Biden suffers devastating loss that could upset the whole race

Joe Biden has been framed as the Democrat’s top candidate. However, it seems the truth is very different.

And Biden has suffered a devastating loss that could upset the whole race.

In the recent primary election in the state of Michigan, Far Left extremists were encouraging Democrat voters to vote “uncommitted” to express their displeasure with Joe Biden.

Specifically, they were attempting to show Biden how unhappy they were with his handling of the war between Hamas and Israel.

And even though Joe Biden easily won the state, he received a surprising number of uncommitted votes that has many Democrats worried about his future.

Over 100,000 votes were cast as “uncommitted” against him in the primary.

In fact, 13% of the votes in the Democrat primary were cast for uncommitted.

Biden received 81%, Dean Phillips received 2.7%, Marianne Williamson 3%, and uncommitted a staggering 13%.

The movement was started by a Radical Left campaign effort called #ListenToMichigan and was supported by many Muslims as well as squad member Rashida Tlaib.

Countless younger Democrats have expressed their dissatisfaction and anger at Biden for not calling for an immediate ceasefire in the war between Israel and Hamas.

So, they believed the best way to show their frustration was to take to the polls in Michigan and vote “uncommitted.”

Rashida Tlaib claimed that she was “proud today to walk in and pull a Democratic ballot and vote uncommitted.”

“We must make sure that our government is about us,” she continued.

“About the people. When 74 percent of Democrats in Michigan support a ceasefire, yet President Biden is not hearing us. This is the way we can use our democracy to say, ‘Listen, listen to Michigan,” she added.

While Biden was in no danger of losing the primary to this movement, it still shows a shocking rift among Democrat voters, and it highlights that things in the Democrat party are not as smooth as they seem.

Not only are Republicans outraged with how Biden has handled things in his time as president, but his own voting base is turning on him.

The Radical Left continues to pump the media and news sites full of false narratives that portray Biden as being able to easily win in 2024, but we know the truth.

His supporters are split and are starting to turn on him.

As long as there are movements like ListenToMichigan, Biden’s chances of remaining president will continue to get worse.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

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