Republicans made an unprecedented move that exposes key Democrat allies

Tensions between in politics are at an all-time high. But no one expected it to go this far.

And now Republicans have made an unprecedented move that exposes key Democrat allies.

Four federal agents have been subpoenaed by the House Judiciary Chair, Jim Jordan, and the House Ways & Means Chair, Jason Smith.

The four individuals include the IRS director of field operations, two FBI special agents, and an IRS special agent.

These subpoenas are part of the ongoing probe into the IRS whistleblower’s allegations of corruption regarding the investigation into Hunter Biden.

According to eyewitness accounts, these four agents were present when the Delaware District Attorney claimed that he did not have final say into whether or not charges were brought against Hunter Biden outside his district.

Two IRS agents came forward as whistleblowers and claimed that they had been pressured against investigating further into the Biden probe by “higher-ups” at the Department of Justice.

Originally Weiss was going to “forgo any prosecution of” Hunter Biden and was close to “agreeing to end the investigation without requiring a guilty plea on any charges.”

When Wiss was appointed special counsel, his position quickly changed, and he forced Biden to plead guilty on two charges and enter a deferred agreement on a third.

The entire situation surrounding Hunter is shrouded in deceit and lies.

From Joe Biden lying directly to the American people about his knowledge and involvement in his son’s doings, to politicians claiming nothing illegal happened, and now federal agents have been subpoenaed to hopefully bring the truth to light.

Jordan and Smith have questioned the timing of Weiss’ appointment and his decision to prosecute.

““The timing of this decision also comes after whistleblowers have raised serious and unchallenged allegations of impropriety in the Department’s investigation. The decision to grant Weiss special counsel status, especially in light of his handling of the case to date and his inconsistent statements to Congress about his authority, raises serious questions about the Department’s handling of this investigation, and reinforces the Committee’s need to speak with individuals with knowledge of the investigation.”

They further went on to say “Our duty is to follow the facts wherever they may lead, and our subpoenas compelling testimony from Biden administration officials are crucial to understanding how the president’s son received special treatment from federal prosecutors and who was the ultimate decision maker in the case.”

Other whistleblowers have stated that the investigation was moving purposely slowly in order to delay and impede.

Gary Shapely, an IRS employee who was present at a meeting with Weiss and others last October, has come forward to make claims about the investigation and Weiss as a whole.

Many people are frustrated at how long it is seeming to get any truth out of these federal employees and federal agencies.

The instatement of Weiss as special counsel seems to be a move in the right direction, and many are hoping that justice will be brought to Hunter Biden.

Others believe that the lies that have been uncovered are enough proof of an impeachment of Joe Biden for lying to the American people.

Past Presidents have been impeached for far less.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for developments on this breaking news story.

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