Trump makes alarming statement about Biden that has the Left scrambling

One thing Trump is known for is his strong rhetoric. America seems to love that he speaks the truth in his campaign speeches.

But now, Trump has made an alarming statement about Biden that has the Left scrambling.

In a recent exclusive interview with Breitbart, Donald Trump claimed that the parents of Laken Riley are “great people” who “lost an angel” when their daughter was killed by an illegal alien that Democratic President Joe Biden’s administration allowed into the country.

While in Georgia for his campaign last weekend, Trump had a meeting with Riley’s parents. Over the weekend, Trump had a meeting with the parents of Laken, Jason Riley, and Allyson Phillips, at a rally in Rome, Georgia.

Laken Riley was murdered while out on a jog towards the end of February.

After delaying acknowledging for weeks that the illegal alien he allowed into the country was suspected of killing her, Biden eventually broke his script and spoke her name during the State of the Union address, albeit pronouncing it incorrectly.

This was in response to criticism from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA).

During his 90-minute interview with Breitbart News on Wednesday night at Mar-a-Lago, Trump discussed his meeting with Laken Riley’s parents over the weekend.

Trump said, “They lost a person they loved more than anybody else. She was the top in her class and everything she ever did. She wanted to be a nurse and maybe would have ended up being a doctor.”

“Her friends were there too. They said, ‘We were not as good as her.’ She was like this perfect person and a good person. Her parents are very good people. I spent time with them. I met with her sister, who’s beautiful also, inside and out. These are people that can’t believe what happened,” Trump added.

Trump also took the opportunity to attack Biden for refusing to admit what happened and said Biden has shown “no compassion” to the Riley family in the aftermath.

“They’ve been shown no compassion from Biden other than he called out the name with the wrong name,” Trump claimed.

Trump also rightly pointed out that even when Biden addressed the murder, he did it wrongly and only did it because he was directly called out.

“He only called it out because Marjorie Taylor Greene shamed him. It’s like he picked up the pin to try to read it and he didn’t read it very well. These are people who can’t believe what happened to them and can’t believe what he’s doing. They’ll never be the same.”

Trump also took the moment to express sympathy for all Angel Families (families of victims who have been murdered by illegal aliens).

Trump claimed that the Left despises and hates them.

“They’re hated by the liberals. They’re hated,” Trump said emphatically.

Trump then said one thing that has Liberals even more terrified: “The Angel Moms love Trump.”

“The thing that most amazes me, and I meet a lot of them, is they’re really good people. They lost their son or their daughter, and when I say ‘lost’—one of them was stuffed in a car and set on fire. The whole thing is crazy. Yet the liberal media and the liberals generally treat them horribly.”

Trump claims that these Angel Families are on his side and support him against the Radical Left.

The Left cannot afford to lose even more votes, so now they are scrambling because of his comments.

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