Trump receives massive court win that has shaken the Democrat party

The Radical Left hates Trump and wants to see him locked up. That’s why they are prosecuting him with everything they can.

But now, Trump has received a massive court win that has shaken the Democrat party.

In yet another blow to the left’s ongoing crusade against former President Donald Trump, a Fulton County judge in Georgia dismissed two criminal charges against Trump on Thursday, ruling that state prosecutors overstepped their legal authority.

This ruling, handed down by Judge Scott McAfee, is a significant victory for Trump, as it marks the defeat of five of the original 13 charges brought against him in the highly controversial indictment filed by District Attorney Fani Willis in August 2023.

Judge McAfee’s decision struck down two key charges—Count 15, Conspiracy to commit filing false documents, and Count 27, Filing false documents—both of which were leveled against Trump in a case that has been plagued with overreach, political motivations, and legal loopholes from the start.

In his ruling, Judge McAfee emphasized that state prosecutors lacked the authority to file the charges against Trump. He cited a U.S. Supreme Court decision that “preempts the State’s ability to prosecute perjury and false filings in a federal district court.”

This constitutional principle protects individuals from state overreach in cases where federal jurisdiction takes precedence, and the dismissal of these counts serves as a reminder that state prosecutors, particularly politically motivated ones like Fani Willis, cannot simply run roughshod over the law.

Judge McAfee ruled that “Counts 14, 15, and 27 must be quashed.” While Trump was not personally charged with Count 14, Criminal attempt to commit filing false documents, the dismissal of Counts 15 and 27 represents a major win for the former president.

These counts were central to the narrative Willis attempted to craft, one that painted Trump as engaging in a so-called conspiracy to file false documents—a charge that has now been thoroughly debunked in court.

This ruling means that Trump has now successfully defeated five of the original 13 charges, including three earlier counts that were dismissed: Count 5, Solicitation of violation of oath by public officer; Count 28, Solicitation of violation of oath by public officer; and Count 38, Solicitation of violation of oath by public officer. In short, the case against Trump is falling apart.

From the beginning, it was clear that Fani Willis’s indictment of Trump was not about justice—it was about politics. The timing of the charges, the nature of the accusations, and the fact that they have now been dismissed one by one all point to the same conclusion: this was a coordinated effort to target Trump in the hopes of derailing his political future.

Willis, a known Democrat, filed the charges against Trump in August 2023, just as the former president was gearing up for another potential run for office. The charges were clearly intended to weaken Trump’s standing in the eyes of the American public, but this recent ruling by Judge McAfee proves that the legal case against Trump was built on shaky ground from the start.

The indictment itself, which included charges of racketeering under Georgia’s RICO Act, as well as various counts of conspiracy and false statements, was overly ambitious and reflected Willis’s willingness to stretch the law in order to ensnare Trump. The fact that five of these charges have already been quashed raises serious questions about the legitimacy of the entire case.

Steve Sadow, Trump’s lead attorney in Georgia, underscored the importance of this victory, stating, “President Trump and his legal team in Georgia have prevailed once again. The trial court has decided that counts 15 and 27 in the indictment must be quashed/dismissed.”

This is just the latest example of Trump’s legal team successfully defending against the relentless and often frivolous legal attacks that have been launched against him since he left office.

Of course, the mainstream media has been complicit in this witch hunt from the beginning. Rather than report on the legal facts, media outlets like CNN, MSNBC, and The Washington Post have gleefully spread misinformation about Trump’s legal battles, portraying him as guilty before the facts were even established.

This recent victory in Georgia, however, is unlikely to get the same breathless coverage from these outlets as the initial indictment did. The media’s obsession with tearing Trump down at every turn has been evident for years. They have played a key role in amplifying every baseless accusation and overblown narrative crafted by Trump’s political enemies.

Despite their best efforts, Trump continues to fight back. The dismissal of these charges in Georgia is not just a victory for Trump, but a victory for the rule of law and a reminder that political prosecutions should never be tolerated in America.

The establishment media and the radical left may want to see Trump fail, but time and again, the courts are proving that their baseless legal attacks are crumbling under scrutiny.

Though Trump has now defeated five of the original charges, several charges still remain. These include:

Count 1: Violation of the Georgia RICO Act
Count 9: Conspiracy to commit impersonating a public officer
Count 11: Conspiracy to commit forgery in the first degree
Count 13: Conspiracy to commit false statements and writings
Count 17: Conspiracy to commit forgery in the first degree
Count 19: Conspiracy to commit false statements and writings
Count 29: False statements and writings
Count 39: False statements and writings

While the remaining charges are still pending, the collapse of five counts demonstrates that Willis’s indictment is deeply flawed. The remaining charges are similarly built on shaky legal grounds, and Trump’s legal team is confident that they, too, will be defeated.

The Georgia RICO charge, for instance, is the centerpiece of Willis’s indictment, but it is an incredibly broad and aggressive charge that is often used to prosecute organized crime—not political disputes. Applying such a charge in this case is a massive overreach that demonstrates the extent to which Willis is willing to stretch the law in order to target Trump.

While Trump’s legal battles may dominate the headlines, the bigger picture is that these politically motivated prosecutions are part of a broader effort to stop him from running for office again. The radical left and their allies in the media know that Trump remains incredibly popular with everyday Americans, and they will stop at nothing to try to prevent him from returning to the White House.

But Trump’s victories in court show that the American legal system still has safeguards against political overreach. As these baseless charges fall apart one by one, it becomes clearer that Trump has been the target of a coordinated smear campaign designed to take him down, not based on facts or the law, but on political ideology.

The establishment fears Trump because he represents the will of the people. He is not beholden to the swamp, and that makes him a threat to the entrenched interests in Washington, D.C. That is why they are trying so hard to block him, but their efforts are failing.

Thursday’s ruling is a major victory for Donald Trump and a devastating blow to the politically motivated prosecution being spearheaded by Fani Willis. The dismissal of two more charges proves that the case against Trump is unraveling, and his legal team is continuing to expose the overreach and hypocrisy of the left.

As the legal battles rage on, one thing is clear: Trump remains resilient, and the American people are watching closely as the truth continues to come to light.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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