Democrats are stunned after Joe Biden was betrayed by his own federal court

Joe Biden and the radical Left are doing everything they can to win the courts over to their side. But they weren’t prepared for this recent development.

And Democrats are stunned after Joe Biden was betrayed by his own federal court.

In a significant legal victory for America, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced on Tuesday that a federal court has sided with the state in its lawsuit against the Biden administration’s reinterpretation of Title IX.

The court ruling strikes down the administration’s guidance, which had expanded the definition of “s*x” to include “s*xual orientation” and “gender identity,” threatening schools with the loss of federal funding if they maintained facilities and activities based on biological s*x.

The lawsuit, initiated by Paxton in June 2023, targeted the United States Department of Education, led by Secretary Miguel Cardona, and the Department of Justice, under Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Paxton’s suit demanded the court vacate the June 2021 guidance, arguing it was “not in accordance with law” and exceeded statutory authority by applying Title VII interpretations from the Bostock decision to Title IX.

Furthermore, the suit contended that the guidance documents represented substantive or legislative rules requiring notice-and-comment rule making, which had not been conducted.

U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor, presiding over the Northern District of Texas, delivered a 112-page decision firmly rejecting the Biden administration’s interpretation.

O’Connor emphasized that while Title IX prohibits s*x discrimination, it does not explicitly address discrimination based on gender identity.

He clarified that Title IX permits differentiation based on biological s*x for certain purposes, such as maintaining separate intimate facilities and athletic teams, thus allowing schools to treat individuals according to their biological s*x without considering subjective gender identity.

“Because of this prohibition on s*x discrimination, recipients of federal funds generally cannot discriminate based on someone’s s*x. However, nothing in the statute expressly prohibits discrimination based on gender identity or other unexpressed grounds,” O’Connor wrote.

He noted that contemporary dictionaries from the time Title IX was enacted in 1972 defined “s*x” in a strictly binary sense, supporting a biological interpretation.

O’Connor’s ruling underscored the legislative intent behind Title IX, which recognizes inherent biological differences between men and women.

“Title IX explicitly appreciates the innate biological variation between men and women that occasionally warrants differentiation—and even separation—to preserve educational opportunities and to promote respect for both s*xes,” he stated.

He criticized the Biden administration’s guidance for advancing an agenda “wholly divorced from the text, structure, and contemporary context of Title IX.”

The judge also pointed out the practical implications of the guidance, which placed recipients of Title IX funding, including Texas schools, in a precarious position.

Schools faced the dilemma of either complying with the federal guidance and violating state laws or adhering to state laws and risking the loss of substantial federal funding.

“To allow Defendants’ unlawful action to stand would be to functionally rewrite Title IX in a way that shockingly transforms American education and usurps a major question from Congress. That is not how our democratic system functions,” O’Connor concluded.

Attorney General Paxton celebrated the court’s decision as a triumph against federal overreach and a defense of traditional values.

“Joe Biden’s unlawful effort to weaponize Title IX for his extremist agenda has been stopped in its tracks,” Paxton declared.

“Threatening to withhold education funding by forcing states to accept ‘transgender’ policies that put women in danger was plainly illegal. Texas has prevailed on behalf of the entire Nation.”

This ruling is a major setback for the Biden administration’s broader push to force their radical Agenda on Americans across the nation.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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