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A top Republican is blowing the whistle on Joe Biden’s military takeover


Joe Biden wants to completely transform the America you know and love. He’ll need some foot soldiers for his radical plot.

And a top Republican is blowing the whistle on Joe Biden’s military takeover.

President Joe Biden is leveraging diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI) to instill consciousness throughout the federal system.

President Biden signed a broad executive order last year to make the federal government a “model” for “diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility.”

DEI is the moniker given by left-wing radicals to the woke crap that they are attempting to instill in every institution in the country, such as Critical Race Theory and radical gender ideology.

Even the military is succumbing to the Biden administration’s enormous DEI push across the federal government.

Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Representative Chip Roy (R-TX) have condemned this risky attempt to use the military as a left-wing social experiment.

The Republican duo claimed in a new report that DEI programs in the military are leaving it poorly unfit to do its mission of safeguarding the country.

“The world is a dangerous place, and the Biden administration’s insanity is eroding our greatest source of security in it,” the report said.

The military is suffering from low morale and continues to fall short of recruiting targets since the Biden administration began its DEI effort.

“Our military’s singular purpose is to ‘provide for the common defense’ of our nation,” the report continued. “It cannot be turned into a left-wing social experiment.”

While soldiers are expected to safeguard the country, the military is utilizing DEI to damage the country during training.

“It cannot be used as a cudgel against America itself,” the report stated. “And it cannot be paralyzed by fear of offending the sensibilities of Ivy League faculty lounges or progressive pundits.”

Critical Race Theory is being taught to students at military academies under the pretense of helping future warriors comprehend the country’s allegedly “racist” past and present.

To avoid offending anyone, the military is also emphasizing that soldiers use the preferred pronouns of their fellow soldiers.

Senator Rubio stated that imposing wokeness on military puts the country in jeopardy.

“Rather than making the case for American greatness and protecting our nation, the military is parroting woke nonsense,” Rubio told Fox News. “It’s dumb, it doesn’t work, and it’s dangerous. We need to spend more time thinking about how to counter Chinese aircraft carriers, and less time thinking about pronouns.”

The emphasis on DEI has also permeated the military’s Special Operations Command, which is in charge of the nation’s elite special forces groups.

As part of President Biden’s executive order, Special Operations Command was required to submit a Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan.

In an increasingly perilous world, Joe Biden prioritizes wokeness over American military capability.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Greg Abbott sent Joe Biden a letter that sent the White House into a frenzy


The Republican Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, has had enough of the Biden admin’s failures. Particularly when it comes to the southern border.

That’s why Greg Abbott just sent Joe Biden a letter that sent the White House into a total frenzy.

Governor Abbott has made news for his decision to deport illegal immigrants to Washington, D.C.

He has joined other Republican governors in targeting “sanctuary cities” ruled by Democrats with these buses.

Abbott is now upping the ante after easily winning reelection.

He started at the border, where he declared an invasion and sent troops to block the flow of migrants.

Along with his deployment, he wrote a letter to the Biden Administration in which he accused Biden of constitutional violations and laid all the blame on him.

Abbott penned in his letter, “Your sustained dereliction of duty compels Texas to invoke the powers reserved in Article I , § 10, Clause 3, which represents ‘an acknowledgement of the States’ sovereign interest in protecting their borders.’”

He shifted the blame back to Biden for putting ordinary Texans in this predicament.

“By opening our border to this record-breaking level of illegal immigration, you and your Administration are in violation of Article IV, § 4 of the U.S. Constitution,” Abbott said.

Abbott added that “in the more than 240 years of our great nation, no administration has done more than yours to place the States in ‘imminent danger’” and said that this is because of “policy decisions and refusal to deliver on the Article IV, § 4 guarantee.’

The US federal government is responsible for protecting state and federal boundaries as well as national sovereignty.

There is no justification for the state governments to ever reach this stage.

Abbott’s description of it as “absence of action by your Administration to secure the border” is the one thing he might have gotten wrong.

The majority of Americans are aware of ongoing efforts from the Biden admin, but their goals do not align with those of national security.

So the Biden admin is effectively working against the final goal of border security and peace.

According to Abbott, the federal government’s lack of response to the issue is “deafening.”

The so-called “border czar,” Kamala Harris, has never been to the border.

Abbott expresses his desire that they would do so so that they might have “a firsthand look at the chaos [they] have caused,” which he describes as “damning.”

He criticized the Biden policies, claiming they were the primary reason Texas had to employ its constitutional right to self-defense and that they had sparked “an unprecedented crisis of illegal immigration.”

The White House’s response to Abbott’s letter was inadequate.

They asserted that he was merely “vying for political relevance” and that Texas is “using asylum seekers escaping communism and law enforcement officials as political pawns.”

Coming from an administration that claimed its border patrol agents were spanking undocumented immigrants, this is a bold claim.

Americans won’t be duped again because they can see right through the lies.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

George Soros scored a major victory that could sink conservatives in 2024


Republicans received some bad news. Democrats were couldn’t contain their excitement.

That’s because George Soros scored a major victory that could sink conservatives in 2024.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton received 65% of the vote in Miami-Dade County, Florida.

In 2020, however, former President Donald Trump changed the script, gaining 54% of the vote in the county to Joe Biden’s 46%.

And in the 2022 Midterms, Democrats faired even worse than many expected.

Thanks to Ron DeSantis’ leadership, the entire state of Florida swept red, solidifying itself as a red state stronghold.

DeSantis won by almost 20% in the entire state, beating his opponent Charlie Crist 59.4 – 40%.

And in Miami-Dade County, he won 55.3% of the vote compared to Crist’s 44%.

The bulk of Miami-Dade County’s population is Hispanic, and Democrats were concerned that they would be wiped out unless they could increase their margins among Latino voters.

Instead of examining the policies that are driving away Hispanic voters, such as support for woke indoctrination in schools, open borders, and the violent Black Lives Matter movement, Democrats concluded that their poor performance with Latinos in Florida was due to “misinformation” on Spanish-language radio.

To that purpose, a George Soros-linked entity attempted to buy a collection of Spanish-language stations, including the famed Radio Mambi, which serves as a home base for the Cuban exile population, a group that frequently votes Republican.

“A liberal group linked to billionaire George Soros has been cleared by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to purchase Spanish-language radio stations throughout the country, rekindling concerns that a “radical political agenda” will influence information provided to Hispanic voters,” Fox News reported.

“Miami’s iconic, Spanish-language conservative talk radio station Radio Mambi is one of the 18 stations the Soros-backed Latino Media Network will purchase from Televisa Univision for a reported $60 million.”

“Radio Mambi, which is historically linked to the Cuban exile community and offers an anti-communism view, will be controlled by liberals once the deal is finalized,” the report continued.

“Latino Media Network, which is partially financed by an investment group affiliated with Soros Fund Management, is controlled by Jess Morales Rocketto, a former Hillary for America and AFL-CIO employee, and former Obama White House staffer Stephanie Valencia.”

Conservatives accused Soros of buying these stations with the intention of converting them into propaganda factories for the Democratic Party, ensuring that Latino voters in Florida only hear programming favorable to the Left in the run-up to the 2024 election.

After Florida Governor Ron DeSantis won a landslide re-election with 57% of the Hispanic vote statewide, Soros’ purchase of Spanish-language radio stations took on extra significance.

Democrats are counting on Soros-owned Spanish-language stations to control the information Latino voters hear in order to enable Joe Biden – or anyone Democrats choose – win in two years.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Ilhan Omar exploded in rage after she was called out by this major Republican


House Democrat Ilhan Omar has been a controversial figure for years now. Her disgusting comments about Israel have put her in a ton of trouble before.

And Ilhan Omar utterly exploded in rage when she was called about by this high profile Republican.

Two of the most extreme leftists in Washington, D.C. are Congressman Adam Schiff of California and Congresswoman Ilhan Omar of Minnesota.

Omar is a prominent member of the anti-police funding movement and has a lengthy history of using anti-Semitic language.

Omar said on Twitter that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee was “all about the Benjamins” and compared both Israel and the US to the Taliban.

By promoting the fictitious Christopher Steele dossier that claimed the previous President was collaborating with Russia, Adam Schiff started the first witch hunt against Trump.

Schiff fabricated a transcript of a conversation between Trump and the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and read it aloud on the floor of the US House as though it actually took place.

Even during the first witch hunt, he was discovered instructing “whistleblower” witnesses during Soviet-style secret sessions held behind closed doors in a basement beneath the Capitol.

However, because Democrats have been in charge of Congress, Schiff and Omar have been spared from being held accountable for their deceit and despicable actions.

But when the new Congress convenes in January and Republicans take control of the Speaker’s Gavel, things will change.

Ilhan Omar and Adam Schiff will be kicked out of their committees, according to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy in an interview with Maria Bartiromo on Fox News Channel’s Sunday Morning Futures.

“Adam Schiff, who lied to the American public time and again,” McCarthy began, before adding that “we will not allow him to be on the Intel committee either.”

He then addressed Ilhan Omar.

“Look, Congresswoman Omar, her anti-Semitic comments that have gone forward, we’re not going to allow her to be on Foreign Affairs, but we’re also going to stand up to what’s happening not just in the halls of Congress, but what’s happening to our higher education institutions, the antisemitism that’s going on on these campuses and other,” McCarthy declared.

McCarthy is, of course, merely vowing to administer the adage “dose of their own medicine” to Democrats.

According to McCarthy, “the Democrats have created a new thing where they’re picking and choosing who can be on committees,” as he stated in an interview with Breitbart News.

McCarthy was alluding to the way that Democrats decided to kick Republicans off their committees, such Marjorie Taylor Greene.

“Never in the history [of Congress] have you had the majority tell the minority who can be on committee,” McCarthy continued, before adding “but this is the new standard, which these Democrats have voted for.”

Additionally, McCarthy pledged to expel Representative Eric Swalwell from the intelligence community as a result of his extramarital relationship with a Communist Chinese spy.

Democrats aren’t accustomed to being forced to follow their own rules.

But when the GOP takes control of the U.S. House in January, they won’t have a choice.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

President Biden has awful news for Americans about the economy


The state of the economy is one of the biggest sore points for the Biden administration. And Joe is only making it worse.

Now President Biden has even more awful news for Americans about the future of the economy.

Inflation is out of control, energy costs are skyrocketing, the stock and housing markets are collapsing, and economic growth is stalling.

The tremendous difficulties that Biden caused the nation, such as trillions of dollars in needless, wasteful spending on left-wing special interests, have the U.S. economy teetering on the verge of a severe recession.

While the economy is in trouble, President Biden has continually given reasons why nothing that happens is ever his responsibility or why it is the product of the radical left-wing ideology of the Democrats.

He made an attempt to pin the rise in inflation and gas prices on Russian President Vladmir Putin after the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out.

President Biden first referred to “Putin’s price hike” as the cause of the working class Americans’ rising cost of living.

Biden is now altering his economic stance in light of major Wall Street banks’ and business leaders’ forecasts of an impending recession.

Biden cautioned Americans during a press conference at the White House that the economy would see “setbacks” on the way to recovery.

“It’s going to take time to get inflation back to normal levels as we keep our job market strong, so we could see setbacks along the way — I don’t doubt that — but thus far we’re in good shape,” Biden noted.

President Biden’s messaging has abruptly changed now that the midterm elections are finished.

In the past, he had said that inflation was “transitory,” but now he says it has “peaked” and reduced prices are just around the way.

Biden attempted to claim that food store prices were “down slightly,” which is in direct opposition to his government’s own data as well as the firsthand knowledge of every working-class American who, unlike the majority of career politicians, does their own grocery shopping.

The cost of food in grocery stores has increased 12.4% since this time last year, according to the Biden Department of Labor’s most recent data on inflation.

President Biden has pledged that he is “laser focused” on reducing inflation and that the disastrously misnamed $740 billion “Inflation Reduction Act” will take effect in six weeks.

Spending hundreds of billions of public dollars on radical left-wing special interests’ wish lists—including green energy and Obamacare giveaways—while doing little to lower inflation—is known as the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act.”

Democrats exploited inflation as a selling point for the law to encourage more unpopular socialist spending.

Even Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who spoke during the bill’s debate, acknowledged that the legislation won’t have any impact on reducing inflation.

On Fox News, former Vice President Mike Pence ripped against President Biden’s misplaced economic confidence.

In the midterm elections, he claimed that one among the factors contributing to Republicans’ victory in the U.S. House majority was the Biden economy.

“What we are witnessing in the Biden administration — whether it be the runaway spending, whether it be flatlining defense spending, whether it be tax increases, driving a recession and inflation in this economy — one policy after another just seems almost intent on weakening America at home and abroad,” Pence explained. “It’s one of the reasons why we won back the House of Representatives.”

Joe Biden has run out of justifications for his economic shortcomings as a severe recession looms.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Merrick Garland was just smacked with this truth bomb by a former Trump official


Attorney General Merrick Garland is intensifying his anti-Trump crusade. He thought that appointing a special counsel would give him an advantage.

And Merrick Garland was just smacked with this truth bomb by a former Trump official.

With the appointment of a special counsel to handle the probe, Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland is outsourcing his legal witch hunt against former President Donald Trump.

Garland nominated Jack Smith, a political hack from the Obama administration, to conduct the Justice Department’s criminal investigation into the previous President’s alleged theft of sensitive materials from the White House on January 6.

The choice to press criminal charges against Trump by the Biden Justice Department now rests with Smith.

Because of Trump’s recent plan to run for president again, Attorney General Garland argued the move was in the “public’s interest.”

“Mr. Smith is the right choice to complete these matters in an even-handed and urgent manner,” Garland claimed.

In the Trump administration, Matt Whitaker served as acting Attorney General.

During an appearance on Newsmax, he explained why Garland appointed a special counsel for the Trump investigation.

Whitaker argued that establishing a special counsel provides the Justice Department with “cover” for the Trump inquiry, allowing the Biden administration to retain “political distance” from the investigation.

“Based on what we’re learning more and more about him, it just appears to be a political hatchet man that ultimately is still going to be responsible to the Attorney General, and the Attorney General is still going to be in charge of this investigation,” Whitaker said of special counsel Jack Smith.

Smith’s work during the Obama administration saw one of his prosecutions against a potential Republican presidential contender in 2012 dismissed by an unanimous Supreme Court decision.

Former Republican Governor Bob McDonnell was considered a potential possibility to oppose then-President Barack Obama in 2012 after a landslide victory in Virginia’s gubernatorial race in 2009.

Smith obtained a dubious conviction for public corruption against Governor McDonnell, which was later overturned by a majority Supreme Court judgment.

According to Whitaker, Smith’s approach to the Trump inquiry will not differ from Garland’s.

“He’s going to build a team that’s mostly going to be people that are already at the Department of Justice, and he’s going to use FBI agents that are already working on this case,” Whitaker predicted.

The appointment of a special counsel permits the Attorney General to dismiss any prospective charges against Trump and argue that they were the result of political bias.

“So, while it’s not lipstick on a pig, it’s really just Merrick Garland using his sophistry to try to make it look like there’s an independence of the special counsel,” Whitaker said.

With the appointment of a special counsel, Merrick Garland’s attempt to portray the Justice Department as non-political is already collapsing.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

A shocking poll just showed who Donald Trump is losing to


Donald Trump is the first declared candidate in the 2024 election. However, Trump’s nomination will not clear the field of other Republican candidates.

And A shocking poll just showed who Donald Trump is losing to.

One of the big questions following the midterm elections was whether Donald Trump could keep his grip on the Republican Party.

After his favored candidates lost winnable Senate and Governor races, many on the right blamed Trump for the GOP’s dismal showing in the midterm elections.

On the other hand, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ 19-point landslide victory after pushing a conservative agenda on wokeness, illegal immigration, and COVID mandates demonstrated to Republicans that a conservative message resonates with swing voters and other groups that GOP candidates struggle to win.

Prior to the midterm elections, polling data showed Trump comfortably ahead of his Republican opponents.

That is no longer true.

A recent poll from Neighborhood Research and Media for Courageous Conservatives PAC in Iowa found DeSantis leading Trump by two points, 32% to 30%, in the crucial Iowa Caucus.

This represented a 56-point swing in DeSantis’ favor from last year, when Trump led 56% to 12% in a November 2021 poll conducted by Courageous Conservative PAC.

“With support barely half what it was a year ago in a time when DeSantis’ vote has nearly tripled, Trump becomes a severe underdog in the race,” pollster Rick Shaftan’s polling memo read.

According to Shaftan, Trump’s biggest drop in GOP support came from older women.

“President Trump’s support level has dropped 8 points since late June and 26 points in a year, with his biggest drop with women, especially older women. Trump led 62-8 with women a year ago with his lead now down to a point (28-27),” Shaftan continued.

Shaftan also stated that DeSantis won the most votes from men and very conservative people, who are the most likely to vote in a nomination process.

“DeSantis scored best with men and very conservative voters. With men DeSantis went from a 51-16 deficit to 36-21 in June to a 39-32 lead today. Among very conservative voters (60 percent of respondents this month, 59 percent in June and November 2021), Trump’s lead is down to one point (36-35) from a 62-13 lead a year ago and 46-17 in June,” Shaftan added.

For the first time since winning the Republican nomination in 2016, Trump confronts a real challenge to lead the Party.

Some Republicans believe it is past time to move on from Trump.

Others believe Trump is the best candidate to reclaim the presidency.

The most recent polling data reflects this division.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Maxine Waters freaked out on public television over this huge Trump victory


Democrat House Rep. Maxine Waters is definitely one of the more out-of-touch members of Congress. But she just took it to a whole new level.

Because Maxine Waters freaked out on public television over this huge Donald Trump victory.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), who was elected to Congress in 1991, has faced controversy throughout the majority of her more than 30 years in government.

Rep. Waters is an advocate of the entire radical agenda of the Left, from the Green New Deal to tax increases to outright gun bans.

However, Maxine Waters is renowned for being among the loudest, most vociferous Democrats in Washington, D.C.

Rep. Waters advocated for widespread violence during a march for Black Lives Matter in Minnesota in 2021 if police officer Derek Chauvin was not found guilty in George Floyd’s death.

Reportedly 2018, Waters incited left-wing protestors to frighten and threaten members of the Trump administration in public spaces.

“Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up,” Waters told the crowd. “And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd,” she continued, before adding “and you push back on them – and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”

Maxine Waters obviously despises former President Donald Trump.

Over the past few years, she’s referred to Trump by numerous insults like “bigot,” “fascist,” and “a racist and indecent man with no good values who is woefully unfit and undeserving of the office in which he serves.”

Maxine Waters, however, has nothing but utmost hatred for Trump’s fans as well.

Rep. Waters expressed her “very disturbed” feelings about Elon Musk allowing Trump to return to Twitter during an appearance with MSNBC.

“Congresswoman Waters, what is your reaction to Trump being back on Twitter?” Jonathan Capehart of MSNBC questioned Waters.

“I am terribly disturbed about it,” Waters remarked.

“I know that he is going to try to use it to continue to organize his constituency.”

Then, though, Waters used two phrases to allude to Trump supporters that are dreadful in light of President Joe Biden’s weaponization of the Justice Department.

“It also gives him an opportunity to try and make people believe why he should be President of the United States,” Waters added.

“So he is going to politicalize it, he is going to use it, and all of those domestic terrorists that he is leading will have a voice. This has me really disturbed.

Of course, allowing the former President of the United States to use social media is not in any way “disturbing.”

In light of the Biden administration’s illegitimate persecution of the political opponents of the Left, it is alarming to hear a sitting congresswoman refer to the 74 million Americans who supported Donald Trump as “domestic terrorists.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more U.S. Political News.

Michelle Obama just delivered this ultimate betrayal to Joe Biden that has him going berserk


Joe Biden has announced his intention to run again in 2024. But which Democrat will Trump face is still up for debate.

And Michelle Obama just delivered this ultimate betrayal to Joe Biden that has him going berserk.

Michelle Obama has long been the Democratic Party’s ideal presidential candidate.

According to polls, Michelle Obama may be the most popular Democrat in America.

And there are others who doubt Joe Biden will run for re-election in 2024.

According to exit polls from the midterm elections, 67 percent of respondents do not want Biden to run for re-election.

According to The Hill:

A huge 67 percent of all voters don’t want Biden to seek a second term. Just 30 percent do want him to run again.

That’s not just a partisan issue. Among those who hope Biden bows out, 31 percent voted for Democrats in the House.

But if Biden dies in 2024, Michelle Obama will not come to his aid.

BBC Breakfast’s Naga Munchetty questioned the former First Lady if she planned to run for President.

Michelle Obama tersely answered, “no, I’m not going to run.”

In an interview with ABC’s Robin Roberts, Michelle Obama addressed the uncertainty surrounding Joe Biden’s 2024 candidacy.

Roberts asked Obama if she was ready to endorse Joe Biden for re-election in 2024, and she said she would have to wait and see.

“I — will have to see. The reason I don’t speak on that is because I know what it feels like to be on the other side of it, and I think that that’s a personal decision that he and his family have to make,” Obama stated. “Probably, if I hadn’t been through it, I’d feel more cavalier about opining on it, but I know it’s a personal call, and I don’t want to be one of the millions of people weighing in on what he should do, he and Jill should do.”

Regardless of what transpired in the midterm elections, Joe Biden remains tremendously disliked.

The Real Clear Politics polling average has Joe Biden’s job popularity at 42 percent.

Joe Biden isn’t getting any younger, and his senility is worsening by the day.

Democrats like Michelle Obama look at the big picture and are still hesitant to back Joe Biden in 2024 because they aren’t confident he can win.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden turned on Fox News and couldn’t believe what he heard from this surprise guest


The embarrassment of the Biden administration mean’s Joe isn’t safe from attacks within his own party. And those attacks have reached new heights.

Because Joe Biden turned on Fox News and was stunned by what he heard from this surprise guest.

Joe Biden’s lackadaisical approach to border security is allowing tens of thousands of unidentified illegal immigrants into the country.

Because of this, border towns have been overrun and destroyed, and this depravity has already spread to every neighborhood in America.

Joe Biden does not appear to be bothered by this at all.

Though even several Democrats are sounding the alarm.

Representative Henry Cuellar, who sits in the United States House of Representatives as the representative for Texas’ 26th District, is one such Democrat.

Rep. Cuellar is aware personally of the terrible effects that illegal immigration has on his constituency because the 26th District shares a very long and broad border with Mexico.

Rep. Cuellar was open about his dissatisfaction with Joe Biden’s soft posture on border security on Fox News’ America Reports last Tuesday.

When asked about his stance on Joe Biden’s border policies, Rep. Cuellar claimed “Well, look, policies have to change, policies have to change. You can change individuals, but if you don’t change the policies, then you’re not going to make a difference at the border.”

He then went on to say, “I will tell you this, that when you have large numbers of individuals coming in, you have to make sure that every person doesn’t have a criminal record . . . So, yes, when you have large numbers of people, you always run the risk that you’re going to find some bad apples in that large number.”

The fact that a Democrat is making these assertions ought to serve as a wake-up call to all Democrats who have been oblivious to this situation for years.

Democrats routinely reject worries about the southern border by characterizing them as “political” or “racial,” which is admittedly how they do with nearly any urgent issue they do not want to solve.

Border security is a problem shared by all political parties, therefore Joe Biden would be wise to prioritize it on his agenda.

Sadly, it doesn’t seem likely that this will occur anytime soon.

The reason for this is that by closing the border, Joe Biden and his radical allies in Washington, D.C., stand to lose politically.

Joe Biden’s main concern is turning illegal immigrants into Democratic voters, thus the more that enter the country, the more opportunity he has to do so.

After all, career politicians like Joe Biden are just interested in winning elections.

For political reasons, Joe Biden should stop prioritizing border security, but the results will be nothing short of catastrophic.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more updates on the southern border.

A federal judge handed the FBI a ruling about Hunter Biden that has the Bidens panicking


The Hunter Biden laptop continues to be a thorn in the side of the Joe Biden administration and the Democrats. And it’s only just now heating up.

Now the Bidens are panicking after a federal judge handed the FBI this ruling about Hunter Biden.

Founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg ignited controversy when he confessed that the FBI had pressed the business to delete stories about Hunter Biden by spreading false information about Russian disinformation while appearing on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast.

When U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Doughty agreed to order FBI official Elvis Chan to testify in their lawsuit against the Biden administration for pressuring social media platforms to censor criticism of vaccine mandates and the Hunter Biden laptop story, Attorneys General Eric Schmitt and Jeff Landry won a significant legal victory.

According to National Review:

An FBI official will be deposed in a lawsuit over alleged collusion between the Biden administration and social-media companies to censor speech on topics ranging from Hunter Biden’s laptop to Covid-19, a judge ruled Monday.

The ruling comes in response to a lawsuit by Missouri attorney general Eric Schmitt and Louisiana attorney general Jeff Landry accusing the federal government of working “hand-in-hand with social media companies to censor freedom of speech on their platforms.” The lawsuit has grown to include 67 defendants, including top officials at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the White House, and others.

Last month, the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana granted the two states’ request for depositions from several top-ranking governmental officials.

Courts have often decided that the First Amendment is violated if the government exerts pressure on a private actor to restrict information or viewpoints because the private corporation is now functioning as the government’s agent.

Previously, Landry and Schmitt were successful in getting decisions that required Dr. Fauci and other administration representatives, such as Jen Psaki, to testify regarding their knowledge of the administration’s use of Facebook and Twitter to silence accounts that were opposed to vaccine requirements.

Judge Doughty determined that Agent Chan would have direct knowledge of the FBI officials who pushed Facebook to remove the story about the Hunter Biden laptop and their motivations.

Now that the case has been cleared up, Attorneys General Schmitt and Landry can investigate the FBI’s interference in the 2020 election.

There’s little doubt in the minds of millions of Americans that hiding a damning Biden story just before the 2020 election cycle tipped the scales in the Democrats’ favor.

But that’s not all the Bidens and the Democrats have to worry about.

Reports from the past several weeks have indicated that federal officials have enough to prosecute Hunter Biden on hundreds of federal violations.

And the U.S. House now under control of the GOP is poised to investigate the Biden family closer over these alleged crimes.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for more on this story.

Joe Biden went off the rails when this bombshell report crossed his desk


Joe Biden saw the midterm elections as a significant success. Then he noticed an issue hiding beneath the surface.

And Joe Biden went off the rails when this bombshell report crossed his desk.

President Joe Biden appeared to be on a high after Democrats’ unexpectedly good result in the midterm elections.

However, voters are suggesting that if he decides to run for a second term, he may have a significant difficulty.

The Biden border issue has been one of the worst disasters of his presidency, and a new survey shows that people will not forgive him in 2024.

On Election Day, the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) conducted an exit survey, which revealed that the Biden border crisis is a top issue for Americans, and it might come back to harm Biden if the crisis persists.

According to the exit poll, 62% of respondents want tougher border security and deporting illegal immigrants.

Furthermore, only 32% of respondents backed the open borders attitude of amnesty and allowing additional illegal immigrants in.

Half of voters polled by FAIR said that “securing the border and stopping illegal immigration” should be the top immigration issue for the next Congress to tackle.

“Voters want the border brought under control, the wall built, and our nation’s immigration laws enforced,” FAIR President Dan Stein said.

With Republicans poised to take control of the House following the midterm elections, they will be able to begin addressing the border situation.

“The likely Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, pledged that a border security bill will be the first piece of legislation he brings to the floor next year, and he has a clear mandate to fulfill that pledge,” Stein continued. “Additionally, the House must use its power of the purse to ensure that this administration is not given a blank check to spend taxpayer money to undermine immigration laws, as they have for the past two years.”

Spending bills must be introduced in the House, providing Republicans the authority to halt financing for the Biden regime’s open borders lunacy.

“When it comes to immigration and border enforcement, the Biden administration has betrayed the trust of the American people,” Stein noted. “It is now up to congressional Republicans to show they can earn that trust.”

Some top Republicans appear to be up to the task of confronting the Biden administration over the border crisis.

Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) stated that border security should be a major priority for Republicans in the upcoming Congress.

“The Biden administration has created the worst humanitarian crisis in modern American history,” Banks said. “Next Congress, Republicans’ top immigration priority will be securing our southern border and voters will reward us for it in 2024.”

With Donald Trump announcing another presidential bid, border security will be front and center amid the Biden border crisis.

In a blow to Biden, the FAIR poll indicated that 64% want Trump to finish his border wall.

If Joe Biden runs for re-election, the border situation will be a huge political issue.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.