White House’s newest suspicious comments regarding terror attack have people alarmed

The current administration seems to believe that nothing is wrong with letting known terrorists across our border. But a recent incident has everyone worried.

And the White House’s newest suspicious comments regarding a terror attack have people alarmed.

During a briefing on Thursday, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was questioned about two Jordanian immigrants who attempted to breach the security at the Quantico Marine Corps Base in Virginia.

The incident has raised significant concerns about a potential terrorist attack, but the White House declined to provide any specific details or confirm the nature of the incident.

Peter Doocy from Fox News directly asked Jean-Pierre whether the White House considered the incident a failed terrorist attack.

“The deputy director of ICE is telling us that two Jordanian nationals are in removal proceedings now, after posing as Amazon delivery drivers to crash the gates at Quantico. Does the White House think this might have been a failed terrorist attack?” he inquired.

Jean-Pierre responded in a suspicious and questionable manner saying, “So going to be really mindful, these two Jordanians that you’re speaking of remain in ICE custody and given that it is an active law enforcement matter, so I would have to refer you to ICE. I just can’t dive into this because again, this is a law enforcement matter,” she stated.

According to Potomac Local News, the incident occurred when two men inside a box truck attempted to force their way through the base’s main gate on Fuller Road, just outside Dumfries.

The men posed as Amazon drivers in an effort to gain unauthorized access. Military police quickly intervened, detaining the individuals.

Sources familiar with the investigation revealed more troubling details.

One of the men had crossed the southern border illegally, and the other was on the U.S. terrorist watch list. This alarming information suggests a potential threat that goes beyond a simple security breach.

Capt. Michael Curtis, a spokesman for the base, provided additional context about the incident.

“One of the military police officers noticed the driver, ignoring the direct instructions of the officers, continued to move the vehicle past the holding area and attempted to access Quantico,” Curtis explained.

The potential involvement of individuals with terrorist affiliations highlights the urgent need for robust border security measures and thorough vetting processes for all individuals entering the country.

The Biden administration has faced criticism for its handling of border security and immigration policies.

The southern border has seen a significant increase in illegal crossings since President Biden took office, raising concerns about national security.

Critics argue that the administration’s policies have created vulnerabilities that could be exploited by those seeking to harm the United States.

The refusal of the White House to provide clear answers on the Quantico incident only adds to the growing unease.

The public deserves transparency and assurance that their safety is being prioritized. The potential threat posed by individuals attempting to breach a military base is a serious matter that requires immediate and decisive action.

Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) voiced his concerns about the incident, calling for a thorough investigation and accountability. “This is a wake-up call for the Biden administration. Our national security is at risk, and we need to take these threats seriously. The American people deserve answers, and we must ensure that our military installations are protected from potential terrorist attacks,” Cotton said.

Representative Michael Waltz (R-FL), a former Green Beret, emphasized the need for a comprehensive approach to national security. “We need to address the root causes of these security breaches. This includes securing our borders, enhancing our intelligence capabilities, and ensuring that our military bases are equipped to handle potential threats. The safety of our nation depends on it,” Waltz stated.

We must not sit by idly while Joe Biden and the Radical Left open up our nation to terrorists.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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