Shocking betrayal sends Donald Trump into a blind rage

Donald Trump has enjoyed being the front-runner in the 2024 Republican race. But this could change everything.

And this shocking betrayal sent Donald Trump into a blind rage.

If there’s one person that Donald Trump has set his crosshairs on other than Joe Biden, it’s been Ron DeSantis.

As the only real threat to Trump in the polls, it only makes sense that Trump would throw some jabs out there.

While it can get messy, what everyone has to remember is that anyone who puts their hat in the ring for the presidency is in it to win it – sometimes it gets heated.

For DeSantis’ part, he is set to announce a formal campaign this week, and with it comes a report that many of Trump’s former allies are jumping ship.

According to a source, more than 100 former Trump administration employees have formed an organization to support Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ likely White House candidacy in 2024.

Based on his record as governor of Florida, supporters of the so-called “Eight-Year Alliance” contend that DeSantis is a “proven winner” who “does what he says.”

Fox News reported on Monday that the new coalition is supporting DeSantis because they believe he is a viable contender who could serve two terms as president.

Members told the news site that they want to prevent their former boss, former President Donald Trump, from “immediately becoming a lame-duck president” if he wins a contest against President Biden in 2024.

Former acting Assistant Attorney General Jesse Panuccio, former Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense Will Bushman, former Counselor to the Secretary and White House Liaison at the Department of Labor Pedro Allende, former Senior Counsel and Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Commerce James Uthmeier, and Principal Deputy General Counsel at the Department of Commerce David Dewhirst are among those named in the report as members of the “Eight-Year Alliance.”

The full list of ex-Trump administration personnel expected to back DeSantis has not been released.

According to Fox News, Trump administration veterans are “proud” of their work for the 45th president and do not wish to criticize him, but they are now “wholeheartedly” supporting DeSantis.

DeSantis is likely to file the necessary papers with the Federal Election Commission and formally enter the presidential race this week, setting up a high-stakes showdown with Trump.

Most 2024 GOP primary polls show Trump leading DeSantis by double digits, but some recent polls suggest that in head-to-head matches versus Biden, the Florida governor wins while Trump loses.

If he runs, DeSantis will join Trump, former UN Ambassador and South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, and conservative radio talk show personality Larry Elder in the GOP race in 2024.

But really it boils down to DeSantis and Trump.

As it stands, the Morning Consult primary support tracker has Trump at 58% and DeSantis at 20% of support among Republicans.

The next highest is Mike Pence with 6% – basically dead-on-arrival.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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