destroying our country. She has a plan to defund the police. She has a plan to confiscate everybody’s guns. She has a plan to not allow fracking in Pennsylvania or anywhere else.” He accurately exposed Harris’s true agenda — an agenda that the establishment media refuses to report on truthfully.

The media’s treatment of Kamala Harris during the debate is just another example of how the mainstream press is actively working to shield her and other Democrats from scrutiny. When Harris claimed Trump was “lying” about her gun confiscation position, moderator David Muir didn’t bother to fact-check her or challenge her statement. This blatant media bias isn’t a one-off occurrence — it’s a pattern that has persisted throughout Trump’s political career.

From the moment Donald Trump entered the political arena, the media has been obsessed with smearing his name, downplaying his accomplishments, and amplifying every misstep of his administration.

In contrast, they have bent over backward to protect Kamala Harris, despite her clear policy failures and inconsistencies. Harris’s dishonesty about her stance on gun confiscation is a prime example of how the media covers for her.

Had Trump or any other conservative made such a blatant lie on the debate stage, the media would be up in arms, running 24/7 coverage on how this is “yet another example” of the supposed dishonesty of Republicans. But when Harris lies — particularly about an issue as important as gun rights — the media remains silent.

Harris’s attempt to claim that she doesn’t support gun confiscation contradicts her previous statements on the matter. During the 2019 Democratic primary debates, Harris was pressed on her support for a mandatory gun buyback program, a policy that would effectively amount to gun confiscation.

Former Vice President Joe Biden even pushed back against her at the time, pointing out that such a program would be unconstitutional. Harris’s response? “Yes, we can,” she said, brushing off Biden’s concerns with her characteristic flippant attitude.

Let’s be clear: a mandatory buyback program is not voluntary. It’s government-sanctioned confiscation, plain and simple. The idea that the federal government can force American citizens to give up their lawfully owned firearms should be alarming to anyone who values the Second Amendment. Harris’s attempts to dance around her past statements show her willingness to say anything to gain political favor, even if it means lying to the American people.

This isn’t just a political issue — it’s a fundamental constitutional issue. The right to bear arms is enshrined in the Second Amendment of the Constitution, and any attempt to undermine that right should be taken seriously. Yet Harris and her allies in the media continue to downplay the significance of her past support for gun confiscation.

Unlike Kamala Harris, Donald Trump has been a staunch defender of Americans’ Second Amendment rights throughout his presidency. Under Trump’s leadership, we saw an administration committed to protecting law-abiding gun owners from overreaching government mandates.

Trump understands what Harris and the Democrats fail to grasp — that gun ownership is not just a right, but a fundamental safeguard of personal freedom.

Trump’s criticism of Harris during the debate was spot on. He rightly pointed out her plans to defund the police, her desire to strip Americans of their Second Amendment rights, and her hostility toward energy independence, including fracking. Harris represents the worst of Democratic overreach, and her policies would only lead to further erosion of American freedoms.

The difference between Trump and Harris could not be more stark. While Trump fights for the rights of everyday Americans, Harris is more concerned with pandering to the far-left wing of her party. She may own a gun herself, but she has no problem supporting policies that would make it harder for law-abiding citizens to exercise their constitutional rights. The establishment media, predictably, refuses to call her out on this hypocrisy.

The media’s failure to hold Harris accountable for her statements is part of a broader effort to discredit Trump at every turn. The establishment media despises Trump because he refuses to play by their rules. They cannot control him, and that terrifies them. From day one, they have done everything in their power to undermine his presidency, twist his words, and downplay his achievements. Meanwhile, they prop up flawed candidates like Harris, turning a blind eye to their policy failures and inconsistencies.

But the American people see through the media’s bias. They know that Trump represents a movement that values freedom, personal responsibility, and limited government. They also know that Harris and the Democrats are pushing a radical agenda that seeks to dismantle those very principles.

The establishment media’s constant attacks on Trump are not just about him — they’re about what he represents. Trump is a threat to the status quo, and the media will stop at nothing to hinder him. Harris, on the other hand, is a product of that status quo, and the media will do everything they can to protect her, even if it means ignoring her lies and pretending her policies aren’t a threat to the American way of life.

Kamala Harris’s lie about her position on gun confiscation during the debate is just the latest example of her dishonesty and the media’s complicity in covering for her. The establishment media hates Trump because he stands up to them, and they will do everything in their power to block him from returning to the White House.

But despite their efforts, Trump continues to resonate with the American people because he fights for their freedoms, including their Second Amendment rights.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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