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Donald Trump secured an election win that is utterly groundbreaking and blowing minds

Former President Trump has been on the ground working hard for the 2024 election. The results are showing.

Because Trump just secured an election win that no one thought was possible and it’s mind-blowing.

The Democrat Party has been very successful at convincing many minority voters that anyone who runs as a Republican simply isn’t worth considering voting for. It’s a brainwashing that has been stuck in the minds of some voting blocs for decades now, with little deviation.

The black vote, in particular, has been overwhelmingly in favor of Democrats every single election season. There’s simply no doubt that the Democrat running for president is going to win the black vote simply because they have a “D” next to their name on the ballot. What’s crazy is that the Democrats don’t even act like they have to try for the black vote at all.

Who can forget when Joe Biden made one of the most racist comments ever by telling a black man on his own show that he wasn’t black if he was still considering voting for Donald Trump in 2020.

However, in 2020, we did see a small but significant shift in Donald Trump’s favor amongst the black voting bloc. Donald Trump performed better than any Republican in decades with the black vote, and it showed a chink in the armor of the Democrats.

Well now that chink in the armor is turning into a giant gaping hole that has thrown the election cycle into total chaos. The success Donald Trump is enjoying in early surveys with likely black voters is astounding. It’s so significant, even CNN is sounding the alarm about how bad this is for Democrats.

CNN hosts Brianna Keilar and Boris Sanchez were visibly taken aback on Wednesday when their network’s senior data reporter, Harry Enten, presented striking poll results showing a significant shift in black voter support from President Joe Biden to former President Donald Trump.

A recent New York Times/Siena College poll revealed that Trump has significantly reduced his deficit with Biden among black Americans. The poll indicates that Biden leads Trump 70% to 18% among black voters. Enten emphasized the unusual nature of this trend, noting its potential electoral significance. Keilar and Sanchez, sharing in Enten’s surprise, discussed the implications of these numbers.

“Take a look at the numbers now and compare it to where we were four years ago at this particular point among black voters and we see a clear decline in support,” Enten explained. “At this point, Joe Biden is just getting 70% of the black vote. Four years ago at this point, he was at 81%. Look at that doubling of support for Donald Trump, from 10% up to 21%. Boris, Brianna, if that held through the election, it would be the best performance for a Republican presidential candidate among black voters in 64 years, since Richard Nixon back in 1960.”

The poll also shows Biden leading Trump by a narrow margin among Hispanic voters, with figures standing at 47% to 42%.

“Now, if you want to break down the black electorate and figure out where exactly the declining support for Joe Biden is coming from, take a look at this age breakdown,” Enten continued. “Black voters aged 50 and over are still overwhelmingly supporting Joe Biden at 85% to 8%. But among black voters under the age of 50, Donald Trump is getting 27% support, while Joe Biden is at 64%.”

Keilar responded, “Yeah, that is huge, that number there. What kind of impact are we talking about? What kind of impact could this have on the election, Harry?”

Enten outlined the potential consequences on the Electoral College. “Obviously those are national polls, but let’s say that we funneled this down to the state level, right. This declining level of support among black voters for Joe Biden, what type of damage would that do to him in the Electoral College? Well, if you just took that into account and didn’t shift any other voters, take a look here,” Enten said. “In 2020, based upon the current apportionment, Joe Biden would win 303 electoral votes to Donald Trump’s 235. But take into account that shift among black voters. Now, with just this shift among black voters, Donald Trump wins in the Electoral College, 291 electoral votes to 247.”

Enten further highlighted Trump’s lead in key sun belt states, which could prove disastrous for Biden’s reelection chances. Trump is ahead by 13% in Nevada, 9% in Georgia, and 6% in Arizona, according to the NYT/Siena survey.

“Why is that? Take a look at the states that shift,” Enten continued. “You would see that the states that shift are Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania … and Wisconsin. That alone would do it. And that is why black voters are so pivotal to Joe Biden’s chances to win re-election.”

Sanchez summarized the gravity of the situation, stating, “Harry Enten, alarms going off on the Democratic side, a big opening for Republicans. That is an alarm right there, Harry Enten.”

“It’s a huge alarm,” Enten agreed. “It’s spiraling. It’s ambulance, it’s police sirens, it’s any alarm you can think of that should be what’s going off on the Democratic side. These numbers, to be honest, could be deadly to Joe Biden’s campaign.”

As the 2024 election approaches, the shift in black voter support could significantly alter the political landscape, with both parties keenly aware of the high stakes involved.

You can watch the clip from CNN below:

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

U.S. Supreme Court’s next major decision has Joe Biden on pins and needles

The Biden administration is intoxicated with power. But they’re about to learn a stark lesson.

Because the U.S. Supreme Court’s next big decision has President Biden on pins and needles.

The Biden administration is actively challenging Republican-led states over their immigration laws, arguing these measures are unconstitutional as they encroach on federal authority. The Department of Justice (DOJ) has filed lawsuits against Texas, Iowa, and Oklahoma for enacting laws that empower local police to enforce immigration rules. These states claim they are responding to an unprecedented border crisis, accusing the federal government of failing to enforce immigration laws adequately.

Texas, Iowa, and Oklahoma have each passed legislation that makes it a state crime to be an illegal immigrant. Texas Senate Bill 4 (SB4), Iowa Senate File 2340, and Oklahoma House Bill 4156 grant law enforcement the authority to arrest illegal immigrants and impose penalties for unlawful presence.

These measures reflect the states’ attempts to protect themselves, as explained by Matt Crapo, a senior attorney with the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI). “Due to the abdication of this administration’s duty to enforce the law, states are trying to protect themselves,” Crapo shared with reporters. “They are trying to do so by mirroring federal law, enforcing the same type of laws if this administration was enforcing the law.”

The Biden administration contends that these state laws are unconstitutional, asserting that immigration enforcement is a federal prerogative. The legality of these state measures may ultimately be decided by the Supreme Court, with Texas’s SB4 likely to be the first to reach the nation’s highest court.

IRLI has filed an amicus brief in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals supporting Texas SB4. Crapo mentioned that his organization plans to file similar briefs for the Iowa and Oklahoma laws once those states challenge the preliminary injunctions imposed by federal courts. The brief argues that SB4 “parallels” federal immigration laws without interfering with federal authority over immigration.

However, not all legal experts agree with this interpretation. “SB4 is cruel, inhumane, and clearly unconstitutional,” Kate Melloy Goettel, senior legal director at the American Immigration Council, stated in March.

“All these bills could result in significant civil rights abuses, leading to widespread arrests and deportations by state actors without key federal protections.” Goettel expressed hope that SB4 would be blocked in court to prevent setting a “disastrous precedent.”

The outcome of these legal battles remains uncertain. Art Arthur of the Center for Immigration Studies highlighted the unique aspects of the Texas case compared to a 2010 Arizona law that was largely struck down by the Supreme Court. “It’s sort of an open question as to whether the Supreme Court is going to allow Texas to criminalize illegal entry into Texas,” Arthur noted, emphasizing Texas’ argument that trespassing is fundamentally a state crime.

Arthur also pointed out that Texas’ legislation is different from the Iowa and Oklahoma laws, which could lead to varied judicial outcomes. He suggested that the Supreme Court’s decision on SB4 would provide significant insight into the viability of other state laws. According to Arthur, the passage of these state laws reflects genuine concerns rather than political maneuvers, underscoring a perceived failure by the Biden administration to enforce immigration laws.

“Texas’ argument is ‘look, the federal government doesn’t completely occupy the field with respect to this crime because trespassing is an essential state crime and this is basically a trespassing offense,’” Art Arthur shared with reporters.

Illegal immigration has surged to historic levels, with Border Patrol agents reporting over 1,171,000 encounters with illegal immigrants this fiscal year alone. Since President Joe Biden took office, there have been more than six million such encounters. High-profile crimes committed by illegal immigrants, such as the killing of a Georgia nursing student and the attempted breach of the Quantico Marine Base, have further intensified the debate.

Amid these challenges, Republican state leaders feel compelled to take action. Louisiana state senator Valarie Hodges, sponsor of Senate Bill 388, which would make illegal entry a state crime, stated, “The Biden administration refuses to do their job, so we need to do it.” Her bill proposes penalties of up to one year in prison and a $4,000 fine for the first offense, and up to two years in prison and a $10,000 fine for a second offense.

Despite the prospect of legal challenges, Hodges remains resolute. “When the federal government won’t do their job, what course do we have? We’re going to collapse if we don’t do something. I believe we are within our constitutional boundaries to do this.” She added, “Maybe we should sue them for not doing their job.”

The ongoing legal battles between the Biden administration and Republican-led states over immigration enforcement laws reflect a deep divide over how best to address the crisis at the U.S. border. The Supreme Court’s eventual rulings on these cases will have far-reaching implications for the balance of power between federal and state authorities in immigration enforcement.

So even if Joe Biden is somehow able to hold on to his position in the Oval Office for a second term, he could be looking at starting off with a huge policy loss should the conservative-majority U.S. Supreme Court bench rule his harassment of Republican states to be unconstitutional.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

Hunter Biden was blindsided after Joe handed him this big time surprise


The Hunter Biden saga has been one for the history books. The extent of the corruption runs deep.

And now Hunter Biden was blindsided after Joe handed him this big time surprise.

Americans have been hearing about the first son’s sordid escapades for years now.

Whether it was back during the 2020 election when the New York Post had exclusive access to Hunter’s laptop, only to be censored by social media.

Or photos leaking of him driving recklessly while doing drugs, the details just keep getting worse.

Of course, the potential corruption and bribery implicating his father Joe Biden is terrible, but it’s not what will likely send him to prison.

And now President Biden is pulling out all of the stops to keep him from ending up behind bars.

President Joe Biden paid a visit to Hallie Biden, Beau Biden’s ex-wife and Hunter Biden’s former girlfriend, before she is expected to testify in Hunter’s gun trial, according to the White House press pool on Sunday.

The White House stated that Joe Biden’s visit with his daughter-in-law had nothing to do with Hunter’s imminent firearms trial.

It said that the visit was to celebrate the ninth anniversary of Beau’s death from cancer.

Hallie is anticipated to appear as a witness in Hunter’s firearms trial. According to a 2018 police complaint, she threw Hunter’s gun into a dumpster behind a grocer.

Jury selection in Hunter’s firearms trial is scheduled for June 3.

Hunter refused to accept a plea deal proposed by prosecutors in the case in July, after negotiations broke down due to Judge Maryellen Noreika’s review of a “diversion agreement.”

The original “sweetheart” plea arrangement allowed Hunter to plead guilty to evading paying taxes on more than $1.5 million in income in 2017 and 2018, receiving probation rather than jail time.

In addition, Special Counsel David Weiss drafted a second diversion agreement that granted Hunter immunity from potential future prosecutions, as well as a provision that may potentially erase a felony gun violation from his record.

Weiss charged Hunter Biden with one count of making a false statement during the purchase of a firearm, one count of possessing a firearm while an unlawful user of or addicted to a controlled substance, and one count of making a false statement about information required to be kept by a federal firearms licensed dealer.

Weiss eventually charged Hunter with tax evasion in California.

The case is United States v. Hunter Biden, No. 24-1703, before the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

White House’s shocking remarks leave Americans wondering about Biden’s future

Joe Biden is not fit to serve as President of the United States. And it seems that even his supporters understand that.

Because the White House’s shocking remarks leave Americans wondering about Biden’s future.

In a heated exchange on Tuesday, Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy pressed White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on whether the Biden administration is panicking over President Joe Biden’s re-election prospects.

This comes in the wake of a POLITICO article indicating significant anxiety within the Democratic Party about Biden’s chances in 2024.

The POLITICO article, titled “Dems in full-blown ‘freakout’ over Biden,” highlighted the growing concerns among Democrats.

It noted, “One adviser to major Democratic donors keeps a running list of reasons Biden could lose,” reflecting the pervasive fear within the party’s highest ranks.

The article suggested that despite previous confidence, many Democratic officeholders and strategists are now deeply worried about the upcoming election battle with former President Donald Trump.

Doocy’s question to Jean-Pierre was direct: “Are you guys here at the White House in full-blown freak-out mode?”

Jean-Pierre, appearing taken aback and feigning ignorance of the POLITICO article, responded, “What are you talking about? What are you talking about?”

“There’s a — there’s a —” Doocy began, before Jean-Pierre cut him off, “Peter —”

Doocy continued, “— POLITICO story. It sounds like Democrats, outside —” he persisted, quoting the article that cited Biden’s persistently poor polling and the high stakes of the election as sources of Democratic “freakout,” according to a Democratic operative.

Jean-Pierre dodged the question, saying, “So again, I’m really mindful — I’m not going to comment on 2024 election,” and pivoted to discussing Biden’s empathy for the American people, stating, “I will say this — uh — the President has never forgotten where he comes — where he came from, who he is. He understands what the American people are going through as they’re sitting around the kitchen table.”

The POLITICO article painted a grim picture for Biden’s re-election campaign.

It noted that a “pervasive sense of fear has settled in at the highest levels of the Democratic Party over President Joe Biden’s reelection prospects, even among officeholders and strategists who had previously expressed confidence about the coming battle with Donald Trump. … nearly five months from the election, anxiety has morphed into palpable trepidation, according to more than a dozen party leaders and operatives. And the gap between what Democrats will say on TV or in print, and what they’ll text their friends, has only grown as worries have surged about Biden’s prospects.”

This anxiety is compounded by the fact that former President Trump, despite numerous legal battles and controversies, is leading Biden in most battleground states.

The article highlighted that Trump raised significantly more money in April, and the landscape for Democrats may worsen with Trump’s legal issues potentially resolving favorably and Hunter Biden’s trial set to begin in Delaware.

The POLITICO report also revealed that a Democratic adviser to major party donors has compiled a list of nearly two dozen reasons why Biden could lose.

The adviser bleakly remarked, “The list of why we ‘could’ win is so small I don’t even need to keep the list on my phone.”

As Biden’s approval ratings continue to struggle and concerns about his age and cognitive abilities persist, the Democratic Party faces a significant challenge.

The party’s internal conflicts and external pressures are becoming increasingly visible, leading to a lack of confidence among its ranks.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Threat against Trump in NY has Americans shocked and worried

The Radical Left is doing everything they can to hinder Trump. But they have crossed the line with recent developments.

And a threat against Trump in NY has Americans shocked and worried.

As the high-stakes New York trial against former President Donald Trump approaches its verdict, preparations are being made for an unprecedented scenario.

According to reports, Trump’s Secret Service detail has met with local jail officials to discuss potential arrangements if the former president is sentenced to prison.

This preparation underscores the gravity of the situation, given Trump’s status as a former president entitled to lifelong Secret Service protection.

A CBS News report cites a New York corrections source confirming that Secret Service agents have been in discussions with local New York corrections officials.

The complexity of potentially incarcerating a former president necessitates meticulous planning, as Trump’s Secret Service protection would need to be maintained even behind bars.

This unprecedented scenario poses significant logistical and security challenges.

During a May 6 hearing, Judge Juan Merchan, who is presiding over the case, expressed concerns about the implications of such a sanction.

“I worry about the people who would have to execute that sanction: the court officers, the correction officers, the Secret Service detail, among others,” Merchan stated.

This acknowledgment highlights the extraordinary nature of the case and the potential fallout from a prison sentence for Trump.

While the prospect of Trump serving jail time remains uncertain, the judge has previously threatened incarceration over violations of a gag order placed on Trump.

The unprecedented nature of sentencing a former president complicates potential outcomes.

Former Manhattan prosecutor Duncan Levin suggested that Merchan could opt for a less severe sentence, such as home confinement and probation, allowing Trump to maintain some level of public engagement, including access to social media and the ability to conduct interviews.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams has assured the public that the city is prepared for any outcome. “Our amazing commissioner is prepared for whatever comes on Rikers Island,” Adams stated.

He emphasized that the Department of Corrections is equipped to handle even the most unusual situations, citing the example of handling high-profile inmates like Harvey Weinstein. “In this business, particularly around law enforcement, we have to adjust to whatever comes our way,” Adams added.

The case, brought by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, charges Trump with 34 felony counts of falsifying business records.

These charges stem from actions taken in 2016, which under normal circumstances would be classified as misdemeanors and subject to the statute of limitations.

However, Bragg elevated the charges to felonies by alleging that the falsifications were connected to another crime.

In a controversial decision, Judge Merchan ruled that the jury does not need to agree on what the other crime was, only that another crime was committed in conjunction with the falsified records charges.

This ruling has sparked significant debate and concern. Critics argue that it sets a dangerous precedent and undermines the principle of specific and clear charges in criminal cases.

As the trial nears its conclusion, the nation awaits the verdict with bated breath.

The outcome could set a historic precedent and will undoubtedly be a defining moment in the ongoing saga of Donald Trump’s legal battles.

Regardless of the verdict, the case has already highlighted significant challenges and questions about the intersection of law, politics, and the unprecedented situation of prosecuting a former president.

Donald Trump election announcement is exploding heads at the White House


There’s no underestimating how critical the next election will be. Everything is on the table.

But former President Trump has made an election announcement that has the White House losing their minds.

The state of Virginia has suddenly turned into a battleground state that is reliably purple and could go anyway. No one really thought Virginia’s sitting Governor Glenn Youngkin (R) was going to win against the heavy favorite Terry McAuliffe (D). His win just highlighted how unpredictable Virginia can be.

At one point it used to be reliably red. Virginia wasn’t nearly as infected by the Washington, D.C. bureaucracy as it is today. The federal government’s expansion has been bleeding deeper and deeper into the south of Virginia, to the point that there’s individuals who will commute from the most southern regions of Virginia, like Newport News and Virginia Beach, to the Fairfax area for a federal government desk job.

This has happened because the Democrat Party has specifically targeted Virginia to flip it deep blue. There have been leaked presentation slides from the DNC that lay out the plans the Democrats have to turn Virginia into California. They believe if they can make a formerly deep red state like Virginia into deep blue, they can do it anywhere.

So all eyes are on what happens in Virginia this election cycle. Every single Republican in the state has to be on edge and prepared to fight for their Congressional seat, even if they’ve previously won races by double digits.

An example of this is Bob Good (R-VA-5), who won his election to the U.S. House of Representatives back in 2022 by about fifteen points. Democrats have been circling around this seat, however, trying to get it to flip. Reports indicate that Democrats are spending millions upon millions to target any potential vulnerability on the part of the Republicans in Virginia.

Donald Trump is aware of this and is considering this as an opportunity to potentially take out Mr. Bob Good of Virginia’s Fifth Congressional District and install a stronger America First conservative in Congress in his stead.

This week, Donald Trump announced that he was endorsing the primary opponent of Bob Good, Mr. John McGuire, saying that McGuire has his “complete” and “total” endorsement for the 2024 election in Virginia’s Fifth Congressional District.

Donald Trump in his announcement said that Bob Good is “bad” for Virginia and the United States, saying that Good has turned his back on the America First “movement.” He even implied that Good has been two-faced in his time in Congress thus far. Mr. Trump said that Mr. Good’s endorsement of Trump for the presidential election is “too little too late” to save him from a tough primary race.

“Bob Good is BAD FOR VIRGINIA, AND BAD FOR THE USA. He turned his back on our incredible movement, and was constantly attacking and fighting me until recently, when he gave a warm and ‘loving’ Endorsement – But really, it was too late. The damage had been done!” Donald Trump shared on his Truth Social account.

Former President Donald Trump argues that John McGuire is the man for the job as he is a Navy Seal and current Virginia State Legislator who honestly has the interests of America at heart and not the interests of the political game being played in Washington, D.C.

“I just want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, and the person that can most help me do that is Navy Seal and highly respected State Legislator, John McGuire, a true American Hero. John, who fought the Cartels on the Front Line, and then came home and fought the drug dealers in Virginia, will ALWAYS PUT AMERICA FIRST,” Trump added in his post.

Furthermore, he said McGuire will work better with a second Trump administration than Bob Good will, highlighting the success that the first Donald Trump administration had when Republicans were willing to work with him on critical issues like border security and crime.

“I had the safest Border in history, built hundreds of miles of Wall, and then Crooked Joe Biden came along and ruined it, making it one of the worst human catastrophes ever in our Country. John and I will correct this situation, and fast! He is strong on crime, will protect our great Military/Vets, and will always defend our under siege Second Amendment. John McGuire has my Complete and Total Endorsement! MAGA2024,” Trump finished in his post.

Interestingly, Donald Trump may be looking at the efforts of the Democrats in Virginia and considering if he can use them to his advantage to prop up strong America First conservatives who may be attractive for Virginia voters. That could be at the heart of this endorsement of the primary challenger of Bob Good.

Bob Good has been on Trump’s bad side for a few reasons. Firstly, Congressman Good is one of the eight Republicans who voted to oust Mr. McCarthy as the Speaker of the House, which has led to chaos for the Republican leadership in the lower chamber of Congress. Donald Trump has been extremely critical of the Republican Party for mishandling the House of Representatives’ leadership in recent years.

Secondly, Mr. Bob Good also called the cops on a Trump rally because he was kicked out of the event that was being held in Farmville, Virginia. Not exactly something that happens to an ardent Trump supporter.

As for the polls of the race, it seems Bob Good is up against it as McGuire is up by as many as a dozen points or so, depending on the pollster you ask.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

The U.S. military is scrambling after Biden was forced to make this sudden move


President Biden has sent the world crashing down in flames. Now he’s having to make some tough decisions.

And the U.S. military is scrambling after Biden was forced to make this sudden move.

The U.S. Department of Defense announced on Tuesday that it had to cease the use of President Joe Biden’s $320 million pier in Gaza due to structural failure.

Sabrina Singh, the Pentagon’s deputy press secretary, stated at a news briefing that the pier was “damaged, and sections of the pier need rebuilding and repairing.”

She blamed the failure of the controversial project on “a perfect storm of high sea states” and “this North African weather system also came in at the same time.”

The U.S. military will remove the pier from Gaza and send it to Israel for repair and reconstruction, which is estimated to take at least a week.

“I believe most of our soldiers were able to remain on the vessels and still are currently on them,” Singh claimed at the press conference.

“And … within the next 24 or 48 hours, the Israeli Navy will be helping push those vessels back and hopefully they’ll be fully operational by then.”

On Monday, video emerged of the pier sinking, with a man speaking Hebrew laughing at Biden’s “sinking.”

“It’s simply disconnected and practically swamped,” the man said, according to NBC News.

The announcement comes after two U.S. military vessels ran ashore in Gaza near the pier, while two others washed up on Israeli beaches near Ashkelon over the weekend.

“Efforts to recover the vessels are under way with assistance from the Israeli Navy,” U.S. Central Command said in a statement.

“The IDF is supporting the recovery efforts near the pier. No U.S. personnel will enter Gaza. No injuries have been reported and the pier remains fully functional.”

The pier has mostly disappointed the administration, which deployed a thousand U.S. service members to open it.

After a week of efforts, just 820 tons of supplies were unloaded from the pier. Approximately one-third of that aid was hijacked and stolen.

Three U.S. service members were injured last week during an operation to transport humanitarian aid into Gaza.

“On May 23, a U.S. service member sustained a non-combat related injury aboard USNS Benavidez (T-AKR 306) while in support of the humanitarian aid mission to Gaza,” a U.S. defense official said.

“The service member was transported to a medical facility and is in critical condition at this time. More information will be provided as it becomes available.”

The other two injured service personnel reportedly suffered minor injuries.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

Biden’s shocking Trump trial lies have turned the nation against him

Since the weaponization of the justice system by the Biden administration, Americans have been worried. But now, they are more than worried… they are scared.

And Biden’s shocking Trump trial lies have turned the nation against him.

The Biden White House and the Biden-Harris campaign have consistently stated that the criminal trials against former President Donald Trump are not political and do not represent a weaponization of the Department of Justice (DOJ). They maintain that the DOJ operates independently.

However, on Tuesday, the Biden campaign staged a conspicuous political event outside the New York City courthouse where Trump has been facing charges of falsification of business records.

Speaking to the press, campaign communications director Michael Taylor attempted to deflect attention from the courthouse proceedings, stating, “First of all, let me say this first and foremost, we’re not here today because of what’s going on over there,” while motioning towards the courthouse.

“We’re here today because you all are here.” He then introduced Biden campaigners, including actor Robert De Niro and two Capitol Police officers who were on duty on January 6, 2021.

Taylor then targeted Biden’s chief political opponent, Donald Trump, who currently leads Biden in many swing state polls.

Taylor suggested that Trump was “somewhere fighting for himself,” labeling him an “unhinged, power-hungry, self-centered man” who “rambles.”

He further insinuated that Trump might not “show up” for the upcoming debate, casting doubt on his willingness to confront Biden directly.

When questioned about the independence of the DOJ in its pursuit of criminal cases against Trump, the White House reiterated that President Biden had restored “integrity” to the DOJ by appointing Merrick Garland as Attorney General.

However, a report from The New York Times suggested that Biden had instructed Garland to prosecute Trump, raising concerns about the impartiality of these proceedings.

Despite these allegations, the White House continued to assert that there was no political motivation behind Trump’s prosecution.

The White House press secretary maintained that “It would not be appropriate for us to comment on any ongoing investigations.”

However, this stance did not prevent the Biden campaign from holding a politically charged event outside the courthouse where Trump’s trial was taking place. This move has raised eyebrows and fueled speculation about the campaign’s true intentions.

Tyler justified the campaign’s decision to stage the event by emphasizing the perceived threat Trump poses to the nation and to “democracy.”

He acknowledged concerns that such an event might suggest the Biden campaign and administration have a vested interest in securing a conviction against Trump.

Although the jury has been instructed to avoid media coverage of the case, they have not been sequestered, heightening concerns about potential bias.

Biden spokesperson Tyler reiterated the campaign’s stance, stating that the event was necessary due to the threat Trump poses.

He addressed the optics of staging a campaign event outside Trump’s trial, acknowledging that it could give the appearance of a conflict of interest.

However, the Left continues to make the Trump trial about politics, and they continue to weaponize the justice system against anyone who disagrees politically with them.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Rogue White House official makes insane announcement that will change everything

With the Radical Left doing everything they can to push their destructive agenda on Americans, people are starting to fight back. But this recent situation is different.

And a rogue White House official makes insane announcement that will change everything.

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg faced tough questions on CBS’ Face the Nation about the Biden administration’s sluggish progress in building electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, despite a significant allocation of funds for the project.

During the interview, Buttigieg was unable to provide an explanation as to why, despite the $7.5 billion earmarked for EV charging infrastructure in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, the administration had only managed to construct only “seven or eight” EV charging stations by April 2024.

This revelation comes as a stark contrast to the administration’s ambitious goal of deploying half a million EV chargers by the end of the decade.

MARGARET BRENNAN: “–obviously it’s resonating for him, because he wouldn’t bring it up so frequently if there wasn’t some anxiety that he’s tapping into. And let me ask about a portion of this that I think does fall under your portfolio and that’s the charging stations you mentioned. The Federal Highway Administration says only seven or eight charging stations have been produced with the $7.5 billion investment that taxpayers made back in 2021. Why isn’t that happening more quickly?”

SECRETARY BUTTIGIEG: “So the President’s goal is to have half a million chargers up by the end of this decade. Now, in order to do a charger, it’s more than just plunking a- a small device into the ground, there’s utility work, and this is also, really, a new category of federal investment. But we’ve been working with each of the 50 states, every one of them is getting formula dollars to do this work–”

MARGARET BRENNAN: “Seven or eight, though?”

SECRETARY BUTTIGIEG: “–Engaging them and the first handful- again, by 2030, 500,000 chargers. And the very first handful of chargers are now already being physically built. But again, that’s the absolute very, very beginning stages of the construction to come.”

MARGARET BRENNAN: “Right. But- but that gets to the point about not being able to make long-distance travel possible quickly if you don’t have the infrastructure there to support it.”


MARGARET BRENNAN: “So you recognize it should be–”

SECRETARY BUTTIGIEG: “Most of the charging infrastructure right now is being provided by the private sector. The reason that we’re investing federal dollars is to fill in some of the gaps in areas where it is not yet profitable for the private sector to do it. Now, again, the majority of charging will happen at home …”

The Left claims that the slow progress has been attributed to various factors, including local zoning restrictions and bureaucratic red tape.

However, critics argue that the administration has not done enough to streamline the process, particularly when compared to the Trump administration, which was known for cutting regulatory hurdles to expedite projects.

Republican lawmakers and conservative commentators have been quick to point out the administration’s failure to deliver on its promises, highlighting the disconnect between the allocated funds and the tangible outcomes.

The issue of EV infrastructure is crucial, especially as the Biden administration continues to push for a transition to green energy and electric vehicles as part of its broader climate agenda.

Former President Donald Trump was known for his aggressive approach to eliminating bureaucratic obstacles, a strategy that many conservatives argue should be adopted by the current administration to accelerate the deployment of EV charging stations.

Trump’s policies focused on reducing regulatory burdens to facilitate quicker implementation of infrastructure projects, a stark contrast to the current slow-moving process under Biden.

To meet its goal of 500,000 EV chargers by 2030, the Biden administration will need to address these challenges head-on.

This includes cutting through the red tape that has hampered progress and ensuring that federal investments are effectively utilized to build the necessary infrastructure.

Secretary Buttigieg’s appearance on Face the Nation has shown the American people just how much time and money the Left is wasting in order to push their Radical Agenda.

With billions of taxpayer dollars sunk into this absurd push already, and with little results to show from it, Americans are infuriated.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Legal analyst delivers crazy Trump acquittal news that prosecutors are furious about

The Trump criminal cases are well underway. But the outcome is all but sure.

Because a legal analyst delivered stunning Trump acquittal news that the Trump prosecutors are furious about.

The first Donald Trump indictment case to be hitting the court system has been the “hush money” case where rogue Manhattan District Attorney lackeys slapped Trump with an indictment for supposed “business and election” fraud. They allege that Donald Trump knowingly tried to pay adult film star Stormy Daniels hundreds of thousands of dollars in hush money to keep quiet about a former affair.

Let’s just say the case hasn’t been going well for the Trump prosecution team. That’s putting it lightly. This case seems to be more dead than Hillary Clinton’s political career after losing in 2016.

Stormy Daniels herself has admitted that she’s previously signed documents that say that Donald Trump did not have any affair with her at any point and did not pay her any form of “hush money.”

Michael Cohen, who was supposed to be the biggest witness for the prosecution, has come across as the untrustworthy liar that he is. Even Leftist outlets like CNN are saying they don’t trust Cohen at all.

It’s just been a disaster from the start for the prosecution, but what’s crazy is that it just might get worse for the Trump haters. How so? Well apparently an acquittal is on the table for former President Donald Trump. Meaning, all this could go away in an instant.

How? Reports say that the jury includes two lawyers. Why is that important? They are going to be looking at this case with a lot of skepticism, as most legal experts would. Current and former lawyers aren’t likely to just be easily swayed by weak arguments being made by the prosecution.

Former Department of Justice spokesman Anthony Coley has raised concerns about the potential impact of having two lawyers on the jury in the trial of former President Donald Trump. The trial, led by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, centers on allegations that Trump falsified business documents to conceal a payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels. The presence of a young corporate law attorney and a civil litigation attorney among the 12 jurors could, according to Coley, pose significant challenges for the prosecution.

Coley shared his apprehensions on Jonathan Lemire Reports, highlighting the potential for these jurors to overanalyze the case, thereby influencing their fellow jurors in ways that might disadvantage the prosecution.

“I think what I would worry about if I’m on the prosecution case, and I say this tongue in cheek, because I ran communications at arguably the largest law firm in the world, the U.S. Justice Department, I do worry that there are lawyers on this jury, not one but two lawyers,” Coley remarked.

He elaborated, “By my own experience, lawyers can sometimes be overly analytical. They can be hyper technical. I worry that the nonlawyers on this jury may rely on the lawyers who, quite frankly, don’t have expertise in this area of the law.”

A critical aspect of Bragg’s case hinges on the testimony of Michael Cohen, Trump’s former attorney, who has been scrutinized for his credibility issues. Legal analysts have pointed out that Cohen’s testimony, which includes admissions of theft from his previous employer, presents vulnerabilities for the prosecution. Coley believes the defense will capitalize on these credibility issues to undermine the prosecution’s case.

“I think their strategy can really be summed up in four words,” Coley said. “Don’t believe Michael Cohen. And what we saw in four days of meandering testimony and cross-examination towards the end of this trial, we saw them take a couple hits at Michael Cohen’s credibility. We now know, for example, that in addition to being a convicted felon and a liar, we know that Michael Cohen by his own admission is a thief. So I expect to see defense attorneys return to those schematics.”

As the trial progresses, the influence of the two lawyers on the jury remains a focal point of concern for the prosecution. Their potential to sway the jury’s deliberations through their analytical approach could prove to be a decisive factor in the outcome of the case.

Based on the early analysis of the case, it seems like the prosecution is going to be up against it by trying to get a unanimous agreement from the jury that they’ll be looking for to get Trump convicted.

If they thought anything different, that’s just hilarious. When your best witnesses are an adult film star and a pathological liar, you’re not going to be in for a good day at the office.

You can watch the clip below:

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

Biden is in disbelief after receiving an Oval Office eviction notice from Congress


Joe Biden’s poll numbers are looking abysmal. That’s caused some Leftists to wonder if he’s the right choice as the Democrat nominee.

And Biden is in disbelief after receiving an Oval Office eviction notice from Congress.

President Joe Biden’s reelection chances are in serious jeopardy.

The latest polls show him trailing former President Donald Trump in several crucial battleground states.

Biden’s approval ratings are also in bad shape as we inch closer and closer to the general election in November.

Because of all of this, there have been rumblings that the Democrat Party may find a way to replace the president with a more popular candidate.

Nate Silver, a data analyst, has also suggested that the Left try and find another option for Biden.

“If Biden is still struggling in August he needs to consider stepping aside. It’s not a great situation for Ds either way, but you have to do due diligence on the question,” Silver said in a post on X.

Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) revealed important insight into Silver’s suggestion of replacing Biden during a recent appearance on Fox News Sunday.

“No, it’s not a conversation worth having. Nate, thanks for your participation. But this is ridiculous. We’re well past that conversation,” Moskowitz stated.

“President Biden is going to be the nominee. We’re going to have our convention and he’s going to win in November. This is going to be between two people. The way I look at the election is do you want Trump back or do you not? That is the crux of the issue.”

Moskowitz brought up abortion and a “woman’s right to choose” as a reason why voters will flock to Joe Biden this fall.

He did bring up illegal immigration and how Democrats haven’t been as strong on that issue, but he also somehow found a way to blame Republicans for it.

“On immigration. Quite frankly, I think both parties are to blame. Democrats were late to come to the table. When we came to the table and got a bipartisan agreement with a conservative bill coming out of the Senate then Republicans walked away because Trump wants to use it in the election,” Moskowitz claimed.

But despite his claims, the Florida Democrat made no reference to how disastrous the Biden administration has been in their handling of the southern border and the mass influx of illegal immigrants that have come through it.

Rep. Moskowitz didn’t make note of the record amount of migrants that have come into this country illegally under President Biden’s watch. He most likely ignored that fact because it didn’t fit his narrative that Biden is a better option than Trump.

The congressman did surrender to the fact that Joe Biden is in a tight race against the former president. But he also claimed that Biden would end up winning reelection in November.

“The election is very close. We’re kind of at halftime now. It’s down to a couple of states,” Moskowitz said.

According to a recent RealClearPolitics aggregate, Joe Biden is trailing Donald Trump nationally by 1.1%.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

Biden’s shocking statements regarding terrorists’ nuclear program have millions worried

Joe Biden’s foreign policies are known to be terrible. But this newest development might be one of the worst yet.

And Biden’s shocking statements regarding terrorists’ nuclear program have millions worried.

In a shocking and controversial move, President Joe Biden is reportedly urging America’s European allies to ease off pressuring Iran regarding its illegal nuclear activities, even as the Islamic Republic accelerates its stockpile of near-weapons grade nuclear fuel.

The Biden administration is specifically attempting to dissuade Britain and France from pushing for a censure of Iran at the upcoming International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) member-state board meeting next month, according to a report from The Wall Street Journal, which cited various diplomats.

Additionally, the Biden administration has been lobbying several other countries to abstain from voting in favor of censuring Iran, a stance the administration itself plans to adopt.

European diplomats have voiced their concerns, warning that the failure to take decisive action would undermine the IAEA’s authority, which is responsible for policing the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons.

These diplomats argue that it also diminishes the credibility of Western pressure on Iran and expresses frustration over what they perceive as U.S. efforts to weaken their strategy.

Despite these diplomatic pressures, the Biden administration maintains that it is increasing pressure on Iran through sanctions and international isolation.

However, critics point out that sanctions enforcement has been relaxed, allowing Iran to generate tens of billions of dollars in oil revenue.

“Iran’s level of cooperation with the agency remains unacceptable,” stated Laura Holgate, the U.S. ambassador to the IAEA. “The board must be prepared to take further action should Iran’s cooperation not improve dramatically.”

Recent reports from the IAEA, the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog, indicate that Iran has significantly increased its stockpile of near weapons-grade enriched uranium.

According to the Associated Press, Iran’s stockpile of 60% enriched uranium has risen from 121.5 kilograms to 142.1 kilograms in a few months.

The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD) highlights that 99% of the effort required to produce weapons-grade uranium occurs during the enrichment phase to 60%. The final phase, which involves boosting it to 90% or higher, constitutes just “the last 1% of the effort needed to produce the fuel for a nuclear weapon.” This crucial period, known as “breakout time,” takes only seven days.

Iran began enriching uranium to 20% and 60% and stockpiling both shortly after the November 2020 elections. Under President Biden, who has relaxed sanctions enforcement against the nation, Iran has amassed unprecedented levels of enriched uranium, violating international law.

The Biden administration’s strategy regarding Iran has faced substantial criticism. While the administration claims to be increasing pressure through sanctions and diplomatic isolation, the reality is that Iran continues to expand its nuclear capabilities unchecked. Andrea Stricker, Deputy Director and Research Fellow of FDD’s Nonproliferation & Biodefense program, commented on the situation:

“IAEA’s latest reporting shows Iran is steadily increasing its proximity to nuclear weapons. The Biden admin. naively believes Tehran is undertaking restraint via indirect talks and U.S. sanctions relief,” Stricker said. “Yet the regime is taking a ‘boiling the frog’ approach to nuclear breakout. By the time Washington realizes it, the frog will be cooked, and the regime will have a nuclear deterrent.”

Stricker further informed The Daily Wire that as of February, Iran possessed enough enriched uranium to produce 13 nuclear weapons once the uranium is enriched to 90%. The regime could produce nearly four weapons immediately using just its stock of 60% enriched uranium.

The Biden administration’s apparent reluctance to confront Iran more forcefully raises significant concerns about the future of global security and the effectiveness of international nonproliferation efforts. Critics argue that this approach sends the wrong message to Tehran, effectively enabling their nuclear ambitions while undermining the credibility of the IAEA and international agreements.

Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR), a vocal critic of the administration’s Iran policy, remarked, “This administration’s failure to hold Iran accountable for its nuclear ambitions is not only dangerous but also signals a disturbing weakness in U.S. foreign policy. By backing down, we are compromising our national security and the security of our allies.”

As the world watches Iran inch closer to achieving a nuclear weapon, the Biden administration’s stance continues to spark heated debate.

While the administration maintains that it is exerting pressure on Tehran, the lack of robust action and the relaxation of sanctions enforcement tell a different story.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.