Kamala Harris accidentally just told the whole world how she is going to destroy America

The Radical Left is up to something. And up until now, it has been a secret.

But now, Kamala Harris accidentally just told the whole world how she is going to destroy America.

Vice President Kamala Harris, in a speech that should alarm every American concerned about the future of our nation, vowed to push through two highly controversial policies if she becomes president: amnesty for millions of illegal aliens and the imposition of nationwide no-excuse mail-in voting. These policies are not just misguided; they are dangerous and threaten the very fabric of our Republic.

During a rally in Glendale, Arizona, Harris doubled down on her support for what she calls “comprehensive reform” of the immigration system.

But let’s be clear: this is nothing more than a euphemism for amnesty, a policy that would effectively reward lawbreakers with the ultimate prize—American citizenship.

Harris claimed that the immigration system is “broken” and that comprehensive reform, including strong border security and a pathway to citizenship, is the solution.

However, what she conveniently ignores is that amnesty would immediately flood the labor market with millions of newly legalized workers.

These are workers who, by virtue of their illegal status, are willing to accept lower wages and fewer benefits, putting enormous downward pressure on the wages of American workers—particularly those in the working and middle classes.

Already, under the Biden-Harris administration, we’ve seen millions of American jobs filled by foreign-born workers, while millions of native-born Americans have been sidelined.

According to the Heritage Foundation’s economist E.J. Antoni, all of the job growth under Biden and Harris has gone to foreign-born workers—a category that the Bureau of Labor Statistics admits includes illegal aliens.

This means that American citizens—those who are supposed to be the primary beneficiaries of our nation’s economic growth—are being left behind. Instead, they are forced to compete with a growing pool of cheap, newly legalized labor. This is not just bad economic policy; it’s a betrayal of the American worker.

As if the potential economic damage from Harris’s amnesty plan weren’t enough, she also promised to “finally pass” the Freedom to Vote Act. This legislation would mandate nationwide no-excuse mail-in voting, a policy that has already proven to be rife with potential for fraud and abuse.

Under this plan, every registered voter could request a mail-in ballot without providing any reason. The legislation also mandates the widespread use of drop boxes for returning these ballots and automatic voter registration unless individuals explicitly opt out.

This is a system ripe for exploitation. Consider the case in Cook County, Illinois, where nearly 400 foreign nationals were found on voter rolls since 2007.

Experts have pointed out that providing voter registration at DMV offices—where automatic registration is common—was responsible for this alarming error.

Harris’s push for no-excuse mail-in voting would effectively remove one of the last remaining safeguards in our electoral process: in-person voting. In-person voting, with proper identification, is the best way to ensure that each vote is cast by a legitimate voter and that the integrity of our elections is preserved.

Mail-in voting, on the other hand, opens the door to a range of potential abuses, from ballot harvesting to outright voter fraud.

What is the real motivation behind Harris’s push for these radical policies? It’s simple: power. By granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens and pushing for widespread mail-in voting, Harris and her allies in the Democratic Party are attempting to reshape the electorate in their favor.

Amnesty would create millions of new voters who, they hope, will be loyal to the party that granted them citizenship.

Meanwhile, no-excuse mail-in voting would make it easier for them to manipulate election outcomes, ensuring that they remain in power for generations to come.

This is not about compassion or fairness; it’s about consolidating political power at the expense of the American people.

If Harris’s policies are enacted, the consequences for our country would be dire. American workers would see their wages further depressed as they are forced to compete with millions of newly legalized foreign workers.

Our electoral system, already strained, would be further undermined by policies that make voter fraud easier to commit and harder to detect.

Moreover, the very notion of citizenship would be cheapened. Citizenship should be a privilege earned by those who follow the rules, not a reward handed out to those who break our laws.

Yet Harris’s plan would do just that, sending a clear message to the world: If you come here illegally, you will eventually be rewarded with citizenship.

The stakes couldn’t be higher. Kamala Harris’s agenda represents a direct threat to the economic well-being of American workers and the integrity of our electoral system. Her policies are not just dangerous; they are an assault on the very principles that make this nation great.

It is up to us to stand up and fight back. We must make our voices heard and demand that our elected officials reject these reckless policies. The future of our country depends on it.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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