One whistleblower just ripped this Hunter Biden testimony to shreds

The Hunter Biden proceeding have been all over headlines for weeks now. And the Left remains steadfast that neither Hunter nor Joe have done anything wrong.

But one whistleblower just ripped this Hunter Biden testimony to shreds.

Last week, a third IRS whistleblower came forward to give more credit to the other whistleblower’s claim and told investigators that Joe Biden’s DOJ did in fact block David Weiss from charging Hunter Biden.

The new whistleblower, who has been granted anonymity by the committee, said that Weiss was prepared to charge Hunter with tax evasion, money laundering, and other crimes, but was blocked by the Justice Department.

One of the whistleblowers, who was a former colleague of Weiss, said that Weiss was “furious” when he was told by the Justice Department that he could not charge Hunter.

“He said that he had never seen anything like it before,” the whistleblower said. “He said that the Justice Department was protecting Hunter Biden because he was the son of the president.”

Another whistleblower, who is a current Justice Department employee, said that the decision to block the investigation into Hunter Biden was made by the highest levels of the department.

“The decision was made by the Attorney General himself,” the whistleblower said. “Merrick Garland is protecting Hunter Biden.”

The new whistleblowers’ claims come as Hunter Biden is facing increasing scrutiny over his business dealings in Ukraine.

Hunter’s testimony before the House Oversight Committee was widely criticized for being evasive and unconvincing.

He repeatedly denied any wrongdoing, but he was unable to provide clear answers to many of the committee’s questions.

Hunter’s attorney also tried to get Hunter out of having to appear in person for his arraignment.

The Justice Department’s handling of the Hunter Biden is abhorrent and disgusting, and Americans know the truth: they are protecting Hunter Biden because he is the son of the president.

The new whistleblowers’ claims are likely to further fuel those accusations and could lead to a congressional investigation into the Justice Department’s handling of the investigation.

In addition to the whistleblowers’ claims, there is a growing body of evidence that suggests that Hunter Biden engaged in illegal activities while he was on the board of directors of Burisma Holdings.

For example, in 2018, the New York Times reported that Hunter Biden received a $3 million salary from Burisma Holdings, despite having no experience in the energy industry.

The Times also reported that Hunter Biden used his father’s position as Vice President to pressure Ukraine to fire a prosecutor who was investigating Burisma Holdings.

Even as the Radical left tries to continue denying the truth, more and more evidence appears proving Hunter and Joe’s guilt.

Hunter and Joe have no business ever leading anything or holding any public office ever again.

The American people know the truth and justice will be served.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics as we bring you the TRUTH that the left is too scared to.

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