Legal analyst delivers crazy Trump acquittal news that prosecutors are furious about

The Trump criminal cases are well underway. But the outcome is all but sure.

Because a legal analyst delivered stunning Trump acquittal news that the Trump prosecutors are furious about.

The first Donald Trump indictment case to be hitting the court system has been the “hush money” case where rogue Manhattan District Attorney lackeys slapped Trump with an indictment for supposed “business and election” fraud. They allege that Donald Trump knowingly tried to pay adult film star Stormy Daniels hundreds of thousands of dollars in hush money to keep quiet about a former affair.

Let’s just say the case hasn’t been going well for the Trump prosecution team. That’s putting it lightly. This case seems to be more dead than Hillary Clinton’s political career after losing in 2016.

Stormy Daniels herself has admitted that she’s previously signed documents that say that Donald Trump did not have any affair with her at any point and did not pay her any form of “hush money.”

Michael Cohen, who was supposed to be the biggest witness for the prosecution, has come across as the untrustworthy liar that he is. Even Leftist outlets like CNN are saying they don’t trust Cohen at all.

It’s just been a disaster from the start for the prosecution, but what’s crazy is that it just might get worse for the Trump haters. How so? Well apparently an acquittal is on the table for former President Donald Trump. Meaning, all this could go away in an instant.

How? Reports say that the jury includes two lawyers. Why is that important? They are going to be looking at this case with a lot of skepticism, as most legal experts would. Current and former lawyers aren’t likely to just be easily swayed by weak arguments being made by the prosecution.

Former Department of Justice spokesman Anthony Coley has raised concerns about the potential impact of having two lawyers on the jury in the trial of former President Donald Trump. The trial, led by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, centers on allegations that Trump falsified business documents to conceal a payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels. The presence of a young corporate law attorney and a civil litigation attorney among the 12 jurors could, according to Coley, pose significant challenges for the prosecution.

Coley shared his apprehensions on Jonathan Lemire Reports, highlighting the potential for these jurors to overanalyze the case, thereby influencing their fellow jurors in ways that might disadvantage the prosecution.

“I think what I would worry about if I’m on the prosecution case, and I say this tongue in cheek, because I ran communications at arguably the largest law firm in the world, the U.S. Justice Department, I do worry that there are lawyers on this jury, not one but two lawyers,” Coley remarked.

He elaborated, “By my own experience, lawyers can sometimes be overly analytical. They can be hyper technical. I worry that the nonlawyers on this jury may rely on the lawyers who, quite frankly, don’t have expertise in this area of the law.”

A critical aspect of Bragg’s case hinges on the testimony of Michael Cohen, Trump’s former attorney, who has been scrutinized for his credibility issues. Legal analysts have pointed out that Cohen’s testimony, which includes admissions of theft from his previous employer, presents vulnerabilities for the prosecution. Coley believes the defense will capitalize on these credibility issues to undermine the prosecution’s case.

“I think their strategy can really be summed up in four words,” Coley said. “Don’t believe Michael Cohen. And what we saw in four days of meandering testimony and cross-examination towards the end of this trial, we saw them take a couple hits at Michael Cohen’s credibility. We now know, for example, that in addition to being a convicted felon and a liar, we know that Michael Cohen by his own admission is a thief. So I expect to see defense attorneys return to those schematics.”

As the trial progresses, the influence of the two lawyers on the jury remains a focal point of concern for the prosecution. Their potential to sway the jury’s deliberations through their analytical approach could prove to be a decisive factor in the outcome of the case.

Based on the early analysis of the case, it seems like the prosecution is going to be up against it by trying to get a unanimous agreement from the jury that they’ll be looking for to get Trump convicted.

If they thought anything different, that’s just hilarious. When your best witnesses are an adult film star and a pathological liar, you’re not going to be in for a good day at the office.

You can watch the clip below:

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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