White House makes a disturbing claim with alarming consequences for Americans

Joe Biden and the Radical Left are doing everything they can to lie to the American people. They have been gaslighting everyone for years.

And now the White House has made a disturbing claim with alarming consequences for Americans.

The White House is currently trying everything in their power to blame Republicans for the impending government shutdown.

Instead of doing anything helpful or trying to avoid one, the current administration seems set on letting the shutdown happen so they can turn Americans against Republicans.

However, the American people are waking up and finally pushing back.

In a recent poll, 72% of Americans said that they believe that President Biden and the Democrats are more responsible for a potential government shutdown than Republicans.

The poll also found that only 18% of Americans believe that Republicans are more responsible for a potential government shutdown.

The White House’s attempt to blame Republicans for a potential government shutdown is an obvious attempt to turn the public against Republicans.

The fact is that President Biden and the Democrats have refused to negotiate with Republicans on a spending bill.

The Democrats are demanding that Republicans agree to a massive spending bill that includes billions of dollars in wasteful spending.

Republicans have refused to agree to the Democrats’ demands, and the White House is now trying to blame them for a potential government shutdown.

The American people are not fooled by the White House’s game. They know that President Biden and the Democrats are responsible for the potential government shutdown.

In an interview with Fox News, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said that the White House is “desperate to blame Republicans for a shutdown.”

“The American people know who’s to blame,” McCarthy said. “It’s Joe Biden and the Democrats.”

The American people deserve better. They deserve a government that is responsible and accountable.

Previously, the White House has repeatedly said that it would not allow a government shutdown to happen. However, the White House is now backtracking on those promises.

It is obvious that Joe Biden does not care even a bit for the American people, and cares only instead on public relations and saving face.

The White House has not made any serious effort to negotiate with Republicans on a spending bill. The Democrats have simply demanded that Republicans agree to their demands, and they have refused to compromise.

Democrats and the Radical Left have a history of blaming Republicans for problems that are of its own making.

But Americans are waking up and we know the truth.

The agenda of Crooked Joe and the entire Radical Left is the complete and utter destruction of America, but Republicans and the American people are not willing to let that happen yet.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring you the TRUTH.

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