Top official caught in treasonous act that exposes the Radical Left

It is no secret that the Radical Left hates America. But now they have taken it too far.

And a top official has been caught in a treasonous act that exposes the Left.

Former US Attorney General Loretta Lynch made a covert attempt to persuade the Department of Defense to strike a contentious Chinese drone manufacturer from a US roster of Chinese firms involved in the communist nation’s armed forces.

According to Reuters, SZ DJI Technology Co. requested that Lynch and two other former U.S. officials take them off the list.

The other individuals were Associate White House Counsel Roberto Gonzalez and former Assistant United States Attorney Michael Gertzman.

The letter to the Pentagon officer was signed by all three of the former US officials, who are currently coworkers at the Paul, Weiss law firm, and included the notation “confidential treatment requested.”

According to the Pentagon in 2021, DJI poses a risk to the national security of the United States.

The letter, a copy of which the report received, is an illustration of the reasons American authorities are working to eliminate legal loopholes that permit attorneys and lobbyists to avoid revealing their work for foreign corporations that may be vulnerable to U.S. sanctions.

Due to a loophole in the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), anyone who engages in “commercial activities and legal representation” is exempt from having to notify the US government about their conduct.

Lynch came under fire from Senate Foreign Relations Committee ranking Republican Jim Risch for her support and advocacy of organizations with ties to China’s military.

“It is appalling that former senior U.S. officials use their connections to serve the interests of U.S. adversaries,” said Risch.

Lynch pushed the U.S. to drop the designation immediately because the drones were already in “wide use” in the U.S.

She also requested a meeting with the department so she could address the issue.

Why is it that those on the Radical Left are so obsessed with foreign powers?

Many Americans wonder why top government officials would be so concerned with helping China and so concerned with covering it up.
Americans are frustrated that once again, the Radical Left is spending more time, money, and effort on foreign powers like Ukraine and China than they are on their own citizens.

We cannot allow these treasonous actions to continue.

We must hold our government officials accountable for their actions.

We need to elect politicians and leaders who will put America and her needs first… not foreign militaries.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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