The Biden White House got caught selling secrets and now all hell is breaking loose

The D.C. Swamp runs deeper than you could ever imagine. And next to no one cares about this country.

Now the Biden White House got caught selling secrets and all hell is breaking loose.

The problem with Washington is that it doesn’t matter what you do, it’s who you know.

You could commit terrible crimes, but if you’re part of the “in crowd,” then you’re good to go.

This is blatantly obvious to anyone with half a brain, but sometimes lower level bureaucrats think they’re untouchable.

What they don’t realize is their superiors are willing to sacrifice them on the altar to cover their own tracks.

And one Biden lackey is learning that the hard way.

A congressional investigation into President Biden’s suspended special envoy to Iran, Robert Malley, has turned up evidence that the State Department official may have communicated sensitive information with others outside the U.S. government.

According to people briefed on the investigation, Malley, who was quietly placed on unpaid leave in June and had his security clearance suspended two months prior, shared sensitive documents with allies in order to “advance his diplomatic efforts” in Tehran.

According to the publication, Republican legislators have uncovered that Malley downloaded approximately a dozen papers, including some marked “sensitive” and “classified,” to his personal devices while leading the Biden administration’s diplomatic relations with the U.S. foe.

The records apparently included “detailed notes” of his interactions with Iranian officials in the months leading up to his suspension, as well as information about the U.S. government’s response to the 2022 Mahsa Amini demonstrations in Iran.

Earlier this month, the top Republicans on the Senate Foreign Relations and House Foreign Affairs committees pressed the State Department to confirm “troubling allegations” that Malley kept classified information on his personal email account and cellphone, which was later accessed by a “hostile cyber actor.”

“Specifically, we understand that Mr. Malley’s security clearance was suspended because he allegedly transferred classified documents to his personal email account and downloaded these documents to his personal cell phone,” Senate Foreign Relations Committee ranking member James Risch (R-Idaho) and House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-Texas) wrote in a May 6 letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

“It is unclear to whom he intended to provide these documents, but it is believed that a hostile cyber actor was able to gain access to his email and/or phone and obtain the downloaded information,” the legislators stated at the time.

A State agency official told The Post at the time that Malley is still on leave and that the agency has provided Congress with information on personnel inquiries about Iran policy, but declined to comment on the particular charges made by Risch and McCaul.

In 2015, the FBI launched a criminal investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for similar actions to the claims against Malley.

Clinton was discovered to have stored tens of thousands of emails from her time at the State Department on various unsecured private servers, including 81 email chains that discussed classified information and seven that referred to classified material determined to be Top Secret/Special Access Program level.

The FBI concluded that Clinton was “extremely careless” and that hostile actors may have gotten access to her personal email account, but she was not charged with a crime.

Malley is currently being investigated by the FBI, according to McCaul and Risch.

The FBI and State Department did not immediately return requests for comment.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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