One Republican just deployed the National Guard for this startling reason

The National Guard are only ever put on alert for emergencies. This one goes far beyond anything we’ve ever seen before.

And one Republican just deployed the National Guard for this startling reason.

The National Guard is one of the last lines of defense in case of a foreign invasion.

Luckily, they are usually only used for disaster response and emergency aid distribution in the case of natural disasters.

But now America is faced with an actual invasion, though not from any military.

Republican Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin has directed the deployment of 100 Virginia National Guard troops to assist Texas in reducing the flow of illegal drugs and people trafficking into the United States at the southern border.

“The ongoing border crisis facing our nation has turned every state into a border state,” Youngkin said in a Wednesday news release.

“As leadership solutions at the federal level fall short, states are answering the call to secure our southern border, reduce the flow of fentanyl, combat human trafficking and address the humanitarian crisis.”

Youngkin signed the executive order to help Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s Operation Lone Star, which will begin combating drug smuggling and human trafficking in 2021.

“Given the intensive resource demands on Texas, the dangers posed by the fentanyl crisis, and impact of the border crisis on criminal activity to the Commonwealth, Virginia will do its part to assist the State of Texas’ efforts with the coordinated deployment of Virginia National Guard soldiers to assist in key aspects of their mission.”

Youngkin asserted that five Virginians die each day from fentanyl overdoses, and enormous quantities of the narcotic are transported across the border.

“We cannot allow Texas to take on the sole responsibility by themselves,” he said.

According to local media, Democrats in Virginia slammed Youngkin’s decision, calling it ludicrous and hypocritical.

“Youngkin for President has officially jumped the shark — our VA National Guard troops shouldn’t be used to further presidential ambitions much less fight a MAGA culture war in Texas of all places — Never thought I would see my state so compromised,” Democratic State Sen. Scott Surovell tweeted.

Republican governors, including Florida Governor and 2024 presidential candidate Ron DeSantis, have announced intentions to send over 800 National Guard troops and 300 law enforcement officers to Texas in response to an increase in border crossings prompted by the repeal of Title 42.

Despite assertions by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas that illegal border crossings were declining, DeSantis cautioned that the situation at the southern border “is going to be really, really bad — potentially very shortly.”

President Joe Biden ordered 1,500 active-duty troops to join the 2,5000 National Guard personnel stationed at the border in early May.

“For 90 days, these 1,500 military personnel will fill critical capability gaps, such as ground-based detection and monitoring, data entry, and warehouse support, until CBP can address these needs through contracted support,” Pentagon Press Secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder told Fox News in a statement.

“Military personnel will not directly participate in law enforcement activities.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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