Biden suffers shocking loss that has exposed major cracks in the Democrat party

Joe Biden has been propped up by the Democrat party for years in their desperate attempt to oppose Trump. But recently, even Democrats seem to be opposing Biden.

And now, Biden has suffered a shocking loss that has exposed major cracks in the Democrat party.

Super Tuesday saw Democrat and businessman Jason Palmer defeat incumbent President Joe Biden in American Samoa.

Palmer was a long shot opponent of the president who seemed to play to a more moderate supporter base.

KFOR reports that the Decision Desk HQ called the race on Tuesday night.

The American Samoan Democratic Party confirmed the outcome to the media.

Only sixteen states have allowed Palmer to run for president, according to a campaign announcement.

Palmer conducted campaigns in American Samoa as well which could have been a major reason for his win in the territory.

Palmer played more to younger and moderate Democrats as an alternative to Biden.

Salote Iopu Finauga Mamea, 24, praised Palmer for his campaign efforts in American Samoa.

Mamea said, “Jason is giving American Samoa the attention it deserves! Appreciate his efforts and concerns towards our island in addressing issues such as climate change, infrastructure, government fundings, healthcare, and education. From humble beginnings to making a difference.”

“At 52, Palmer stands out as one of the youngest Democratic candidates on the ballot, offering a fresh perspective based on his experience as an entrepreneur and businessman.”

“His platform is based on people-first conscious capitalism, modernizing our federal government, and reigniting the faith of young people and independents who have lost confidence in America’s institutions.”

Although this is merely one territory, many Americans understand the significance of Biden’s loss in American Samoa.

Democrats are no longer supporting the corrupt President, and they are turning their focus on younger and brighter candidates within their party.

As Joe Biden’s approval rating is abysmally low, many Democrats are looking elsewhere for a candidate who can beat Trump.

The Radical Left understands how hated and despised Joe Biden is, and now they are scrambling to prop up another figure in his place.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news updates and more.

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