Media caught spreading lies about Trump’s VP pick, and people are outraged

The mainstream media loves to spread misinformation. But now, they have crossed a line.

Because the media has been caught red-handed spreading lies about Trump’s VP pick, and people are outraged.

Senator JD Vance, the Vice Presidential candidate alongside former President Donald Trump, has come under a coordinated attack from Democrats and their media allies for his family-centric comments over the past few years.

Vance, known for his staunch pro-family, pro-worker, and pro-middle-class stance, has been unfairly depicted as anti-woman by those who intentionally take his common-sense statements out of context. This orchestrated smear campaign should not deceive anyone.

Vance’s comments, which have drawn ire from liberal media outlets, are rooted in his genuine concern for the declining family values in America. “Why have we let the Democrat Party become controlled by people who don’t have children?” Vance asked, acknowledging the plight of those who wish to have children but are unable to.

“There have always been people like that, who even though they would like to have kids, are unable to have them. Let’s set them aside,” he said. This nuanced view was deliberately overlooked by the media.

ABC headlined their story with “JD Vance slammed for ‘childless cat ladies’ comment,” while NBC followed with “Jennifer Aniston slams JD Vance over ‘childless cat ladies’ comment from resurfaced interview,” and MSNBC’s headline, “Jesus did not have children,” further amplified the controversy.

The Washington Post even roped in “Swifties” to join the chorus of criticism. These outlets intentionally misrepresented Vance’s remarks, aiming to ridicule not only him but also American families who prioritize familial bonds over materialism.

Vance’s remarks at a 2021 talk at the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, where he discussed the American Dream and the integral role of the family in American life, have been particularly targeted.

Drawing from his bestselling book, Hillbilly Elegy, Vance highlighted how the family is central to happiness and American values. He criticized the left’s rejection of family values, describing it as “the most pernicious and most evil thing” they have done in this country.

On Tucker Carlson Tonight, Vance elaborated, “What I was basically saying is that we’re effectively run in this country, via the Democrats, via our corporate oligarchs, by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made and they want to make the rest of the country miserable too.”
He pointed out the irony of prominent Democrats like Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, none of whom have children, yet are leading the party’s future.

“And how is it that we’ve turned our country over to people who don’t have a direct stake in it?” Vance asked. “I just wanted to ask that question and propose that maybe if we wanted a healthy ruling class in this country we should invest more, we should vote more, we should support more people who actually have kids, because those are the people who ultimately have more of a direct stake in the future of this country.”

Vance criticized the materialistic lives of those who prioritize career and wealth over family. He noted that many women who forgo having children for their careers often regret this decision later in life, a truth that Democrats avoid discussing.

Instead, they promote staying single and childless, devaluing marriage and motherhood while promoting abortion as a path to freedom.

“These people recognize that they’re unhappy,” Vance said. “They live in one-bedroom apartments in New York City, they’ve played their entire lives to win a status game, they’re obsessed with their jobs, they’re obsessed with their wealth and with their fortunes, and they look at middle American people who are actually pretty happy with their lives and the choices that they’ve made. And they hate normal Americans for choosing family over these ridiculous DC and New York status games.”

Vance’s comment about “miserable cat ladies” has been sensationalized, drawing unnecessary backlash from celebrities like Jennifer Aniston and liberal media pundits. “When somebody calls out that ‘look, if you’re a miserable cat lady, you should not force your misery on the rest of the country, they just get really upset about it,” Vance said. This honest observation has been twisted to paint him as a misogynist, which is far from the truth.

Vance’s core message is simple: family first. He emphasizes that money and status are secondary to the love and responsibilities towards family. This message, once common wisdom in America, has been overshadowed by the liberal agenda promoting careerism and material wealth as the ultimate goals.

Liberals accuse Vance of misogyny, but his advocacy for American families is clear. “We should worry,” he said, “that in America, family formation, our birth rates, a ton of indicators of family health have collapsed.” This crisis impacts not only media personalities but also the future leadership of the country. Vance argues that those with families are better suited to lead because they have a direct stake in the country’s future.

Senator JD Vance’s comments highlight a crucial issue: the decline of family values in America. His advocacy for pro-family policies is essential for the nation’s future. The liberal media’s attempts to smear him are not only unfounded but also a distraction from the real issues at hand. Vance’s pro-family stance is not an attack on women but a call to prioritize what truly matters – the future of American families and, by extension, the nation itself.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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