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You won’t believe what government agency Joe Biden is handing over to Stacey Abrams


Democrats have waged a war on conservative speech for several years, with the support of Big Tech. They’re gearing up to for their boldest move yet.

And you won’t believe what government agency Joe Biden is handing over to Stacey Abrams.

Since the 2016 election, Big Tech corporations have been silencing and banning anyone who speaks out on their platforms against the Left’s agenda.

The New York Post’s piece on Hunter Biden’s laptop, which exposed his wild drug usage and questionable offshore business activities, was suppressed by Big Tech in 2020.

Of course, Democrats exploit Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which protects digital corporations from legal liability for anything uploaded on their platforms, to shield Big Tech from legal prosecution over their censorship regime.

To avoid a free speech lawsuit, Big Tech employs Section 230 to silence and suppress conservatives.

But the tide is turning on the Left, thanks to Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter and his promise to restore free expression on the network.

Musk is robbing Democrats of control over the flow of information on one of their most critical venues.

Stacey Abrams, a defeated Democrat gubernatorial candidate, has a plan to prevent Musk from reinstating free speech.

Stacey Abrams is reportedly asking Joe Biden to put her in control of the Federal Communications Commission after losing twice to Georgia Governor Brian Kemp (FCC).

Because Democrats are unable to find enough votes to confirm FCC candidate Gigi Sohn, her confirmation vote has been postponed.

Stacey Abrams, according to Communications Daily, is urging the White House to name her as the next Commissioner of the important agency.

Stacey Abrams, as FCC Commissioner, would wield enormous power in regulating media companies such as Fox News.

However, liberals have been seeking to turn the Internet into a “public utility,” allowing authorities to regulate who gets to use it and what they may read and say online.

Stacey Abrams, of course, has no prior experience in the telecoms industry.

She’s spent the last several years losing to Georgia Governor Brian Kemp while also orchestrating left-wing ballot-harvesting methods for Democrats across the country.

But, aside from a compulsive adherence to the awakened left-wing agenda, Joe Biden has demonstrated that the only qualifications that count to him are color, gender, and sexuality.

And Stacey Abrams checks two of Joe Biden’s three boxes.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren lost her mind with this jaw-dropping attack on Elon Musk


Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren is one of the most rabid Leftists in all of Congress. Her radicalism knows no end.

But Elizabeth Warren has utterly lost her mind with this stunning attack on Elon Musk.

Senator Elizabeth Warren has been exposed as a liar on numerous occasions.

First, she was caught lying about her Native American heritage when she applied for a teaching position at Harvard using her false status as a “Native American.”

Warren has ditched her moderate character in favor of a hard-left shift, advocating for measures that align with communist Europe’s left.

Warren favors a wealth tax, specifically a tax on unrealized gains, which was a colossal failure in Europe when it was done.

Now, Warren is going after Musk because he wants to restore Twitter’s free speech culture.

When challenged about free speech on the platform during an interview, Warren deflected to take a jab at Musk.

She said, “I think that one human being should not decide how millions of people communicate with each other, and it doesn’t make any difference who that human being is. One human being should not be able to go into a dark room by himself and decide, ‘Oh, that person gets heard from, that person doesn’t.’ That’s not how it should work.”

First, Warren had no problem with the previous system deciding who could comment online.

She doesn’t mind if Facebook or other platforms censor who she wants.

Warren’s left-wing populist spiel falls flat since she supports censorship that favors the dictatorship.

Warren added, “Those decisions are going to be made. I think they ought to be made transparently out in the open. And I think a lot of people ought to be able to have input to it. And that’s not what’s happening right now on Twitter.”

That is just incorrect.

Musk has been forthcoming about his content control decisions.

Previously, any concerns about censorship were mostly dismissed.

People can now make direct appeals to Musk, and he has solicited feedback from Twitter users through polls.

Musk tweeted, “Should Twitter offer a general amnesty to suspended accounts, provided that they have not broken the law or engaged in egregious spam?”

Approximately 75% of the 3.2 million respondents replied yes.

In comparison to the old regime’s opaque method, this is a huge step forward for democracy.

Warren has disdain for Musk solely because he exposed the nonsense and insincerity of her anti-free market rhetoric.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

CNN is going up in flames after receiving this one letter they never expected


CNN is experiencing major restructuring. The network is suffering as a result massive cost-cutting.

And CNN is going up in flames after receiving this one letter they never expected.

The network’s running expenses have hit $882 million each year, and profits have dropped to their lowest level since former President Donald Trump entered office, according to new CNN CEO Chris Licht.

In a follow-up email to all workers, Licht stated that the first casualties of budget cuts will be on-air contributors, followed by other staff members.

“Our people are the heart and soul of this organization,” Licht wrote via email. “It is incredibly hard to say goodbye to any one member of the CNN team, much less many.

I recently referred to this process as a gut punch since I know how it feels for all of us.”

“Today we will notify a limited number of individuals, largely some of our paid contributors, as part of a recalibrated reporting strategy,” he continued.

“Tomorrow, we will notify impacted employees, and tomorrow afternoon I will follow up with more details on these changes.

“It will be a difficult time for everyone,” the CEO added. “If your job has been impacted, you will learn more through an in-person meeting or via Zoom, depending on your location.

You will get information particular to you concerning the notice period or any severance that may apply, as well as your projected final day, at those meetings.”

“I want to be clear that everyone who is bonus eligible will still receive their 2022 bonuses, which are determined by company performance,” Licht assured CNN staff.

“I know these changes affect both our departing colleagues and those who remain, and we have resources designed to support you. I will include a link to those resources in my follow-up email tomorrow.”

When Licht took over the defunct CNN+ – the streaming service that Licht’s predecessor, disgraced former network president Jeff Zucker, put $300 million into – the platform had just 10,000 subscribers at best.

CNN is a network in transition, and it is battling to survive, whether their talking heads like it or not.

Following Trump’s election victory in 2016, CNN transformed into a 24-hour, seven-day-a-week, 365-day-a-year anti-Trump propaganda operation that bore no resemblance to a genuine “news network,” and their ratings skyrocketed.

However, after the former President left office, CNN’s infatuation with Trump and other left-wing propaganda shattered the network, with no CNN programming attracting more than one million viewers in primetime for months, an almost unheard-of feat among major networks.

The simple fact was that Donald Trump had been CNN’s meal ticket for a long time.

However, the gravy train has run dry, and many of CNN’s self-proclaimed “journalists” are finally getting the harsh reality check they sorely needed.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Leftists are losing their minds after two Democrats were sent to prison for this massive fraud


Democrats and the corporate-controlled media say that voter fraud does not exist. But that’s not the case.

And Leftists are losing their minds after two Democrats were sent to prison for this massive fraud.

The Department of Justice stated that Jerry Trabona, former Police Chief of Amite City, Louisiana, and Kristian “Kris” Hart, City Councilwoman of Amite City, Louisiana, both Democrats, were sentenced to one year in prison for a vote-buying scheme in the 2016 election.

The Department of Justice detailed the Democrats’ vote-buying plan in a press release announcing the sentence.

“According to court documents and evidence presented at trial, Jerry Trabona, 73, the former Chief of Police in Amite City, and Kristian “Kris” Hart, 50, a former Amite City councilmember, agreed with each other and others to pay or offer to pay voters residing in Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana, for voting during the 2016 Open Primary Election and the 2016 Open General Election, contests in which Trabona and Hart were candidates,” the DOJ’s statement read.

“Trabona and Hart’s vote buying scheme included the solicitation and hiring of individuals responsible for identifying potential voters, the transportation of those voters to the polls, and payment and offer of payment to the voters for voting,” the statement continued.

“In the 2016 election, co-conspirator Sidney Smith, 69, of Amite City, paid voters with money provided by Trabona and Hart.”

Trabona and Hart utilized sample ballots with candidate names and numbers to persuade people to sell their votes.

“Hart and Trabona provided sample ballots with names and candidate numbers to vote buyers to ensure voters being paid were voting for Hart and Trabona as well as the other candidates they supported,” The Heritage Foundation reported.

“Hart also employed vote buyers to identify individuals who had not yet voted, take them to the polls (and back home, if necessary), and then pay them for their vote.”

Trabona and Hart also attempted to conceal their activities by having persons whose votes they purchased sign fraudulent contracts.

“Trabona had the vote buyers sign contracts stating they would not ‘make any overture of any kind to any voter or other person of financial award or benefit in exchange for a vote,’” the Heritage Foundation added.

Election integrity is a critical problem.

When the corporate-controlled media or Democrats imply that anyone concerned about ballot security is a “conspiracy theorist” or “election denier,” it reduces the actual fraud that occurs during voting.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Chuck Schumer just exposed Mitch McConnell’s strategy to betray conservatives in Congress


Mitch McConnell has a lengthy history of betraying conservative voters in back room deals with Democrats. He will go to any length to stay in power.

And Chuck Schumer just exposed Mitch McConnell’s strategy to betray conservatives in Congress.

Despite Democrats holding a razor-thin Senate majority during Joe Biden’s first two years in office, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) failed to utilize his clout against Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY).

Senator McConell cashed in on socialist spending sprees on left-wing special interests, the Green New Deal, and corporate assistance.

He even delivered President Biden a big victory by striking a compromise with Senator Schumer to enact the nation’s largest gun control law in about 30 years.

However, in the coming weeks, McConnell appears to be going to deliver Democrats yet another significant triumph on even more socialist spending sprees, which just so happened to be the root of the present inflationary crisis hitting working-class Americans.

Senator Schumer previously stated on CNN that he planned to “sit down with Mitch McConnell” behind closed doors to discuss how Democrats would go about forcing even more of Biden’s hardline socialist agenda through.

According to the Majority Leader’s most recent Senate floor address, that secret meeting has already occurred, deals have been struck, and Democrats are in the midst of a frenzied effort to enact as much of their socialist program as possible before Republicans take over the House in late January.

After 12 Republicans defected and sided with Democrats, the Senate passed a bill requiring the recognition of gay marriage on Tuesday.

Senator Schumer hailed RINOs who sold out and voted to force same-sex marriage on the country during a floor speech on Wednesday morning.

RINOs, according to Schumer, are ready to negotiate even more deals and “continue working together on difficult issues in the next Congress.”

“I hope that yesterday’s vote is a signal that both parties can keep working together on difficult issues in the next Congress,” Schumer said. “If our Republican colleagues can shake off the MAGA wing of their Party that is holding Republicans down, we can get a lot done. And it’s obvious to everyone there are many Republican Senators who don’t embrace MAGA.”

“We want to keep working with you,” Schumer said of the RINOs.

The Senate Majority Leader then revealed that he and Mitch McConnell had already met behind closed doors to arrange the next RINO surrender – another omnibus budget bill to prevent the federal government from running out of cash and shutting down in two weeks.

“Though we have different views of what should be in it, both Leader McConnell and I have said that an omnibus is the best way for supporting our troops, supporting our allies in Ukraine, and keeping Americans safe at home and abroad,” Schumer added.

Senator Schumer claims that Senator McConnell has decided to buckle and accept whatever big spending bill Democrats put forward in the next two weeks, regardless of what it contains or the impact it has on inflation.

Mitch McConnell is busy stabbing conservatives in the back rather than fighting Joe Biden’s socialist agenda.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Donald Trump’s huge election decision caught everyone off guard


Donald Trump plans to run for President in 2024. But he’s having to make some difficult decisions to make.

And Donald Trump’s huge election decision caught everyone off guard.

The Georgia runoff election on December 6 is the final race in this year’s Midterm elections.

After neither candidate received more than 50% of the vote in the November election, incumbent Democrat Raphael Warnock and Republican challenger Herschel Walker will face battle again on December 6.

Big-name politicians from both parties, including Ted Cruz (R-TX) and former President Barack Obama, are flocking to Georgia to campaign for the key Senate seat.

Former President Donald Trump has been the most visible supporter of his preferred candidates on the campaign trail this time.

Former NFL player Herschel Walker received Trump’s endorsement and campaigned alongside him before of the state’s primary election.

With another election in Georgia on the horizon, the question became whether Trump will hold another rally in support of Walker before the runoff.

Trump looks to be staying out of the Georgia runoff by avoiding any in-person campaign events for Walker.

The Walker campaign and Trump reached an agreement on the move.

Walker is instead relying on Georgia Governor Brian Kemp as a key surrogate on the campaign tour.

Kemp defeated Walker by 5 points in the November election and is providing his campaign apparatus to help with the runoff.

“The Governor’s been the most important surrogate we could have asked for,” a source with Walker’s campaign told POLITICO.

While Democrats retained control of the Senate during the midterm elections in November, the Georgia contest will determine whether the Upper Chamber is once again a 50-50 tie or a 51-49 Democratic majority.

A Walker victory would have far-reaching consequences in the Senate next year.

A 50-50 tie means that the two parties share control of committees.

This might stall President Joe Biden’s radical judicial and executive branch nominations.

Despite his choice not to attend Walker’s rally in person, Trump is still working to advance his campaign.

During his Presidential campaign launch, Trump encouraged his fans to vote for Walker by assisting him with online fundraising.

Instead of doing a campaign rally, Trump intends to hold a telephone rally for Walker just before the election to energize the Republican base.

Walker claimed in an interview that Trump’s lack of an in-person campaign rally didn’t bother him and that the former President was going out of his way to support him.

“You know, President Trump has always been in my corner ― he still is in my corner, and he’s been doing other things for me, and everyone has been doing a lot of things for me,” Walker said. “Tonight we just got out of a fundraiser with Governor [Brian] Kemp … President Trump is doing just as much for me.”

Herschel Walker’s victory in the Georgia Senate runoff could soften the blow of a poor midterm election for conservatives.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

The Supreme Court handed Democrats a major election loss with this critical decision


With every year, Democrats are growing more and more radical in their approach to the election cycle. They think they should win every election and any other outcome is funny business.

But the Supreme Court just handed Democrats a major election loss with this critical decision.

Democrats launched a lawsuit in six states to invalidate the Congressional maps: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Ohio, and Texas.

Republicans control these states, and during the redistricting process, they constructed legislative districts that mirrored the state’s Republican lean.

Democrats are continuously attempting to rig the redistricting process by utilizing partisan judges to force Democrat-friendly designs on Republican-controlled states.

That’s what the Left tried to do by claiming Republicans redrew Texas boundaries with racist intent in order to make districts more white and hence more Republican.

“At the center of the dispute is Senate District 10, which is centered in Fort Worth in Tarrant County. Challengers argued the map was redrawn to make it more Republican and ‘more Anglo,’” CNN reported.

An appeals court dismissed the Democrats’ petition, noting the lack of proof that Republicans in the Texas state legislature redrew districts with racist intent.

“A panel of three judges on a district court conducted four days of hearings and held although the new state Senate map may ‘disproportionately affect minority voters’ in Tarrant County, and although the legislature may have given ‘pretextual reasons’ for its redistricting decisions, the challengers could point to no evidence indicating that the legislature’s ‘true intent was racial,’” CNN added.

Leftists filed an appeal with the Supreme Court.

The Justices, however, dismissed this challenge and ended the case.

Former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder, who now leads the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, emphasized that this case is critical to Democrats’ efforts to retake the majority in 2024.

Holder warned that if Democrats win this case, left-wing judges will be able to impose favorable maps on red states, putting Democrats back in control in 2024.

“I certainly think that were we to win the majority of those cases [and keep the seats they currently hold], Democrats would be in control of the House of Representatives,” Holder stated.

“I don’t think there’s any question about that.”

Marina Jenkins, the National Democratic Redistricting Committee’s director of litigation and policy, projected that the case may earn the Democrats 13 seats in the House of Representatives.

With Republicans having only a nine-seat majority, Democrats would be able to recapture power should that be the case.

Prudent Politics will keep you updated on election news.

Chuck Schumer is sweating bullets over this news coming out of Georgia


The midterm elections were a mixed bag for both major parties. But Democrats are desperate to win a 51st seat in the Senate Chamber.

That’s why Chuck Schumer is sweating bullets over this news coming out of Georgia.

Democrats are still ecstatic about the 2022 midterm elections.

While the GOP did reclaim the U.S. House, it was only by the skin of their teeth; in fact, they will have a smaller majority than Democrats did prior to the election.

Democrats also picked up two governor seats in 2022.

And, owing to Vice President Kamala Harris’ tie-breaking vote, Democrats are assured of maintaining control of the Senate.

There remains one U.S. Senate contest that has yet to be decided.

In the Peach State’s main election, incumbent Democrat Sen. Raphael Warnock made a dramatic comeback thanks to early and mail-in ballots, leading Republican rival Herschel Walker by around 35,000 votes – or less than one point.

Warnock received 49.4% of the vote, while Walker received 48.5%.

However, in order to win an election in Georgia, a candidate must get at least 50% plus one vote.

That means Walker and Warnock will face battle in a runoff election on December 6.

The runoff affords the former Heisman Trophy winner the opportunity to rally in overtime and maintain the Senate tied 50-50.

While Democrats will retain control of the Senate in either case, a victory for the All-Pro running back would mean an equal split of Republicans and Democrats on Senate committees, giving the GOP the ability to defeat some Democrat measures before they reach the floor for a vote.

If Warnock wins, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer will have complete control of committee appointments.

With so much at stake, both the Warnock and Walker campaigns are actively recruiting Brain Kemp voters.

While neither candidate received a clear majority in the Peach State Senate contest, Republican incumbent Governor Brian Kemp won re-election by 7.5 points, or around 300,000 votes, over election-denier Stacey Abrams.

If the former National Champion can sway Kemp voters who voted for Warnock the first time, he could pull off an upset victory in overtime on December 6.

Kemp, for one, is attempting to assist his partymate.

The Governor has produced a commercial for Walker, which was first broadcast around the state over Thanksgiving.

The commercial is part of the Senate Leadership Fund’s $14.2 million television, radio, and digital advertising campaign.

Kemp’s ad begins with a footage of reporters asking President Biden if he will alter anything in the next two years, to which Biden responds, “Nothing, I’m not going to change anything fundamentally.”

“Families are struggling because of Biden’s inflation, and Washington won’t change unless we make them,” Kemp notes in the advertisement. “Georgia is doing better than the rest of the country because we stood up for hard-working families. Herschel Walker will vote for Georgia, not be another rubber stamp for Joe Biden. That’s why I’m backing Herschel, and I hope you’ll join me in voting for him too.”

Given their divergent connections with former President Donald Trump, Kemp’s backing for Walker’s campaign is intriguing.

Walker was an early fan of Trump.

Whereas the 45th President of the United States fought tirelessly to defeat Kemp in the Republican primary, which Kemp handily won.

Republicans are expecting that a Kemp-Walker combination will result in a touchdown drive in the dying minutes of the game.

According to a new AARP poll, the incumbent has a 4-point lead over the former Georgia Bulldog.

Walker received 47% of the vote, while Warnock received 51%.

However, Warnock’s advantage is within the survey’s abnormally large 4.4-point margin of error.

The Georgia U.S. Senate runoff is on Tuesday, December 6, however even in the runoff, early voting and absentee voting began on November 28.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

A Republican governor just ordered an investigation into this enormous electoral fraud


Another day, another investigation. An important race won by a Democrat is now added to the rolling list of election issues.

And now a Republican governor just ordered an investigation into this enormous electoral fraud

Governor Greg Abbott has requested that the Texas Secretary of State and law enforcement initiate an inquiry into voting equipment malfunctions and election fraud in Harris County, a Democratic stronghold.

“I’m calling on the Secretary of State, the Attorney General’s Office, and the Texas Rangers to initiate investigations into allegations of improprieties in the way that the 2022 elections were conducted in Harris County,” Governor Abbott declared.

“The allegations of election improprieties in our state’s largest county may result from anything ranging from malfeasance to blatant criminal conduct.”

“Voters in Harris County deserve to know what happened,” the Governor continued.

“Integrity in the election process is essential. To achieve that standard, a thorough investigation is warranted.”

On Election Day, voting machines were down in Houston neighborhoods disproportionately populated by Hispanic Americans.

“The problems at the site, east of downtown, began before the polls opened: an election clerk quit and the voting machines were not set up, county election officials said,” The New York Times reported.

Long lineups and frustration among voters resulted from the machines’ failure.

A judge ordered polling places to stay open for an extra hour after the polls closed at 7:00 p.m., but those who waited may not have their votes tallied.

“But the votes cast during that extra hour may not count: State officials asked the Texas Supreme Court to intervene and stay the order, and the court did so,” The Times’ report continued.

“Any provisional ballots cast after 7 p.m. will be set aside, according to the county elections administrator.”

In the Harris County Judge’s race, left-wing incumbent Linda Hidalgo eked out a 17,000-vote victory against Republican rival Alexandra Mealer despite repeatedly attempting to defy Governor Abbott in order to implement COVID mandates.

Of course, that was hardly the first instance of Democrats coming out on top in a district where voting machines were down on Election Day.

After “printer and tabulator issues” impacted 48% of Maricopa County polling stations on Election Day and were not fixed until at least 3:00 P.M., Democrat Katie Hobbs defeated Republican candidate Kari Lake by 17,000 votes in Arizona’s Gubernatorial Election.

On Election Day, election administration in America was once again a complete disaster.

These mistakes and malfunctions must be corrected if Americans are to have faith in the outcome of their elections.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

A top Republican is blowing the whistle on Joe Biden’s military takeover


Joe Biden wants to completely transform the America you know and love. He’ll need some foot soldiers for his radical plot.

And a top Republican is blowing the whistle on Joe Biden’s military takeover.

President Joe Biden is leveraging diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI) to instill consciousness throughout the federal system.

President Biden signed a broad executive order last year to make the federal government a “model” for “diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility.”

DEI is the moniker given by left-wing radicals to the woke crap that they are attempting to instill in every institution in the country, such as Critical Race Theory and radical gender ideology.

Even the military is succumbing to the Biden administration’s enormous DEI push across the federal government.

Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Representative Chip Roy (R-TX) have condemned this risky attempt to use the military as a left-wing social experiment.

The Republican duo claimed in a new report that DEI programs in the military are leaving it poorly unfit to do its mission of safeguarding the country.

“The world is a dangerous place, and the Biden administration’s insanity is eroding our greatest source of security in it,” the report said.

The military is suffering from low morale and continues to fall short of recruiting targets since the Biden administration began its DEI effort.

“Our military’s singular purpose is to ‘provide for the common defense’ of our nation,” the report continued. “It cannot be turned into a left-wing social experiment.”

While soldiers are expected to safeguard the country, the military is utilizing DEI to damage the country during training.

“It cannot be used as a cudgel against America itself,” the report stated. “And it cannot be paralyzed by fear of offending the sensibilities of Ivy League faculty lounges or progressive pundits.”

Critical Race Theory is being taught to students at military academies under the pretense of helping future warriors comprehend the country’s allegedly “racist” past and present.

To avoid offending anyone, the military is also emphasizing that soldiers use the preferred pronouns of their fellow soldiers.

Senator Rubio stated that imposing wokeness on military puts the country in jeopardy.

“Rather than making the case for American greatness and protecting our nation, the military is parroting woke nonsense,” Rubio told Fox News. “It’s dumb, it doesn’t work, and it’s dangerous. We need to spend more time thinking about how to counter Chinese aircraft carriers, and less time thinking about pronouns.”

The emphasis on DEI has also permeated the military’s Special Operations Command, which is in charge of the nation’s elite special forces groups.

As part of President Biden’s executive order, Special Operations Command was required to submit a Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan.

In an increasingly perilous world, Joe Biden prioritizes wokeness over American military capability.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Greg Abbott sent Joe Biden a letter that sent the White House into a frenzy


The Republican Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, has had enough of the Biden admin’s failures. Particularly when it comes to the southern border.

That’s why Greg Abbott just sent Joe Biden a letter that sent the White House into a total frenzy.

Governor Abbott has made news for his decision to deport illegal immigrants to Washington, D.C.

He has joined other Republican governors in targeting “sanctuary cities” ruled by Democrats with these buses.

Abbott is now upping the ante after easily winning reelection.

He started at the border, where he declared an invasion and sent troops to block the flow of migrants.

Along with his deployment, he wrote a letter to the Biden Administration in which he accused Biden of constitutional violations and laid all the blame on him.

Abbott penned in his letter, “Your sustained dereliction of duty compels Texas to invoke the powers reserved in Article I , § 10, Clause 3, which represents ‘an acknowledgement of the States’ sovereign interest in protecting their borders.’”

He shifted the blame back to Biden for putting ordinary Texans in this predicament.

“By opening our border to this record-breaking level of illegal immigration, you and your Administration are in violation of Article IV, § 4 of the U.S. Constitution,” Abbott said.

Abbott added that “in the more than 240 years of our great nation, no administration has done more than yours to place the States in ‘imminent danger’” and said that this is because of “policy decisions and refusal to deliver on the Article IV, § 4 guarantee.’

The US federal government is responsible for protecting state and federal boundaries as well as national sovereignty.

There is no justification for the state governments to ever reach this stage.

Abbott’s description of it as “absence of action by your Administration to secure the border” is the one thing he might have gotten wrong.

The majority of Americans are aware of ongoing efforts from the Biden admin, but their goals do not align with those of national security.

So the Biden admin is effectively working against the final goal of border security and peace.

According to Abbott, the federal government’s lack of response to the issue is “deafening.”

The so-called “border czar,” Kamala Harris, has never been to the border.

Abbott expresses his desire that they would do so so that they might have “a firsthand look at the chaos [they] have caused,” which he describes as “damning.”

He criticized the Biden policies, claiming they were the primary reason Texas had to employ its constitutional right to self-defense and that they had sparked “an unprecedented crisis of illegal immigration.”

The White House’s response to Abbott’s letter was inadequate.

They asserted that he was merely “vying for political relevance” and that Texas is “using asylum seekers escaping communism and law enforcement officials as political pawns.”

Coming from an administration that claimed its border patrol agents were spanking undocumented immigrants, this is a bold claim.

Americans won’t be duped again because they can see right through the lies.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

George Soros scored a major victory that could sink conservatives in 2024


Republicans received some bad news. Democrats were couldn’t contain their excitement.

That’s because George Soros scored a major victory that could sink conservatives in 2024.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton received 65% of the vote in Miami-Dade County, Florida.

In 2020, however, former President Donald Trump changed the script, gaining 54% of the vote in the county to Joe Biden’s 46%.

And in the 2022 Midterms, Democrats faired even worse than many expected.

Thanks to Ron DeSantis’ leadership, the entire state of Florida swept red, solidifying itself as a red state stronghold.

DeSantis won by almost 20% in the entire state, beating his opponent Charlie Crist 59.4 – 40%.

And in Miami-Dade County, he won 55.3% of the vote compared to Crist’s 44%.

The bulk of Miami-Dade County’s population is Hispanic, and Democrats were concerned that they would be wiped out unless they could increase their margins among Latino voters.

Instead of examining the policies that are driving away Hispanic voters, such as support for woke indoctrination in schools, open borders, and the violent Black Lives Matter movement, Democrats concluded that their poor performance with Latinos in Florida was due to “misinformation” on Spanish-language radio.

To that purpose, a George Soros-linked entity attempted to buy a collection of Spanish-language stations, including the famed Radio Mambi, which serves as a home base for the Cuban exile population, a group that frequently votes Republican.

“A liberal group linked to billionaire George Soros has been cleared by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to purchase Spanish-language radio stations throughout the country, rekindling concerns that a “radical political agenda” will influence information provided to Hispanic voters,” Fox News reported.

“Miami’s iconic, Spanish-language conservative talk radio station Radio Mambi is one of the 18 stations the Soros-backed Latino Media Network will purchase from Televisa Univision for a reported $60 million.”

“Radio Mambi, which is historically linked to the Cuban exile community and offers an anti-communism view, will be controlled by liberals once the deal is finalized,” the report continued.

“Latino Media Network, which is partially financed by an investment group affiliated with Soros Fund Management, is controlled by Jess Morales Rocketto, a former Hillary for America and AFL-CIO employee, and former Obama White House staffer Stephanie Valencia.”

Conservatives accused Soros of buying these stations with the intention of converting them into propaganda factories for the Democratic Party, ensuring that Latino voters in Florida only hear programming favorable to the Left in the run-up to the 2024 election.

After Florida Governor Ron DeSantis won a landslide re-election with 57% of the Hispanic vote statewide, Soros’ purchase of Spanish-language radio stations took on extra significance.

Democrats are counting on Soros-owned Spanish-language stations to control the information Latino voters hear in order to enable Joe Biden – or anyone Democrats choose – win in two years.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.