

All hell broke loose when the White House was caught in this massive lie

Democrats have a proven track record of lying to the American public. Some things never change. And all hell broke loose when the White House...

What Democrats just did could be the end of America for good

The Democrats have gone way too far this time. They've doomed America. Because what Democrats just did could be the end of America once and...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gets slapped with huge ethics violation

Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been caught red-handed. She thought no one would find out.

But AOC has been slapped with a huge ethics violation that could end her career for good.

A major witch hunt just collapsed in on Democrats

Democrats know they can't win the argument over their most radical policies. Instead, they go on campaigns of character assassination.

But a major witch hunt just collapsed in on Democrats.

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