Kamala makes a stunning decision and turns her back on America

It is no secret that Kamala Harris hates this country. But no one expected her to go this far.

And Kamala has made a stunning decision and turns her back on America.

Vice President Kamala Harris has made a decision that has raised eyebrows across political and charitable circles alike—she will skip the long-standing Al Smith Dinner in New York this October.

As Donald Trump confirms his attendance at the 79th iteration of the event hosted by the Archdiocese of New York, Harris is opting out, choosing instead to hit the campaign trail in key battleground states. This move breaks with a tradition observed by presidential candidates since the 1960s, with only one exception: Walter Mondale in 1984.

The Al Smith Dinner, a staple of American political life, is more than just a charity event. It is an evening where political rivals come together to put aside their differences, sharing the stage in a display of civility and humor for the greater good.

It’s an opportunity for politicians to engage in friendly roasts, offering a light-hearted break from the intensity of their campaigns. However, this year, Vice President Harris has chosen to sit out, raising questions about her commitment to the principles of unity and bipartisan goodwill.

The Al Smith Dinner, named after Alfred E. Smith, the first Catholic nominee for president, has long been a forum for political figures to show that, despite their differences, they can come together in support of a charitable cause.

It raises millions of dollars each year to benefit children and families in need, making it an event that transcends politics and focuses on helping the less fortunate. Candidates from John F. Kennedy to Donald Trump himself have shared the stage, engaging in light-hearted banter that contrasts with the harsh rhetoric often heard on the campaign trail.

This year, Joseph Zwilling, spokesperson for the Archdiocese of New York, expressed disappointment in Harris’s decision to skip the event. “We are disappointed that she will not be with us, as this is an evening of unity and putting aside political differences in support of a good cause of helping women and children in need regardless of race, creed, or background,” he said. Zwilling added, “We hope she reconsiders.”

In an era where political division is at an all-time high, Harris’s absence sends a clear message: the Democratic Party is more focused on maintaining power than on bridging divides or helping those in need. Her campaign’s rationale that she would attend only “as president in office” if elected smacks of arrogance, as though she feels the event is beneath her unless she holds the highest office in the land.

In contrast, Donald Trump has confirmed his attendance at the event, demonstrating once again his willingness to engage with Americans across political and religious lines. Trump, known for his larger-than-life personality, is expected to participate in the dinner’s long-standing tradition of lighthearted jabs and self-deprecating humor, showing that while he can be tough on the campaign trail, he understands the value of unity and charity.

Trump’s attendance is particularly significant as it comes at a time when the former president is facing immense political opposition, not only from the Democratic Party but from within the establishment media.

Yet, despite the endless attacks, Trump remains committed to honoring traditions like the Al Smith Dinner, which reflect the best of America’s democratic process—cordiality and respect, even amid fierce political disagreements.

By stepping up to attend the dinner, Trump is not only demonstrating his personal resilience but also his understanding of the importance of maintaining traditions that promote unity, charity, and goodwill. His participation this year sends a strong message that no matter the political climate, certain values must be preserved.

Kamala Harris’s refusal to attend the Al Smith Dinner is symptomatic of a broader problem within the Democratic Party. The once-celebrated ideals of unity and bipartisanship have been tossed aside in favor of a relentless pursuit of political dominance. By declining this invitation, Harris is not just avoiding Trump—she’s avoiding an opportunity to show the American people that she is capable of reaching across the aisle for the greater good.

This decision also speaks volumes about the crumbling state of the Democratic Party. Despite their best efforts to rally around Harris, she continues to falter in public opinion, even within her own party. Polls show that Democrats are increasingly divided, with many defecting to support Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign. The party’s leadership appears desperate, and Harris’s choice to prioritize campaigning in battleground states over a time-honored charity event reveals the party’s nervousness as they try to maintain their grip on power.

Moreover, this decision to skip the dinner raises questions about Harris’s priorities. If she truly cared about bringing the country together, this would have been the perfect platform to demonstrate her willingness to engage in the spirit of bipartisanship and charity. Instead, her campaign strategy seems to be focused solely on appealing to the Democratic base, doubling down on divisive rhetoric rather than working to heal a deeply polarized nation.

The Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner is far more than a political event; it represents an opportunity to give back to the community. The funds raised from this event go toward helping women and children in need, providing essential services to some of New York City’s most vulnerable populations.

Harris’s decision to forgo this event in favor of campaigning underscores the lack of genuine concern from the current administration for those most in need.

For decades, presidential candidates have recognized the significance of this event, understanding that it is a platform to show that, beyond politics, they care about the American people—particularly the less fortunate. The fact that Harris is the first candidate since 1984 to skip the event speaks volumes about the direction the Democratic Party is headed. The Al Smith Dinner is not just about who attends; it’s about what it represents—unity, compassion, and a willingness to set aside differences for the sake of a greater cause.

In contrast to Harris, Trump’s attendance at the Al Smith Dinner reaffirms his commitment to maintaining the values and traditions that make America great. While the Democrats focus on their narrow political interests, Trump remains the candidate who stands for the American people, regardless of their background or political affiliation.

He understands that America is stronger when its leaders are willing to come together for the common good, and his participation in this year’s dinner is just one more example of his dedication to the country.

By attending the dinner, Trump will not only be helping raise millions for charity, but he will also be sending a message of hope and unity at a time when the country needs it most. His presence at the Al Smith Dinner is a reminder that even in the face of intense political division, there are still opportunities to come together for the benefit of all Americans.

Kamala Harris’s decision to skip the Al Smith Dinner is a clear indication of where the Democratic Party’s priorities lie. Rather than embracing unity and compassion, Harris has chosen to focus on divisive campaigning, leaving behind a tradition that has long brought Americans together.

On the other hand, Donald Trump’s decision to attend the event highlights his commitment to preserving the values of unity and charity that are so desperately needed in today’s political climate.

As Harris heads to battleground states in a desperate attempt to secure her political future, Trump will be standing on a stage in New York, raising millions for those in need and reminding the American people that, despite our differences, we are stronger together.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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