Ron DeSantis campaign makes an earth-shattering announcement

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is a busy man. Many are wondering how long he can keep his campaign going.

But now the Ron DeSantis campaign has made an earth-shattering announcement.

There’s no doubt that before Donald Trump announced that he would be running for President again in 2024, Ron DeSantis was the presumed guy to turn to for the Republicans to win back the White House.

But since then, Ron DeSantis has become the clear number 2 pick as poll after poll demonstrates that while many Republican and conservative voters like Ron DeSantis, he is more often their second pick to Donald Trump’s first.

But he’s not giving up. In fact, he’s doubling down on his campaign with a new ad blitz to win over some Trump voters.

The Republican governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, has vowed again to stop fentanyl smugglers from Mexico “stone-cold dead at the border.”

“I am going to treat the Mexican cartels as the foreign terrorist groups that they are,” DeSantis stated Thursday night. “They’re k*lling tens of thousands of our fellow citizens by bringing fentanyl into this country.”

The Republican presidential candidate’s super PAC, Never Back Down, released an ad last week in Iowa and New Hampshire called “Stone Cold Dead,” which promised to authorize the federal government to meet cartels with violence at the border.

“The cartels are k*lling tens of thousands of our fellow citizens,” the advertisement claimed. “We have to defend our people. We’re going to use force, and we’re going to leave them stone-cold dead, no excuses. We will get the job done.”

The Florida governor has promised to make the influx of migrants across the southern border a national emergency on day one of his potential presidency.

When asked who was to blame for the cartels’ ability to smuggle painkillers into the nation, DeSantis pointed the finger onto the Biden administration. It has been reported that in 2022, federal drug agents confiscated enough fentanyl be fatal for every American in the nation.

DeSantis and his wife attended the 9/11 memorial service in New York City, and the presidential candidate made a remark about Vice President Joe Biden not attending. After spending the weekend in Hanoi, Vietnam, Vice President Biden jetted off to Anchorage, Alaska, to preside over a memorial service at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson.

On the 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, DeSantis made the connection between illegal immigration and the atrocities.

DeSantis shared with the media on Monday that “9/11 was in part an immigration issue.” “A lot of these guys should not have been in the country — had overstayed visas and whatnot.”

The DeSantis campaign’s move to double down on the “tough on illegal immigration” approach may end up being a smart one for the Presidential hopeful.

Ron DeSantis was the only candidate on the debate stage that was willing to say that he would use all the resources available to him as the President of the United States to k*ll the cartels even in Mexico.

He was met with roarous cheers when he made that declaration, and polls since the debate have shown that DeSantis fares well on the issue of immigration and crime at the southern border.

The immigration issue is a major reason why Donald Trump was able to beat the Presidential favorite Hillary Clinton in 2016. Whether it’s enough for Ron DeSantis to beat the Republican favorite in Trump is another issue.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more updates about the 2024 Republican primary race.

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