New report highlights major threat from China, and it is completely unexpected

Many Americans understand the growing threat from China. But the Radical Left continues to ignore it.

Now a new report has highlighted a major and unexpected threat from China that can no longer be ignored.

As the Biden administration accelerates its push for electric vehicles (EVs) to combat climate change, it’s opening the door wide to Communist China’s expanding influence in the American car market.

A recent report from the China Strategic Risks Institute (CSRI) warns that the U.S. reliance on Chinese-made EVs could undermine domestic manufacturing and create serious national security vulnerabilities. The report also suggests that these Chinese EVs could be “weaponized” by Beijing, posing grave risks to America’s economic and security interests.

For years, the U.S. auto industry has been a critical driver of the nation’s economy, employing nearly one million people in manufacturing and related sectors. But with President Biden’s lax approach to regulating EV imports, particularly from China, the future of domestic car manufacturing could be at risk.

According to the CSRI report, Chinese-made EVs are rapidly gaining ground in the American market, thanks to state-subsidized production that allows Chinese manufacturers to produce millions of low-cost vehicles annually. This threatens American carmakers, who are already struggling to meet the high production costs associated with the EV transition.

The influx of cheap Chinese vehicles is not just a short-term economic concern. If current trends continue, Chinese companies could dominate the U.S. electric vehicle market, pushing American manufacturers to the sidelines.

The Biden administration’s failure to impose tariffs or restrictions on these vehicles, in contrast to the European Union’s policy, could spell disaster for U.S. jobs and long-term economic competitiveness.

The numbers speak for themselves: in just four years, Chinese-made EVs have gone from a tiny fraction of the U.S. market to capturing significant market share.

This is a direct result of China’s aggressive subsidies, which allow them to flood foreign markets with underpriced products. While Biden touts the importance of green energy, his administration’s hands-off approach is jeopardizing the very American workers he claims to champion.

The economic dangers of Chinese-made EVs are substantial, but the potential national security risks are even more alarming. The CSRI report highlights that many Chinese electric vehicles come equipped with Cellular Internet of Things Modules (CIMs) manufactured in China. These modules, which are essential for the functioning of EVs, could be used by the Chinese government to collect sensitive data on American drivers.

China’s national security laws compel companies to share any data they collect with the state. This means that every Chinese-made EV on American roads could potentially be transmitting private data back to Beijing.

From a security standpoint, this is a nightmare scenario. The potential for espionage is vast—Beijing could gather detailed information about the driving habits, locations, and even personal communications of millions of Americans.

But it doesn’t stop there. According to the CSRI report, these modules could potentially allow China to remotely control or disable vehicles. Imagine a future where Chinese-made EVs are a common sight on American highways—and Beijing has the power to shut them down or interfere with their operations. This kind of control would give the Chinese Communist Party enormous leverage over the U.S. in times of conflict or political tension.

The situation with Chinese-made EVs bears a disturbing resemblance to the controversy surrounding Huawei’s involvement in America’s telecommunications infrastructure.

Huawei, another Chinese tech giant, was accused of embedding backdoors in its equipment that could allow for spying or sabotage. After significant pressure from security experts, the U.S. eventually banned Huawei from its 5G networks.

The Biden administration appears to have learned little from the Huawei case. Despite clear warnings from the CSRI and other experts, Biden has failed to take decisive action to curb the influx of Chinese EVs. The administration’s silence on the matter is baffling, especially given that this issue threatens not just the economy, but the very safety of American citizens.

Much like the Huawei situation, the threat from Chinese-made EVs is being ignored at the highest levels of government. The lack of scrutiny over these vehicles could result in serious security vulnerabilities for the U.S., leaving the country open to potential blackmail or even technological sabotage from Beijing.

To protect both the economic and national security interests of the United States, the CSRI has laid out several recommendations for the federal government. The Biden administration should act swiftly to implement these measures:

Impose Tariffs and Import Restrictions on Chinese EVs: Similar to the European Union, the U.S. should place tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles to protect American manufacturers from unfair competition. This would also help curb the country’s growing dependence on foreign EVs and reduce the risk of economic disruption.

Mandate Strict Data Security Requirements for Foreign EVs: Any foreign-manufactured electric vehicle sold in the U.S. should be subject to stringent data security regulations. This would include banning any transmission of data overseas and requiring transparency about the source code of foreign vehicles. Regular inspections of data storage facilities should be conducted to ensure compliance.

Investigate Chinese State Subsidies: An investigation into China’s massive state subsidies for its EV sector is long overdue. Such an inquiry would allow the U.S. to better understand the scope of China’s unfair trade practices and determine whether further action, such as countervailing duties, is necessary.

Provide Support for American Manufacturers: The federal government should offer direct subsidies to American carmakers, or incentivize consumers to purchase American-made EVs. By doing so, the government can boost domestic production, reduce dependency on China, and ensure that American workers are not left behind in the green energy transition.

The Biden administration’s approach to electric vehicles could have far-reaching consequences for the country’s economic and national security. By allowing Communist China to flood the market with cheap, state-subsidized EVs, the administration is setting the stage for long-term dependency on an adversarial nation.

The risks are clear: without swift action, America’s domestic car industry could be decimated, leaving the U.S. reliant on a foreign power for a critical part of its transportation infrastructure. Even more concerning is the potential for Chinese-made EVs to be used as tools of espionage or sabotage, giving Beijing unprecedented control over the everyday lives of millions of Americans.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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