Top presidential candidate receives major blow that could end everything

Funding plays a major part in every politician’s career. It has the ability to make or break it.

And now, a top presidential candidate has received a devastating blow to funding that could end it all.

Americans For Prosperity Action, a major conservative organization, has been backing Nikki Haley throughout her run for President.

However, recently the organization made the decision to stop their financial support for Haley’s presidential campaign.

In an internal email obtained by Politico, the Americans For Prosperity CEO, Emily Seidel, said that their political branch, AFP Action, needed to re-evaluate priorities.

She claimed that they needed to “take stock” of their expenditure priorities after Haley was soundly defeated in her home state of South Carolina.

Seidel went on to say that the group would be more focused on close/competitive Senate and House races in the coming weeks and months.

Seidel claimed that they supported Haley’s attitude towards her uphill battle, but emphasized that they saw no way of her winning.

“She has made it clear that she will continue to fight and we wholeheartedly support her in this effort,” Seidel wrote in the email.

“But given the challenges in the primary states ahead, we don’t believe any outside group can make a material difference to widen her path to victory,” she added.

Before the presidential primaries took place, AFP Action was spending resources on advertising campaigns to encourage Republicans to support candidates other than Trump.

Throughout the past year, they spent time on the ground as well trying to persuade Republicans that Trump was not the candidate that they should support.

It was only in late November of last year, however, that the group officially endorsed Nikki Haley over Trump.

AFP has already invested millions of dollars in advertising for Nikki Haley, but even they seem to understand that there is no way forward for her.

Haley has suffered defeat after defeat in every state in the primaries so far.

And most recently, Haley was beaten badly by Donald Trump in her own home state by a margin of 20 points.

Political investors and organizations, the media, and millions of Americans understand that Donald Trump is going to be the Republican candidate for President.

There is no way for Nikki Haley to defeat him, and now more than ever she has less of a chance as a major organization has made it clear they will not be funding her any longer.

Many people wonder why Haley has even remained in the race this long as she seems to be doing nothing but splitting the Republican vote.

After his win in South Carolina, Trump delivered a speech on the importance of unity among Americans, especially among Conservatives and Republicans.

We cannot defeat the Radical Left unless we pool our resources and get behind a leader who can oppose them.

Time has shown that Trump will be the Republican nominee, and we cannot continue splitting the American people.

We must work together to take down the Left.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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