Tucker Carlson was stunned by what he just learned about Mitch McConnell

Millions of Americans like Tucker Carlson because he often calls it like it is. That’s also why D.C. politicians hate him to death.

That’s why Tucker Carlson was flat out stunned by what he just learned about Mitch McConnell.

Republicans in the Senate were well-positioned to seize control of the Upper Chamber during the midterm elections.

But once Republicans failed to unseat even one incumbent Democrat Senator and lost in Pennsylvania, the midterms turned into a nightmare.

Mitch McConnell, the minority leader of the Senate (R-KY), is taking pressure for the terrible outcomes for Senate Republicans.

Republicans had one of their greatest chances to unseat a Democrat incumbent in the Arizona Senate race.

One of the Democrats standing for reelection this year who was thought to be most vulnerable was Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ).

Blake Masters, a political outsider and businessman, who had Donald Trump’s support, was Kelly’s opponent.

Masters ran as a fervent proponent of America First conservatism and threatened to scuttle McConnell’s intentions to give President Joe Biden more legislative victories.

The Senate Leadership Fund (SLF), McConnell’s political action committee, dropped $8 million in television advertising from the Arizona Senate election, leaving Masters high and dry.

One of the strongest supporters of Republican Senate candidates is the SLF.

Masters fell behind in his fundraising for the General Election as a result of a contentious Primary that took place in August.

Kelly outspent Masters in terms of campaign money, and Masters sorely required the SLF’s assistance to keep up.

Kelly was able to win by a slim margin thanks to his enormous cash advantage.

Tucker Carlson featured Blake Masters tonight and said that Mitch McConnell “doesn’t deserve” to be the leader of the Senate Republicans.

He stated that “Arizonans deserve better” after highlighting Arizona’s egregious mistakes in overseeing elections and tallying votes in Maricopa County.

“So, Maricopa County elections, maybe they are working hard, God bless them, it’s at best, just incompetent,” Masters said. “But do you know what else is incompetent, Tucker? The establishment. The people who control the purse strings.”

Despite spending at least $230 million, Mitch McConnell’s Senate Leadership Fund was unable to gain even one additional Senate seat.

“Senate Leadership Fund, Mitch McConnell, McConnell decided to spend millions of dollars attacking a fellow Republican in Alaska instead of helping me defeat Senator Mark Kelly,” Masters continued. “Had he chosen to spend the money in Arizona, this race would be over and we’d be celebrating a Senate majority right now.”

While McConnell withdrew from Arizona, he was spending millions to support Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, one of the worst RINOs in the Senate.

In Alaska’s four-candidate general election, Murkowski faced a challenge from Republican Kelly Tshibaka, who had received Trump’s endorsement.

Protecting Murkowski came before trying to defeat a Democrat in Arizona, according to McConnell.

McConnell “didn’t deserve” to lead Senate Republicans going ahead, according to Masters.

Mitch McConnell’s position as the Republican Senate Leader is under serious consideration in the wake of the unsatisfactory midterm elections.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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