Kamala Harris’ career ending secret exposed by watchdog

Vice President Harris is one of the least likable politicians in the country. But things just got so much worse for her.

And Kamala Harris’ career ending secret was just exposed by a watchdog.

According to data from a conservative watchdog group, the Biden administration is aggressively working to employ artificial intelligence to promote a woke, progressive ideology, with left-wing activists leading the effort.

The American Accountability Foundation investigated the administration’s AI ambitions and is now warning in a document that top US officials under President Biden are attempting to implant “dangerous ideologies” into AI systems.

“Under the guise of fighting ‘algorithmic discrimination’ and ‘harmful bias,’ the Biden administration is trying to rig AI to follow the woke left’s rules,” AAF president Tom Jones told Fox News Digital.

“Biden is being advised on technology policy, not by scientists, but by racially obsessed social academics and activists. We’re already seen the biggest tech firms in the world, like Google under Eric Schmidt, use their power to push the left’s agenda. This would take the tech/woke alliance to a whole new, truly terrifying level.”

AAF mentioned several examples of the administration’s “campaign to make AI woke” in its memo.

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, for example, produced a “Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights” in October.

The document warns of “algorithmic discrimination,” in which AI systems treat people differently based on their race, gender, or other qualities, and requests that data “used as part of system development or assessment” be “reviewed for bias based on the data’s historical and societal context.”

To address such concerns, the blueprint suggests “proactive equity assessments as part of system design,” among other measures.

While speaking at the Summit for Democracy in March, Arati Prabhakar, director of Biden’s Office of Science and Technology Policy, praised Biden’s signing of an executive order the previous month that, in her words, “promotes data equity,” directs agencies to combat “algorithmic discrimination,” and ensures these agencies use AI to advance “equity.”

One of the purposes of the executive order, which Biden signed in February, is to “root out bias in the design and use of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence.”

In its memo, AAF also mentions how, months later, in May, the White House’s Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence, which falls under Prabhakar’s purview, released the National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategic Plan, which calls for more resources to combat “harmful biases” and warns that “AI systems are prone to ‘hallucinate’ and recapitulate biases derived from the unfiltered data from the internet used to train them.”

The report goes on to say that “understanding how AI can reduce inequities stemming from systemic, structural and individual bias is an important area of research.”

The report’s AI committee is part of the National Science and Technology Council, whose highest-ranking member is Vice President Kamala Harris, whom Biden named “AI czar” to lead the administration’s new initiative “to promote responsible AI innovation that protects Americans’ rights and safety.”

Harris has previously highlighted similar concerns about racial bias in artificial intelligence and the need to overcome it.

“When we look at … issues like AI and machine learning, there is a real need to be very concerned about how being built into it is racial bias,” Harris said in 2019 while a senator from California.

“It’s a real issue, and it’s happening in real time. And the thing about racial bias in technology is that, unlike the racial bias that you can pretty easily [detect] when you get stopped in a department store or while you’re driving, the bias that is built into technology will not be very easy to detect.”

Kamala and the Biden administration’s insistence on training AI to peddle the Democrat’s social and cultural policies is sure to sink their already failing approval ratings lower and lower.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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