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Donald Trump could shut down CNN with this stunning move


CNN’s been on a bumpy ride the past few years. The network’s ratings are taking and their bank accounts are dwindling.

And now Donald Trump could be the one to shut down CNN with this stunning move.

The last 6 or so years have been game-changing for the all Fake News Media outlets.

The distrust Americans have for news reported by the Fake News Media has reached an all-time high, and that only seems to be getting worse.

The overall trust in the news reported on cable is around 30% these days, and there very well could be a dip into the 20s in the near future.

One of the major parties responsible for this slip is most certainly CNN.

CNN has ramped up its radical antics in the past few years. And it all started when Donald Trump announced his candidacy for President and won in 2016.

What little credibility they had before the Trump administration, they completely destroyed by having the network dedicated to committing character assassination of President Trump.

It still happens today as they prepare for a potential Trump 2024 run. But apparently, Trump has had enough of the games.

Donald Trump has now filed a lawsuit against CNN, seeking damages for the network slandering Donald Trump because they are fearful he will run in 2024 and beat the unpopular incumbent, Joe Biden.

The real bad news for CNN is that he wants $475 million.

Newsmax reports:

News reports from various wire services say Trump is seeking at least $475 million in damages.

As reported by Bloomberg, the suit, filed by Trump lawyers Monday in a federal court in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, asserts that CNN has attempted to taint Trump “with a series of ever-more scandalous, false, and defamatory labels of ‘racist,’ ‘Russian lackey,’ ‘insurrectionist,’ and ultimately ‘Hitler.’”

This is a major problem for CNN considering how poorly the network is doing as of late.

Reports have shown that CNN’s profits will be dipping below $1 billion for the first time since 2016 to around $956.8 million.

That’s much lower than their modest target of around $1.1 billion or more. And considering how bad inflation has been, their real profits are atrocious.

A lawsuit like this one from Trump could be downright crushing for the network and put it in a serious financial bind.

CNN could decide to settle outside of court with Trump to prevent the network’s credibility from taking a hit if the court were to side with Trump.

But even then, it seems CNN would be forced to cough up a lot of money to make it worth Trump’s while.

At the end of the day, no one is to blame for this except CNN.

They are the ones who decided to be the Trump Derangement Syndrome network – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

There are consequences for that. Now their viewers are tired of it, and so is Trump.

Prudent Politics will keep you updated on this story and more.

Donald Trump’s face turned red when he heard what Obama had to say about him


Barack Obama was hoping to be replaced by another radical Democrat. That didn’t happen when President Trump beat Hillary Clinton.

But Obama just let out his real thoughts on Donald Trump, and what he said will floor you.

Certainly, Barack Obama was hoping Hillary Clinton would be his replacement when his eight years in office were up.

She was supposed to have the election in the bag given all her supposed “political” experience over the years.

So when Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton, it sent shockwaves through the Washington, D.C. establishment and set off a firestorm.

Immediately, the Fake News Media and the Democrats set out on a crusade to perform character assassination on Trump – no matter the cost.

Barack Obama, of course, wasn’t happy about an anti-establishment Republican making his way into the White House either.

He had his fair share of back-and-forths with Trump, too.

But a new leak indicates that Obama had a serious disdain for Trump that led him to conspire with reporters about how to make him a one-term President.

A Bloomberg report shares that Obama met with reporters in his last days in the White House to tell them that the country would be “okay” if Trump served only one term but that two terms “would be a problem.”

He also claimed that Trump would literally destroy our Democracy if given the chance.

On top of that, Obama claimed Republicans to be of moral and ethical inferiority to Democrats, saying they have “no shame.”

Business Insider reports:

President Barack Obama, in the final days of his administration, privately told a group of reporters that the country could “bail fast enough to be okay” after a one-term Donald Trump presidency, but said two terms “would be a problem,” according to a Bloomberg report.

The off-the-record conversation that was held on January 17, 2017 — just three days before Trump would assume the presidency — came to light after the Justice Department released a set of documents connected to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, per Bloomberg.

Obama continued to share with reporters that they should be “on top” of anything involving the DOJ to see if Trump was somehow abusing his power to destroy his political enemies.

Ironically, that’s exactly what Joe Biden and the Democrats are doing to Donald Trump right now.

The DOJ and the FBI raided Donald Trump’s residence with no regard to his constitutional rights like the Fourth Amendment in what was almost certainly a political attack.

What Obama and the Democrats accuse Donald Trump and the Republicans of doing, they are doing themselves.

Trump never took a chance to destroy our Democracy like Obama claimed he would.

In fact, America became stronger than ever with a booming economy and an administration that ended wars and promoted international peace – all under Donald Trump’s administration.

Contrast that to Joe Biden’s lack of any action regarding the crisis at the southern border.

This just proves, once again, that the Democrats and the Fake News Media are in bed together to prevent any real conservative near the White House ever again.

But with how upset Americans are at Joe Biden, they may not be able to do anything about keeping conservative bastion Ron DeSantis from the White House in 2024.

Stay here on Prudent Politics for all the latest updates.

This Democrat dropped a bombshell about Hillary Clinton’s future in 2024


The Clinton’s are like a fungus you just can’t seem to get rid of. Hillary won’t be happy until she wields the executive power.

And this Democrat dropped a bombshell about Hillary Clinton’s future in 2024.

Hillary Clinton has been biding her time ever since her failed presidential run in 2016.

She still can’t accept that she was outplayed by Donald Trump, a non-establishment candidate who had never run for office.

It was truly embarrassing how poorly she did even with the mainstream media in her back pocket.

Now it seems she’s trying to edge out Joe Biden in 2024 to become the Democrat nominee for president.

Dick Morris, a veteran political consultant and former aide to President Bill Clinton, opened up about the warning signs he’s seeing on a recent radio appearance.

“I see more and more signs that Hillary’s going to run,” Morris said noting Clinton’s criticism of Biden’s open border policies that are so unpopular for everyday Americans.

“These are all signals that she is going to be the moderate candidate for president. She’s going to say after the election, ‘See, the left cost us the House and the Senate. If we stay with a left-wing candidate in 2024, we’re going to lose the White House. I’m the only one who will tack to the center and give us a chance at victory,’” Morris said.

He said he can see right through Hillary’s master plan because it’s the exact same plan he made for Bill Clinton in the 90’s.

“Hillary is just dusting off Bill‘s playbook that I wrote for him and applying it herself this year,” he said.

He noted that if Joe Biden were to pull out for some reason, whether it’s his medical problems or simply being pushed out by his handlers, a power vacuum would ensue.

“Once Biden pulls out, the polling will show that the Democrats are leaning toward some crazy radical like Gavin Newsom, Bernie Sanders. Maybe even AOC herself,” Morris ​said, referring to Squad member Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

“That’s going to drive the Democratic Party leaders to go to Hillary and say, ‘Hey look. Please run again. We need you to save us from the crazy left,’” ​Morris said.

“Otherwise we’ll have Sanders as our candidate. We’ll lose Congress by a ton. And we’ll get wiped out in the presidential race.’”

This is definitely a plausible scenario. If you remember back to 2016, Bernie Sanders was unfairly undercut in the primaries by the Democrat use of so-called “super delegates.”

Super delegates being Democrat delegates that could vote contrary to the popular vote of a state, all but ensuring Hillary Clinton and establishment won the nomination.

The only problem with this line of thinking is the assumption that Hillary Clinton is some sort of moderate.

She can say whatever she likes about Biden to throw him under the bus, but the reality is that Hillary Clinton will say anything to gain or maintain power.

Hillary is still the same woman who had classified information on a private email server and financed hit pieces on Donald Trump in 2016.

She is a political shape-shifter, not a paragon of centrism.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden has blood on his hands after this tragedy in the Middle East


There’s no doubt that Joe Biden’s approach to foreign policy has been disastrous. The botched Afghanistan pullout highlighted that reality.

And now Joe Biden has blood on his hands after this tragedy in the Middle East.

There’s next to nothing of significance the Biden administration has done right on the international stage since he’s taken office.

His foreign policy has made America more unsafe than it was when he assumed the Oval Office.

And the same is true internationally.

Russia has no plans to back down from its war with Russia, China is knocking on the door of Taiwan, and terrorism in the Middle East is back on the rise.

Unfortunately, there’s no end in sight.

According to reports, the Biden administration confessed that an American citizen was killed in an attack in the Iraqi Kurdistan region that apparently involved the Iranians.

This comes after the Biden administration failed to reach negotiations with Iran after he promised to revive the failed 2015 Iran Deal from former President Barack Obama.

The Daily Wire reports:

The Washington Free Beacon noted that reports surfaced Wednesday claiming that an American had been killed after the rocket attack by “Iran-backed militants sponsored by the country’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC).”

A regional news organization identified the American citizen that was reportedly killed, but the State Department did not confirm the person’s identity, according to the Free Beacon.

The blunt truth is that Joe Biden is responsible for some of the tragedies that have taken place over the past year and a half.

The reason for that is Joe Biden, as President of the United States, is the one person who carries the most weight when it comes to diplomatic talks internationally.

He has utterly failed at that and we are seeing the consequences.

Iran’s growing radicalism is a consequence of Biden’s failures.

Earlier this year, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) formed a Nuclear Corps Command to seemingly maintain secrecy on its nuclear affairs.

The Biden administration’s response has been to try to secure another “deal” with Iran mostly similar to the one Obama secured in 2015. But that deal only gave Iran cover.

During Trump’s administration, the Iran deal was scrapped and Iran was slapped with increased sanctions to force Iran to think twice about building any more nuclear capabilities.

And while the Biden administration recently announced more sanctions for anyone buying oil from Iran, the Biden admin’s pursuit of an Iran deal is only going to make it easier for Iran to stomach sanctions.

Trump’s former national security advisor, John Bolton, said that an Iran deal unfreezing billions of dollars in Iranian assets will not just put the Middle East at risk, but the rest of the world.

That’s partly because Russia has cozied up to the Middle Eastern actors in recent years.

All of this has been an utter disaster because of Joe Biden’s failed leadership. Hopefully in 2024 we get a President with the ability to defend America’s interests first.

Prudent Politics will keep you up-to-date on the latest news.

The dark truth about the FBI was just laid bare in a stunning interview

The FBI has been under scrutiny for the past couple decades. Their raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence just made it ten times worse.

And now this dark truth about the FBI was just laid bare in a stunning interview.

There’s no getting around the fact that the FBI has a history of engaging in political warfare.

They’ve been caught in campaign finance controversies involving the Chinese and covering up the Hillary Clinton email scandals, and aided in waging the war on Waco, Texas to seize firearms.

Bombshell reports were even unclassified a few years that proved that the FBI was literally harassing Martin Luther King Jr. by sending him death threats.

Some still believe that the FBI responsible for MLK’s murder. That conspiracy theories garnered new legs since those reports came out.

The fact is that the FBI has been used as an arm of Deep State actors and high profile executive branch members for more than a hundred years now.

Now that the Democrats are in control of Washington, D.C., they’ve been quick to defend the FBI at every turn, especially after they raided Donald Trump’s residence in Mar-a-Lago.

In fact, there’s been rumors that the FBI has been on a tirade to oust anyone within the agency who won’t kowtow to the White House and the Deep State.

Apparently those rumors were spot on.

In a stunning interview with Fox News Digital, the U.S. Rep. from Ohio Jim Jordan detailed that conservative agents in the FBI are being purged from the agency and that the FBI is even retaliating against these conservative agents.

Fox News reports:

Jordan, R-Ohio, said that more than a dozen FBI whistleblowers have come to him and Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee with allegations of misconduct within the FBI.

Jordan and Republicans have been investigating “serious allegations of abuse and misconduct within the senior leadership of the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.”

Jordan, in a letter exclusively obtained by Fox News Digital, and written to FBI executive assistant director of the Human Resources branch Jennifer Moore, the congressman says he has received information of retaliation against FBI employees who have confidentially reported alleged misconduct to Congress.

This lines up with what we’ve been seeing come out of the FBI in the past several weeks.

Reports have been filing in that agent Timothy Thibault was actively suppressing whistleblowers who were accusing the FBI of political bias as it pertained to the Hunter Biden laptop controversy.

These whistleblowers said the FBI was dead-set on not letting the Biden laptop story get out before the 2020 election because they didn’t want it to have any affect on the outcome of the election.

Which is quite literally a coverup.

So what Jim Jordan is saying he’s hearing from whistleblowers lines up with all the other evidence so far.

Combine that with the FBI’s dark history of political war games, and it’s not hard to believe that the FBI is covering for themselves.

And it’s definitely not hard to see how the Biden administration and the Democrats could have a hand in this as well.

Look for updates from Prudent Politics on this story and more.

Ted Cruz just said one thing that left Joe Biden diving for cover


Joe Biden has been hard at work destroying the country every chance he gets. That didn’t sit too well with Texas Senator Ted Cruz.

That’s why Ted Cruz just said one thing that left Joe Biden diving for cover.

Biden is hellbent on ruining the United States. Whether it’s because he’s a radical Leftist who hates American principles or he’s so old and incompetent that he can’t string a sentence together is anyone’s guess.

Thanks to his failed presidency, millions of Americans are saying inflation is outpacing their wages, prices are far too high for the goods they need to feed their families, and the government is absolving hundreds of billions in students debt by shifting responsibility to the taxpayer.

But one of the worst policy failures of the Biden administration has to be at the southern border.

Millions of illegal immigrants are pouring over the border – including over 4 million since Joe Biden took office.

That’s over 2 million per year!

This obviously has been concentrated in border states like Texas, where Ted Cruz is currently senator.

And he had some choice words for Joe Biden.

Speaking to Jesse Waters on Fox News’ “Jesse Waters Primetime,” Cruz accused Joe Biden of playing the race card at the southern border because it’s the only card he has.

“Look, I know that Democrats have one card in their entire deck, and it’s the race card. They scream racist, racist, racist,” Cruz began.

“But you know what, President Obama, you know what, President Biden? You know what’s racist?” Cruz asked. “When Joe Biden sits by and lets four and a half million people cross into this country illegally and he doesn’t care. You know what’s racist? When Joe Biden can’t be bothered to go down to the border and see the little girls and little boys being sexually assaulted by international cartels.”

Cruz didn’t stop there, he went on to attack Biden for enabling mass sexual assault at the border, murder, and a flood of drugs.

“You know what’s racist?” Cruz said. “When Joe Biden doesn’t care about the Hispanic women being raped by the cartels. You know what’s racist? When Biden doesn’t care about the dead bodies that the cartels leave on Texas farms and ranches across the southern border. You know what’s racist? That Biden will do nothing to stop the 100,000 fentanyl overdoses that happened last year.”

He rounded off his tirade with a jab at how the liberals in Martha’s Vineyard recoiled at the news that illegal immigrants were in their community.

“That is grotesque — and you know what’s racist?” Cruz finished. “When all the lily-white folks on Martha’s Vineyard sit back and say, ‘No, no, no, we don’t want any illegal immigrants here. Send them to South Texas, they can deal with it.’ That is grotesque, it’s offensive, and even to this day Joe Biden doesn’t give a damn.”

Ted Cruz is never one to pull any punches, but he was more fiery than we’ve seen him in some time.

And after the liberals at Martha’s Vineyard shipped the illegals out of their town, Cruz wondered if Texas would be allowed to deport illegal immigrants out of his state.

“Can we send them back?” he asked. “Oh, no, no, no, that’s just for rich billionaire leftists who the only time they’re willing to see an immigrant is if they want someone to mow their damn lawn.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

You won’t believe what the FBI just got caught stealing


The FBI can’t seem to stay out of the news. Their many scandals and corruption are being aired out for all to see.

And you won’t believe what the FBI just got caught stealing.

The American people have gotten a rare glimpse into the underbelly of the FBI over the past few months. And it isn’t pretty.

Regular agents have come under fire from their superiors for blowing the whistle on major mishandlings.

What we know now is that the FBI is targeting conservative Americans as extremists and possible “domestic terrorists,” even lying about cases to boost numbers for the Biden administration.

They also punted the Hunter Biden laptop story until after the 2020 election, making sure to instruct Big Tech CEOs like Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg to censor the story.

And who could forget their politically targeted raid of Donald Trump’s home and the SWAT team arrest of pro-life activist Mark Houck?

If all of this wasn’t enough, another scandal involving the agency and the US Attorney’s Office was just uncovered.

According to a recent report, the FBI conducted a raid in 2021 where they seized $86 million in cash and other cash assets from customers of a Beverly Hills safety deposit company.

A senior FBI agent testified that one of the main points of the plan, which was not disclosed to the judge responsible for awarding a warrant, was the permanent confiscation of the contents of every box that contained at least $5,000 in cash or goods.

After having their money permanently stolen from them, customers of the company filed a class-action lawsuit alleging the FBI violated their rights. Only then was the alleged disclosure failure discovered in FBI documents and agent depositions.

The FBI justified ceasing everyone’s money by saying it was tied to unknown crimes.

Court filings also showed that the FBI agents defied a judge’s restrictions in the warrant by searching through box holders’ belongings for evidence of crimes.

“The government did not know what was in those boxes, who owned them, or what, if anything, those people had done,” Robert Frommer, a lawyer currently representing nearly 400 box holders in the class-action case, wrote in court papers.

As reported by the New York Post:

Agents searched some 800 safety deposit boxes rented by ordinary people, taking cash, jewelry and $1.3 million in poker chips. They photographed password lists, credit cards, a prenuptial agreement, immigration and vaccination records, bank statements, heirlooms and a will, and in one box, even found cremated human remains.

It should come as no surprise that the FBI plays by its own rules and not the laws made by elected representatives.

And as the highest level of law enforcement in this country, do you really expect them to investigate themselves?

Of course not. The federal government can literally steal almost $100 million dollars from citizens, and nothing happens to them.

But their flagrant disregard for the law could come back to bite the Democrats in November.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Ron DeSantis made a shocking announcement that left Joe Biden and the Democrats fuming


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is easily the most popular Governor in the nation. He could be on his way to the White House next.

That’s why Joe Biden and the Democrats were fuming when Ron DeSantis made this shocking announcement.

Over the past two years, Americans have been fleeing deep blue states like California and New York in droves.

The radical Left policies pushed on their state citizens are unsustainable and their citizens can see the writing on the wall.

Florida, on the other hand, is a huge state that has been booming as of late.

Millions are moving to Florida to take part in its flourishing economy and enjoy a lot more freedom there compared to the likes of California and New York.

A major factor in seeing Florida become such a hot spot has been Republican Governor Ron DeSantis.

His administration has made the state a much better place to live than crime-ridden Democrat cities with collapsing economies.

He’s put a free economy driven by Floridians first and defended Floridians from the Democrats’ radical culture war policies.

The state is literally running a budget surplus even though Floridians don’t even have to pay state income tax.

That’s what makes DeSantis’ most recent announcement that much more shocking.

Last week, DeSantis announced a tax relief proposal that would provide $1.1 billion in tax relief for Florida.

“I’m proud that Florida has a record budget surplus and am happy to propose historic tax relief to Florida families,” said Governor Ron DeSantis.

“This proposal will allow families to purchase items for their children at a lower cost and help families keep more money in their pockets. I look forward to working with the Legislature to bring this major relief to Florida families.”

The statement put out from his office says the legislation proposal includes tax relief for school supplies for children, a permanent tax exemption for baby and toddler necessities like strollers and baby wipes, a permanent tax exemption on some medical equipment and needs, and even a 1-year tax relief on household items under $25 like laundry detergent.

DeSantis even goes so far as to announce tax relief on pet food and a permanent tax exemption on pet medications.

There’s much more relief in the statement which you can read here.

Moves like this are what’s making DeSantis so wildly popular all across the country.

Total tax burdens have been creeping up every year for the last 40 years, and Americans are sick of it.

So DeSantis making moves to cut even more taxes in a state with no state income tax is remarkable to say the least.

Democrats, on the other hand, keep passing more and more tax-and-spend boondoggles in major cities like Los Angeles and New York.

It’s causing their economies to shudder under the weight of the poor economic policies passed by Democrats.

So it’s not hard to see why everyone wants to move to Florida if given the chance these days.

Here’s to hoping DeSantis’s proposal makes it through.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Hillary Clinton went off the rails with this outrageous claim


The Clinton family has never been one for telling the truth. They’ve built a fortune on lying through their teeth and skirting the law.

But Hillary Clinton went off the rails with this outrageous claim.

Faced with almost certain defeat of their razor-thin majorities in Congress, Democrats are doing everything they can to demonize conservatives and anyone who supports America-first policies.

Joe Biden made national headlines when he deemed “MAGA Republicans” along with Donald Trump “radical extremists” earlier this month.

Following soon after that, U.S. House Representative Tim Ryan (D-OH) called for everyone to “kill and confront” the MAGA movement.

U.S. Senator Mazie Horono (D-HI) said it was time for a literal “call to arms” because of Republicans’ efforts to save the lives of babies Democrats want to slaughter in and out of the womb.

Never one to face the reality of her own irrelevance, Hillary Clinton decided to chime in and outdo everyone.

While speaking at the Texas Tribune festival in Austin, Texas, Hillary made clear that she not only thinks you’re deplorable for supporting Donald Trump, you’re also a literal Nazi.

“I remember as a young student, you know, trying to figure out, how people get basically drawn in by Hitler,” Clinton said. “How did that happen? I’d watch newsreels and I’d see this guy standing up there ranting and raving, and people shouting and raising their arms. I thought, ‘What’s happened to these people?’”

“You saw the rally in Ohio the other night,” Clinton continued. “Trump is there ranting and raving for more than an hour, and you have these rows of young men with their arms raised. I thought, ‘What is going on?’ So there is a real pressure, and I think it is fair to say we’re in a struggle between democracy and autocracy.”

There you have it folks, a vote for Donald Trump is a voter for Hitler.

In reality, the conservatives at the Trump rally in Ohio had their index fingers raised, referencing Trump’s America first policies.

A spokesman for Donald Trump was quick to release a blistering statement that we’re sure left Hillary Clinton looking for a rock to crawl under.

“As usual, the media is working hand in hand with the Democrats weeks before an election,” Trump spokesman Taylor Budowich said in a statement. “It seems like perpetual-failed-candidate Hillary Clinton’s basket of deplorables has run stale, not unlike herself. It’s pathetic, it’s divisive, and it is further cementing her legacy of cringe.”

We couldn’t have said it better ourselves.

With the Democrats’ majorities in Congress on the line in just a matter of months – and with them, the future of Biden’s agenda – the radical Left is going for broke.

They know they can’t win on the issues Americans care about most like the inflation, jobs, and the border crisis, so they resort to name calling in hopes to dupe any sucker who is unlucky enough to see their propaganda.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Democrats are scrambling to hide this bombshell video of Joe Biden

Joe Biden’s constant gaffes and incoherent speeches are only getting more noticeable. And the Left knows if people see just how unfit Joe Biden is, it’ll be a nightmare for their campaigns.

That’s why Democrats are scrambling to hide this bombshell video of Joe Biden.

Joe Biden’s inability to string a sentence together should’ve been enough for Democrats to put him in a home, not the presidency.

Biden is constantly in the news for wandering aimlessly on stage, telling pointless and often indecipherable stories, and just generally making a fool of himself.

This has been a nightmare for Democrats in and out of his administration. They’ve been forced to defense and walk back his outlandish behavior and claims.

When they’re asked if they’ll support him in a bid for the presidency in 2024, they deflect the question without giving so much as a hint to an answer.

Lately, Joe Biden has been making a mess of things by accidentally contradicting the party line almost every day. Like when he said the “pandemic is over” just to have every major Democrat come out to explain that away.

And Ol’ Joe is at it again. During a speech to a teacher’s union on Friday, Joe Biden started out pushing the same old tired propaganda from the radical Left.

But when he started talking about guns is when everything went off the rails. He launched into the topic asking, “What in God’s name do you need an assault weapon for?”

An assault weapon being a made-up term used to scare anyone who has never held a gun in their life.

But Biden’s response to his own question will leave you in stitches. He said they’re for designed to “kill people, to defend America, to defend people.”

Don’t believe us? Just watch it for yourself!

We never thought we see the day where truth came out of Joe Biden’s lips, but here it is. And you can bet that Democrats don’t want you to see it.

The Center for Security Policy’s Kyle Shideler reacted to Biden’s gaffe by tweeting, “Biden accidentally stumbles into the meaning of the 2nd amendment.”

But remember, this is just Biden’s warped brain trying to form a cogent thought, it isn’t a policy flip-flop.

As Breitbart reports:

Biden’s observations on the firearms which Democrats refer to as “assault weapons” comes just days after he told CBS News’ 60 Minutes that he will continue to push for a ban on such firearms.

He even said that he found the sale of any semi-automatic firearm “bizarre.”

So next time you’re cleaning your .22 or revolver after a day at the range, remember that Joe Biden wants to rip even that from the hands of law-abiding citizens just like you.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

What Nancy Pelosi just did will change elections in America forever


Election security has been one of the hottest of topics for the last two years. And Democrats are trying to take advantage of that.

That’s why what Nancy Pelosi just did will change elections in America forever.

The 2020 Presidential Election was one of the most bizarre elections in recent American history.

The COVID-19 pandemic panic was sure to make keeping the 2020 election secure an outright nightmare.

And it was.

Mail-in voting – which common sense just tells you is in no way as secure as voting in person with an ID – reached unprecedented levels during that season.

If you never actually see someone vote, how are you supposed to trust that the vote is legitimate?

And COVID-19 “health protocols” made voting more of a pain in cities all across America.

That election season came under a ton of attention by millions of Americans, and as a result, conservative Republicans in state legislatures in dozens of states have proposed or even passed legislation to tighten security of elections.

The most important aspect of those laws has been voter ID requirements to prevent non-citizens from being able to vote.

The Democrats, on the other hand, have fought tooth-and-nail against these laws to secure our elections, like voter ID laws.

That’s what makes their most recently passed law from the U.S. House of Representatives so concerning.

Nancy Pelosi and all of her Democrat lackeys – along with RINOs like Liz Cheney – just passed a law that would dramatically increase the number of lawmakers that would be needed to object to a state’s electoral vote count.

H.R. 8873 – the Presidential Election Reform Act – makes it more difficult for election results to come under scrutiny in Congress, by requiring one third of the House of Representatives and the Senate agree to an objection.

The Daily Caller reports:

Two hundred-twenty Democrats and nine Republicans voted in favor of the bill, while all 203 “no” votes came from the GOP. None of the nine Republicans who voted in favor of the Presidential Election Reform Act will serve in the 118th Congress. Eight of the Republicans voted to impeach former President Donald Trump in the aftermath of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. The ninth, New York Rep. Chris Jacobs, announced his retirement after supporting gun control legislation.

The bill may or may not have the juice needed to make it through the Senate.

Most likely not with Manchin continuing to be a thorn in the side of the Democrats as he represents the average West Virginian.

Either way, it’s concerning that they could get close.

It’s no surprise why the Democrats don’t want anyone questioning anymore elections from here on out.

We don’t have to spell it out for you.

But hopefully the Republicans in Congress stand firm against this unnecessary legislation when millions of Americans aren’t even confident that our election processes are even secure right now.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Ron DeSantis was slapped with a lawsuit and went scorched-earth with this response


The new prime enemy of the Democrats and the Fake News Media is none other than Republican Governor of Florida Ron DeSantis. They’re desperate to damage his armor of popularity.

That’s when Ron DeSantis was slapped with a lawsuit and went scorched-earth with this response.

Republican Ron DeSantis has made it abundantly clear that he’s putting American Floridians first.

As Governor, it’s his job to lead the state of Florida with good policy that will benefit American citizens in Florida, and he’s done that well so far in the eyes of millions of Americans.

But that popularity has made him a target in the eyes of the Democrats and the Fake News Media machine.

So when Ron DeSantis announced that the DeSantis administration would be flying illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard, they lost their minds.

DeSantis is just taking them at their word, however; considering they’ve signaled Martha’s Vineyard to be a sanctuary for illegal immigrants, like many other Democrat “utopias”.

The radical Left’s reaction to DeSantis’s genius move has been priceless.

Some Democrats are saying he’s guilty of federal crimes for flying the immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard. Others are saying his move was somehow “Hitler-esque.”

A group of leftist lawyers even went so far as to sue Ron DeSantis on civil rights claims saying he “exploited” the illegal immigrants.

All of that is nonsense, of course. They’re just mad he’s taking the Democrats at their word.

And DeSantis isn’t having any of this nonsense either.

His office put out a statement setting the record straight on the whole debacle, noting that the immigrants voluntarily signed up to go to Martha’s Vineyard.

“The transportation of the immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard was done on a voluntary basis,” the statement reads.

“The immigrants were homeless, hungry, and abandoned – and these activists didn’t care about them then. Florida’s program gave them a fresh start in a sanctuary state and these individuals opted to take advantage of chartered flights to Massachusetts. It was disappointing that Martha’s Vineyard called in the Massachusetts National Guard to bus them away from the island within 48 hours.”

The best part is that his office even shared the image of the consent form to fly to Massachusetts.

You can read the full statement and view the image for yourself below:

Ron DeSantis is playing chess while the radical Left is playing checkers.

Every time they attack him it backfires and his popularity grows.

This time, for some reason they thought it would be wise to attack DeSantis as a fascist psycho who just wants to play games with immigrants.

But that couldn’t be further from the truth, as his office has indicated in their statement.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.