Massive group of Senators and Representatives join together to speak out against Walz

Tim Walz’s short campaign has already been a disaster. And things are only getting worse for him.

Because now, a massive group of Senators and Representatives have joined together to speak out against Walz.

The office of the Vice President of the United States demands the highest level of integrity, honor, and trust. However, the recent revelations about Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, Kamala Harris’s choice for Vice President, have cast a dark shadow over the 2024 election.

Walz’s false claims about his military service have sparked widespread outrage, particularly among veterans who have served this country with distinction. Their disgust is palpable, as they demand accountability for what they see as a blatant act of stolen valor—a betrayal of the very principles that define military service.

On Tuesday, 50 veterans who now serve in the U.S. Congress, representing both the House and the Senate, expressed their deep concern over Walz’s deceitful claims. I

n a letter addressed to Walz, these veterans, who have worn the uniform and served their country with honor, did not mince words. They highlighted the gravity of Walz’s actions, stressing that his lies undermine the trust required for the office of Vice President and insult the sacrifices made by countless servicemembers.

“The Office of the Vice President is a position that requires the trust of the American people and a solemn commitment to duty on behalf of the United States of America,” the letter begins. “As veterans who have served our nation, we feel compelled to address your egregious misrepresentations and urge you to come clean to the American people.”

These words echo the sentiments of millions of Americans who hold military service in the highest regard. The veterans’ message is clear: there is no honor in lying about one’s military record.

By falsely claiming to be a “Retired Command Sergeant Major” and exaggerating his experiences, Walz has not only disrespected the uniform but has also betrayed the trust of those who have served under him and those who continue to serve this great nation.

Stolen valor is not just a lie; it’s a deeply offensive act that tarnishes the legacy of every American who has served in uniform. For those who have put their lives on the line, endured the hardships of military life, and sacrificed so much, the idea that someone would falsely claim their experiences for personal gain is nothing short of horrific.

Walz’s claims are not just a simple embellishment—they are a gross misrepresentation of his service. According to the veterans’ letter, Walz repeatedly referred to himself as a “Retired Command Sergeant Major,” a title he never earned.

He also claimed to have carried weapons in war, despite never having served in combat. Perhaps most egregiously, Walz abandoned his post just as his unit was preparing to deploy to Iraq, choosing instead to run for Congress.

The men under his command went to war without him, and some did not return home. For this, Walz was demoted from Command Sergeant Major to Master Sergeant.

The veterans’ letter pulls no punches: “To be blunt, when you falsely claim military service that did not happen and abandon your post, you diminish the real sacrifices made by veterans who did serve in combat. Military service is not merely a job or a uniform.

Those who serve in the Armed Forces endure rigorous training, face perilous situations, and make sacrifices that most civilians can’t comprehend. The honor of wearing the uniform is earned through dedication, bravery, and an unwavering sense of duty.

You have displayed none of these characteristics as you have lied your way through a political career launched on the foundation of a title you did not earn and combat deployments you did not take part in.”

The implications of Walz’s deceit go beyond his personal honor. The Vice President is one heartbeat away from the Presidency, a role that requires not just leadership but also the trust of the American people and the military.

Walz’s actions raise serious concerns about his ability to fulfill these duties. If he cannot be honest about his own record of service, how can the American people trust him to lead the nation?

The veterans’ letter addresses this directly: “In short, our grave concern stems from the fact that the office of the Vice President is one heartbeat away from becoming the Commander-In-Chief. You’ve already demonstrated your unwillingness to lead in time of war and a lack of honor through your blatant misrepresentations exploiting and co-opting the experiences of America’s combat veterans for personal gain.”

For the veterans who signed the letter, and for the broader military community, Walz’s actions are not just a personal failing—they are a threat to the integrity of the office he seeks. The men and women who serve this country deserve a leader who understands the gravity of their sacrifices, not someone who has lied about their own service to advance their political career.

The list of veterans who have signed the letter is a testament to the broad and bipartisan disgust with Walz’s actions. These are men and women who have served in every branch of the military, from the Army to the Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard.

They have held ranks from Staff Sergeant to Lieutenant Colonel, and many have seen combat, led troops, and made the difficult decisions that define military leadership.

Brian Mast (FL-21), Staff Sergeant, U.S. Army (Ret.), Chair of Veterans and Military Families for Trump
Joni Ernst (IA), Lieutenant Colonel, Army National Guard (Ret.)
Roger Marshall (KS), Captain, U.S. Army Reserve (Ret.)
Rick Scott (FL), Petty Officer Third Class, U.S. Navy (Ret.)
Roger Wicker (MS), Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Air Force Reserve (Ret.)

And many more. These veterans represent a cross-section of America’s military leadership, and their unified stand against Walz speaks volumes about the seriousness of his offenses.

As the 2024 election approaches, the American people are faced with a choice. Do they want leaders who have lied about their military service, who have abandoned their posts in times of need, and who have betrayed the trust of those they were sworn to lead? Or do they want leaders who have served with honor, who understand the sacrifices of military service, and who can be trusted to lead the nation with integrity?

The disgust with Walz’s actions is not just a political issue—it’s a moral one. Stolen valor is an affront to every American who has worn the uniform. The veterans who have spoken out against Walz are right to demand accountability, and the American people should join them in rejecting a candidate who has shown himself to be unworthy of their trust.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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