Hunter Biden suffers massive legal blow that has exposed the entire Biden family

Hunter Biden has been in the hot seat for so long, but his family name has been protecting him. However, all of that has just changed.

Because Hunter Biden has suffered a massive legal blow that has exposed the entire Biden family.

On Monday, Hunter Biden’s request to have all of his tax charges dismissed was denied, allowing the criminal case against him to proceed.

According to The Hill, a federal judge in California ruled against the younger Biden.

According to the ruling, Biden is being prosecuted on three felonies and six misdemeanors for tax evasion, filing a fraudulent return, and not paying taxes throughout the period of 2016 to 2019.

To every charge, Biden has entered a not guilty plea.

As Breitbart News reported last month, his attorneys contended that the prosecution was politically motivated and tainted by two IRS officers who went on to become whistleblowers.

The president’s son submitted eight distinct moves to get the charges dropped.

Each one included a different legal defense, such as immunity from a prior plea agreement he had reached, but they were all turned down.

Biden’s primary defense was marginalized when U.S. District Judge Mark Scarsi said the case was not political and pointed out that Biden’s lawyers had not offered any proof to support their position.

He added, “The motion is remarkable in that it fails to include a single declaration, exhibit, or request for judicial notice.”

“Instead, Defendant cites portions of various Internet news sources, social media posts, and legal blogs. These citations, however, are not evidence.”

Scarsi noted that the sources “contain multiple levels of hearsay,” referring mostly to media reporting about the case.

The Hill piece details how the judge rejected Biden’s allegation of a biased and spiteful prosecution in a similar manner.

“Defendant fails to present a reasonable inference, let alone clear evidence, of discriminatory effect and discriminatory purpose,” Scarsi wrote.

“Accordingly, the selective prosecution claim fails.”

If found guilty, Hunter Biden might spend a maximum of 17 years behind bars.

The president’s son is accused of nine taxes and three firearms crimes, which could result in 42 years in federal jail.

While he is still a crucial witness in the House impeachment investigation of President Joe Biden, he was charged with gun offenses in Delaware and entered a not-guilty plea.

This latest legal blow has completely blown open the case against Hunter, and it seems increasingly clear that the American people are finally discovering the truth about the Biden family.

We cannot allow a family as corrupt as the Biden family to remain in power any longer.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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