New discovery unveils Trump’s would-be assassin’s ties to the Biden administration

Since the second attempt on Trump’s life, people all across the world have realized that something is going on. And now, we might finally have answers.

Because a new discovery has unveiled the ties that Trump’s would-be assassin has to the Biden administration.

In a shocking revelation, it has come to light that the man arrested in connection to the second assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, Ryan Wesley Routh, had been flagged as a potential threat by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) in 2023.

Despite these warnings and glaring red flags, Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) declined to pursue the case, leaving a dangerous individual free to plan and nearly execute an attack on a former president of the United States.

This failure to act is yet another disturbing sign of the incompetence and neglect within the Biden administration, especially at a time when Americans are growing increasingly concerned about security, both at home and abroad. How could someone with such obvious ties to violence, militancy, and extremism slip through the cracks, even when flagged by U.S. authorities?

Ryan Wesley Routh was not some random individual; his background was well known to authorities long before his arrest for attempting to assassinate Donald Trump. In 2023, Routh was flagged by CBP officials after returning from Ukraine.

According to a report from Just The News, Routh admitted to CBP officials at the Honolulu airport that he had been involved in recruiting fighters from various countries, including Afghanistan, Moldova, and Taiwan, to fight in the Ukrainian war against Russia. Routh had traveled extensively, with documented visits to Warsaw, Poland (near the Ukraine border), and Istanbul, Turkey, in 2022 and 2023.

Routh even handed the CBP agents a business card listing him as the director of a group called the “International Volunteer Center,” which claimed to have connections with countries like Syria, Pakistan, and Israel. It was clear from this encounter that Routh was not just an ordinary traveler—he was someone with potentially dangerous global connections and motives. Yet, when CBP referred his case to Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), the division shockingly declined to investigate.

The interview notes, which were later made public, stated, “Subject provided his recruiting business card… which lists his recruiting partners that he speaks with to recruit soldiers from Afghanistan, Romania, Pakistan, Syria, and Israel.”

Still, DHS and HSI refused to follow up on the case. The failure to investigate left Routh free to operate unchecked, ultimately leading to his attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

This failure by the Biden administration to act on a flagged individual is not only an example of gross negligence, but it also raises questions about where their priorities lie. Why did the DHS choose to ignore such a high-risk individual, especially someone with an international footprint and ties to known conflict zones?

This was not the first time Routh had been flagged by authorities. In fact, the FBI received a tip in 2019 alleging that Routh, a convicted felon, was in possession of a firearm. However, in another display of government incompetence, the FBI failed to take meaningful action.

While the agency did follow up on the tip and referred it to local law enforcement in Honolulu, no further investigation was carried out, and Routh continued to move freely.

Adding to the gravity of the situation, Routh has been vocal on social media about his support for Ukraine and even expressed a willingness to die for the country. His online presence was littered with pro-Ukraine sentiments and radical calls to action.

In 2023, he published a book titled Ukraine Must Win the Unwinnable War, in which he openly urged Iran to assassinate Donald Trump. Despite this extremist rhetoric, the Biden administration failed to take the necessary steps to neutralize this obvious threat to national security.

The horrific events of this past Sunday should have never happened. As former President Trump played golf in Florida, Secret Service agents noticed suspicious movement in the bushes near the course. Upon investigation, the agents spotted Routh armed with an AK-47-style rifle equipped with a scope. The suspect was immediately fired upon by the Secret Service but managed to flee the scene, only to be apprehended later on I-95.

Upon searching the area where Routh had been hiding, authorities discovered two backpacks filled with ceramic tiles and a GoPro camera, clear signs of premeditated intent to carry out the assassination. According to reports, Routh had been camping out on the perimeter of the golf course for 12 hours ahead of time, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

This attempted assassination comes on the heels of a previous attempt in July when a gunman fired a bullet that narrowly missed Trump’s head. How many more times will it take before the Biden administration recognizes the grave threat to Trump’s life?

It is deeply concerning that an individual like Routh, who was so obviously flagged as a danger, was allowed to roam free, ultimately leading to an attempted assassination of a former president. The Biden administration’s failure to act on these warnings shows a dangerous level of incompetence and irresponsibility.

The question must be asked: Was this a case of neglect, or was there a more insidious motive behind DHS’s refusal to investigate Routh further? Given the ongoing political persecution of Trump and his supporters by the radical left, it’s not far-fetched to wonder if the Biden administration simply didn’t care to protect a political opponent like Trump.

This administration has made it clear that they will stop at nothing to undermine Trump, and their neglect in this case may very well be another example of their disregard for justice when it comes to protecting conservative figures.

The attempted assassination of a former president is not something that should be taken lightly. Yet, by ignoring the warnings about Routh, the Biden administration has demonstrated a shocking disregard for Trump’s safety and the safety of all Americans. It is clear that their priorities are woefully misplaced, allowing dangerous individuals like Routh to slip through the cracks while focusing on political witch hunts and weaponizing government agencies against their opponents.

This case also exposes the broader issue of national security failures under the Biden administration. If a dangerous individual like Routh can so easily evade scrutiny, who else is slipping through the cracks? The American people deserve answers, and more importantly, they deserve a government that takes these threats seriously.

The near-tragedy of this second assassination attempt on Donald Trump is a direct result of the Biden administration’s failure to act on clear warnings. The negligence shown by the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, and other agencies should alarm every American, regardless of political affiliation.

At the end of the day, it is the responsibility of the government to protect its citizens, especially a former president. In this case, the Biden administration has shown that it is either incapable or unwilling to fulfill that responsibility. The American people deserve better leadership—leadership that prioritizes safety and security over political games.

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