This RINO Republican just betrayed conservatives with this one shocking move

RINO’s still can’t stand that Donald Trump won in 2016. They’re determined to be a thorn in conservatives’ sides.

And this RINO Republican just betrayed conservatives with this one shocking move.

With Republicans reclaiming control of the House in the midterm elections, substantial investigations targeting President Joe Biden are expected to begin next year.

Hunter Biden’s questionable international business ventures, in which he used his father’s political status to gain access, will be scrutinized by the GOP.

The President’s son’s issues continue to mount as more embarrassing details emerge from his infamous “laptop from hell.”

After initially stating that Hunter’s laptop contained “Russian misinformation,” the corporate-controlled media is now reluctantly recognizing that the laptop and its contents are genuine.

Republicans will be able to subpoena witnesses and documents as part of an inquiry into Hunter now that they control the House.

The coming Hunter Biden inquiry has the potential to expose the Biden crime family’s crimes.

Republicans are on the verge of exposing more of the Biden crime family’s corruption, but RINO Senator Mitt Romney is dismissing the next inquiry as a “waste of time.”

Romney took to the never-Trump publication The Bulwark to criticize the GOP for looking into Hunter Biden.

The Bulwark characterized the ongoing Hunter inquiry as a political farce, noting that Romney is the only elected Republican who opposes it.

Despite the bogus accusations made by the outlet, federal investigators told the Washington Post that there is more than enough evidence to charge Hunter with various felonies.

“I think it’s really hard to know what the politics of a course of action might be in this day and age, to know where our Party stands, what our base wants, what Independent voters want,” Romney said.

Romney is totally disconnected from the Republican Party and its conservative base.

“But I think you have to do what you think is right and I think the American people want us to tackle some of the big challenges we have—immigration, inflation, and so forth—and the other things that divert from those priorities I think are a waste of time,” Romney claimed.

With Democrats controlling the Senate, any Republican solution to immigration or inflation is doomed from the start.

One of the most critical jobs that House Republicans may complete in the next Congress is investigations.

Romney, on the other hand, believes they are a waste of time.

Romney’s newest step is to speak out against a possible inquiry against Hunter Biden.

In 2020, he had to choose between voting with Democrats and complying with a subpoena related to Hunter’s work with Ukrainian energy company Burisma.

“I would prefer that investigations are done by an independent, non-political body,” Romney said. “I think people are tired of these kinds of political investigations.”

Romney eventually changed his mind and voted in favor of the subpoena.

Mitt Romney’s assaults on the GOP’s Hunter inquiry are an attempt to provide cover for Joe Biden.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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