Prudent Politics

1392 POSTS

Trump was just attacked and his supporters are appalled

The amount of hatred towards Trump has certainly put him in a lot of danger. But no one expected this. And now Trump was just...

Donald Trump breaks a record in his decisive win in New Hampshire

Donald Trump’s battle for the White House has been met with numerous challenges. But, things are starting to turn around. And Donald Trump has...

J6 committee destroys critical evidence to hide the truth

The partisan J6 committee has been falsifying facts for years now. But no one expected them to go this far. And now we have proof...

New definitive proof of election interference committed by Radical Left

Republicans have been pleading their case for years. Now they've been vindicated. And now new definitive proof of election interference by the Left has been...

Biden administration has just made a shocking admission that leaves Americans outraged

The Biden administration has been lying to America for years and they never admit it. But now, all of that has changed. Because the Biden...

Prudent Politics

1392 POSTS