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Republican Senator drops a major bombshell about who Trump’s VP pick will be


Everyone is dying to know who the former president will pick as his running mate. But thanks to this GOP politician, we may finally have an answer.

Because a Republican Senator dropped a major bombshell about who Trump’s VP pick will be.

Voters have been speculating for months now on who former President Donald Trump will select as his next vice president.

There’s also been rumors that many high-profile Republicans are being currently considered by Trump to be his running mate.

Some of those names include: Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL), Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), Gov. Doug Burgum (R-ND), and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL). Of those names, Gov. DeSantis is the only one who has stated that he’s not interested in the vice presidential role.

But another name has recently come out as a possible contender for the VP spot.

Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA) has revealed that it would be an “extreme honor” to serve as vice president under Donald Trump.

Ernst made the comments during a weekend interview on SiriusXM Patriot 125’s Breitbart News Memorial Day Weekend program.

During the interview she was questioned on if she would accept the role of Trump’s running mate if asked to.

“I think there are a lot of really wonderful people who are being considered,” Ernst began in her answer. “And I think that anyone who is offered [the] position, whether it would be me or someone else, I think that it would be such an extreme honor to have that opportunity laid out. I certainly would consider that.”

“I appreciate serving the people of Iowa, I’m so thankful to be in the United States Senate.”

Regardless of Ernst’s willingness to accept the VP spot, it’s most likely that the former president won’t make his official pick until the Republican National Convention in July.

That hasn’t stopped political pundits and GOP politicians from making assumptions on who Trump will pick.

While interviewing with Newsmax’s Eric Bolling, Sen. Scott made an assumption himself about his chances to win the veepstakes.

“I hear there’s a debate in July,” Scott said, a reference to a proposed vice presidential debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and Trump’s running mate.

“If you’re the guy moderating, maybe I’ll be talking to you. We’ll see what happens.” Bolling then bluntly asked if Scott will end up serving as VP.

“We’ll see, we’ll see,” Scott answered.

It’s also been reported by Gov. Burgum, through comments he made to the New York Post, that Trump has 50 candidates to pick from right now.

And that number may have just gone up based off Joni Ernst’s recent comments regarding her role as a vice presidential candidate for Donald Trump.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

Lawyers slap Joe Biden with a criminal accusation with serious implications for the 2024 election


The 2020 election was crazy and contentious enough. But 2024 is turning into a real circus.

Because lawyers just slapped President Biden with a criminal accusation that has jaw-dropping implications for the 2024 election cycle.

In recent months, the Biden administration has been focusing on a new initiative that he believes will help him get over the finish line when it comes time for Americans to cast their vote this November. The only problem is that many are questioning the legality of the initiative.

President Biden and his Democrat lackeys are pushing a sort of “Get Out The Vote” campaign that is designed to push Americans to get registered to vote. This is based on a 2021 executive order that Biden signed that ordered federal agencies to specifically look into ways to get more Americans to sign up to vote.

The only issue is that many lawyers are wondering if the way the Biden administration’s going about this is even legal in the first place. It could be violating a number of key federal laws, like the Hatch Act.

The Biden administration’s initiative to boost voter registration is raising legal concerns, with experts suggesting it may violate multiple federal laws. President Joe Biden’s executive order, signed in March 2021, directs federal agencies to explore ways to promote voter registration and participation, collaborating with nonprofits in get-out-the-vote efforts.

However, the initiative’s opaque implementation process has made it difficult to ascertain its legality, according to legal experts who have been recently interviewed by reporters.

At the heart of the controversy is the Hatch Act, which restricts federal employees from engaging in political activities. Election law attorney Audrey Perry Martin indicated that the order could breach this law, depending on its execution. “If executive agencies accept volunteer services from third-party organizations with a partisan purpose to register voters, that would appear to violate the Hatch Act,” Audrey shared with the Daily Caller. The administration’s lack of transparency about the initiative’s details exacerbates concerns about potential legal violations.

The order mandates agencies to enlist “approved, nonpartisan third-party organizations and State officials to provide voter registration services on agency premises.” Records obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project suggest the initiative is a “partisan voter mobilization effort” favoring Democratic groups, citing its origins and the organizations involved in its planning.

Demos, a Left-wing think tank, advocated for a similar approach in December 2020 to enhance civic participation, especially among Black and brown Americans. The day Biden’s order was signed, Demos celebrated it as a priority for the administration and a culmination of its long-standing efforts. Many groups involved in a July 2021 listening session on the order’s implementation were members of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, including the Southern Poverty Law Center and the National Center for Transgender Equality, further raising concerns about partisan influences.

Perry Martin emphasized that the involvement of predominantly Left-leaning groups in implementing the order could signify Hatch Act violations if federal agency voter registration efforts appear politically motivated.

Proposals from these groups included the American Civil Liberties Union’s (ACLU) suggestion to use the Head Start program for voter registration and Demos’ proposal to leverage the Housing and Urban Development agency for the same purpose. These strategies could violate the Hatch Act if federal employees or nonprofits engage in partisan activities while assisting clients, according to Hans von Spakovsky of the Heritage Foundation.

Von Spakovsky also argued that the executive order might violate the Anti-Deficiency Act, which prohibits federal employees from making expenditures not authorized by Congress. “Unless Congress authorized and appropriated funds for federal employees to engage in voter registration activities, they are violating the law,” he said.

Beyond federal concerns, the executive order faces opposition at the state level. Twenty-seven Pennsylvania state legislators have sued to block the order, along with actions by Democratic Governor Josh Shapiro and Secretary of the Commonwealth Al Schmidt. The lawsuit argues these actions violate the Electors Clause and Elections Clause by altering Pennsylvania election laws without legislative involvement.

The legislators’ case relies on the independent state legislature theory, suggesting that the Elections Clause grants state legislatures the exclusive power to determine election procedures.

This theory was partially rejected by the Supreme Court in Moore v. Harper, but the current case focuses on election process details, potentially bolstering the legislators’ argument.

A pending Supreme Court petition seeks a ruling on whether the legislators have standing to sue. A district court dismissed their case on standing grounds in March. “Pennsylvania’s voter registration laws, enacted by the constitutionally designated lawmakers, are the first line of defense in protecting the election system,” Jessica Hart Steinmann of the America First Policy Institute said. “Executive officials have no authority to change the laws and may only enforce existing laws.”

As legal challenges progress, the Biden administration’s voter registration initiative continues to face scrutiny over its potential legal ramifications and the extent of its partisan undertones.

Non-partisan organizations have thus far been fairly critical of the Biden administration’s voter registration initiative, and that has to raise red flags about what they might have in store in the coming months ahead of the 2024 election cycle.

Be sure to stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal for more critical 2024 election updates.

New Video of President Biden has Washington, D.C. in shambles

It seems every week there’s a Biden gaffe to talk about. But this is more than just a gaffe.

As a new video of President Biden has Washington, D.C. wondering what in the world is going on.

There’s a few good reasons why President Joe Biden’s approval ratings are a complete and utter dumpster fire and have been for nearly two years now. You could point to the economy, immigration, and a whole host of other things.

If you look at the graphs of his approval ratings since his inauguration, the summer of 2021 really started to sink the Biden administration. Well what happened there that Biden and company have not been able to recover from?

The Afghanistan pullout disaster. No doubt that since 2021, the major issues that are keeping Joe Biden’s approval ratings low are the struggling economy as inflation ravages Americans’ finances as well as illegal immigration run amok.

Yet, the one issue that truly marked the end of the honeymoon period for Mr. Biden and the Democrats, it was foreign policy. Specifically his mishandling of the U.S. military around the world as Americans watched in horror what went on in Afghanistan.

Recently, the Republican National Party published a video online that highlighted just how dangerous Joe Biden has been for the safety of America and her citizens. Not just because of illegal immigration being left unchecked, but also because of major foreign conflicts popping up every other month.

The RNC put up a video this weekend with testimony from a handful of U.S. House Representatives who served in the U.S. military. The House Reps were extremely critical of Joe Biden’s performance so far in handling foreign affairs, and alleged that the United States is closer to “World War III” than at any point in history.

Derrick Van Orden from the state of Wisconsin said that we “are closer to World War Three than we have been in my lifetime,” and added that this includes when he served during the Reagan administration.

Watch the clip below:

All you have to do is look at how atrocious the Biden administration’s record on foreign policy and international peace has been so far to see why he’s receiving so much heat for it lately.

The Biden Democrat lackeys have been claiming that the Ukraine war would be over any day now for more than two years now, and they continue to propagandize the Americans to drum up support for sending billions of taxpayer dollars more to the proxy war.

Israel, America’s closest ally, is getting mixed signals every single week from the Biden administration about how they should approach their war against the cowardly terrorists in Hamas after the tragic October 7th attack.

Iran is growing more and more bold in their campaign to build nuclear weapons for a holy war against Israel and eventually the rest of the major Western civilizations like in America and Britain.

China is inching closer to invading Taiwan. That’s another issue that the Biden administration continues to flip-flop. Would America militarily support Taiwan in the event China invaded? Who knows. It doesn’t even seem like the White House knows.

Americans exercising their voting rights this November will be looking at this, alongside the manifold issues that Joe Biden is failing on, and they are going to be wondering whether the nearly 82-year old President deserves another four years in office.

That’s a hard sell for the Democrats. Especially as Donald Trump continues to outperform anyone’s expectations for him in the polls.

Which really makes one wonder if the Democrats are content to put Biden up against Donald Trump once more. Maybe the “magic” of 2020 won’t strike again for the Democrats.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

U.S. House Democrat commits treason during speech and now the DNC is panicking

The Radical Left preaches tolerance and inclusivity. But their policies and actions are always harmful and destructive.

And now, a U.S. House Democrat commits treason during speech and now the DNC is panicking.

In a move that has sparked conversation across the nation, New York Representative Mike Lawler has called for the immediate removal of Representative Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) from Congress.

This comes after Tlaib delivered a speech at the People’s Conference for Palestine, an event funded and supported by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a US-designated terrorist organization.

Rep. Lawler minced no words in his condemnation of Tlaib’s involvement with the conference.

“Associating with and speaking before groups that are funded by US-designated terrorist organizations is disqualifying,” he stated.

Lawler’s call for Tlaib’s removal highlights the serious implications of a sitting US congresswoman engaging with a group that has been recognized as a terrorist organization not only by the United States but also by Japan, Canada, and the European Union.

The event was sponsored by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a Marxist-Leninist terrorist organization headquartered in Damascus, Syria, according to the Jerusalem Post.

During her speech, Tlaib criticized President Joe Biden’s handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict:

“President Biden says what’s happening in Gaza is not a genocide. Where’s your red line, President Biden?” she asked, eliciting boos from the audience directed at the president.

Tlaib’s remarks at the conference included strong criticisms of US foreign policy and its impact on domestic issues.

“Every single bullet, every single gun, every single weapon, bombs that we send, is a sacrifice of our own schools here at home,” she said.

In her speech, she demanded an apology for anti-Israel activists, asserting, “I’ll be damned if I wait 10 years before they apologize to all of you for doing what was right at this moment.”

She further criticized her colleagues in Congress and the Biden administration for what she described as cowardice in smearing those protesting to save lives, regardless of faith or ethnicity.

“It is disgraceful that the Biden administration and my colleagues in Congress continue to smear them for protesting to save lives no matter faith or ethnicity. It is cowardly. But we’re not gonna forget in November, are we?”

The conflict between Israel and Hamas began on October 7, 2023, when Hamas launched an attack on Israel, killing 1,200 people and kidnapping over 200. While some hostages have been released, the fate of many remains uncertain.

Rep. Lawler’s demand for Tlaib’s removal is grounded in her association with a terrorist-backed organization and her inflammatory rhetoric, which he argues is disqualifying for a member of Congress.

Lawler’s statement reflects a broader sentiment among many Americans who view Tlaib’s actions as not only irresponsible but also dangerous.

They argue that her continued presence in Congress undermines US national security and foreign policy interests.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Illegal immigrant issues chilling warning to American citizens

Everyone knows that the border crisis under Joe Biden is at a boiling point. And the security of our nation is in question.

But now, an illegal immigrant has issued a chilling warning to American citizens.

A Turkish man who illegally entered the United States through the southern border has issued a stark warning to Americans about the alarming state of border security under President Joe Biden’s administration.

In an interview with Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin, the man expressed his shock at the ease with which he was able to cross into the U.S., emphasizing the potential dangers posed by the lack of proper security measures.

The Turkish man, who paid a Mexican drug cartel $10,000 to smuggle him into the U.S., spoke candidly about his concerns.

“In fact, American people is right, completely true,” he said. “Who comes into this country? They don’t know.”

The man highlighted the serious security risks posed by the current state of the border.

“Okay, I’m good, but how if they’re not good?” he asked, gesturing towards other migrants around him.

“How if they’re k*llers, psychopaths, else? No guarantee of that. Like, no security, no security check, no background check.”

His comments reflect a broader concern among many Americans about the Biden administration’s handling of border security.

Since taking office, President Biden has reversed many of the immigration policies implemented by his predecessor, former President Donald Trump.

These changes have been criticized by Americans and border security advocates who point out that they have led to a surge in illegal immigration and compromised national security.

Melugin posted a clip of the interview on X, formerly known as Twitter, where the Turkish man expressed his disbelief at how easy it was to cross the U.S. border with no resistance.

“A Turkish man who crossed into Jacumba, CA illegally w/ a group of other Turkish men told me he paid $10k to a cartel, & expressed shock at how easy it was to cross the U.S. border with no resistance, telling me Americans should be ‘worried’ about security & who is crossing,” Melugin wrote.

The Turkish man’s experience is not an isolated incident. Reports of increased illegal crossings and the involvement of criminal organizations in human smuggling have raised significant concerns.

The Biden administration’s approach to border security has been marked by a more lenient stance on immigration enforcement, which critics argue has led to a rise in illegal crossings and emboldened cartels.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has been vocal about the issue, stating, “The Biden administration’s open border policies have turned every state into a border state and every town into a border town.” He added, “This is a crisis of their own making, and it is putting American lives at risk.”

The financial cost of illegal immigration is also a major concern.

According to the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers approximately $132 billion annually, a figure that has likely increased with the recent surge in illegal crossings.

These costs include healthcare, education, and law enforcement expenses.

Former President Trump has weighed in on the issue, stating, “Our border is now wide open for anyone to cross, and it is a disaster waiting to happen. We need strong borders to keep our country safe.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Multiple US troops in Gaza wounded because of Biden’s failed policies

While Joe Biden and the Left have promised that no American troops would be in harm’s way in the Middle East, it appears that they have lied. And this most recent incident highlights the terrible foreign policies of the Left.

Because now, multiple US troops in Gaza have been wounded and Americans are infuriated.

In a troubling development for President Joe Biden’s administration, three U.S. soldiers were injured, one critically, during an operation aimed at delivering humanitarian aid to Gaza.

This incident underscores the dangers of executing humanitarian missions in conflict zones and raises questions about the efficacy and safety of current U.S. strategies in the region.

On May 23, a U.S. service member sustained a non-combat-related injury aboard the USNS Benavidez (T-AKR 306), which was involved in a mission to supply humanitarian aid to Gaza.

A U.S. defense official confirmed that the critically injured soldier was transported to a medical facility.

“The service member was transported to a medical facility and is in critical condition at this time. More information will be provided as it becomes available,” the official stated.

Two other soldiers were also injured during the operation.

According to a U.S. Central Command official, one soldier suffered an ankle injury while another sustained a back injury.

The critically injured soldier was evacuated to a hospital in Israel for urgent care.

The operation is part of a larger effort to deliver humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, which has been devastated by ongoing conflict. However, the mission has faced significant challenges.

Pentagon spokesperson Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder admitted on Tuesday that none of the 569 tons of aid transported to Gaza since last week has reached the Palestinian people.

“The U.S. military is delivering [the aid] to the causeway. It’s then taken by non-U.S. contractors, driven over onto shore, put into an assembly area, which is where the NGOs that are supporting this effort pick it up and take it for onward distribution,” Ryder explained.

He acknowledged that despite discussions and efforts to establish alternative routes for safe cargo movement, the aid had been intercepted before reaching its intended recipients.

Reuters reported a particularly disheartening incident on Saturday where 16 trucks en route to a warehouse were overrun.

Eleven of these trucks were “cleaned out by Palestinians during the journey through an area that a U.N. official said has been hard to access with humanitarian aid.”

This highlights the severe security challenges and the desperate conditions on the ground.

Maj. Gen. Ryder confirmed during a press conference that the aid was intercepted by individuals who commandeered the supplies from the vehicles.

“Aid was making it in, but none of the aid that has come in from the pier has been distributed to civilians in Gaza,” he said.

The $320 million pier constructed for Gaza’s aid distribution is at risk of becoming another failed initiative under President Biden.

The U.N. World Food Program has expressed concerns that conditions in Gaza are preventing the proper distribution of food and other essentials. The majority of these supplies are being stolen, exacerbating the already dire humanitarian crisis.

As of Thursday, U.S. Central Command reported that 820.5 tons of aid had been offloaded from the pier, with 506 tons successfully reaching a warehouse.

However, it remains unclear if any of these supplies have been distributed to the civilians who desperately need them.

Many people argue that the administration’s handling of the Gaza aid operation is symptomatic of larger strategic failures in U.S. foreign policy.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Trump makes NY Democrat admit the shocking truth for everyone to hear

Democrats hate the truth. And they try and do everything they can to cover it up.

But recently, Trump made a NY Democrat admit the shocking truth for everyone to hear.

In a surprising turn of events, former President Donald Trump managed to sway a New York Democrat to voice support for his policies while criticizing President Joe Biden during a rally in the South Bronx.

The woman, who chose to remain anonymous, was on her way to Crotona Park to attend Trump’s Thursday rally when she spoke with Savanah Hernandez.

Despite her longstanding Democratic affiliation, the woman candidly expressed her belief that Trump had been a better leader than Biden, especially in terms of economic policies and national security.

“I’m not at all a Trump supporter,” she began, emphasizing her reluctance. “But I’m here because when Trump was president, it was much better. I mean — he didn’t — the world wasn’t on fire.”

She noted that under Biden’s administration, the cost of living had skyrocketed, citing significant increases in the price of gas and other essentials.

“The prices went up like crazy. The price of gas, everything. So from the — he’s the best, I shouldn’t say of the worst — but there’s no choice.”

The woman confirmed her Democratic Party affiliation but explained that she has voted across party lines when necessary.

“I go according to who is better,” she said, implying that her support for Trump was based on his performance rather than party loyalty.

When asked about her thoughts on President Biden, the woman did not hold back. “Well, I think he’s destroying the country with his policies,” she stated bluntly.

“Things are getting worse and worse, and more — we could end up with World War III with Biden.”

Her concerns about Biden’s foreign policy were particularly pointed, suggesting that his approach could lead to global conflict. In contrast, she viewed Trump as a stabilizing force.

“I think that Trump is going to … Make America Great Again [laughs] you know, I’m saying that.”

The woman was clear that her support for Trump was not rooted in personal admiration. “I don’t like his personality,” she admitted. “Forget it.”

However, she separated her personal feelings from her assessment of his policies. “His policies were much better. Much, much better.”

This sentiment reflects a broader trend among many voters who, despite personal misgivings about Trump’s character, appreciated his administration’s economic and foreign policies.

It highlights the critical issue of policy performance over personality in political leadership.

This incident in the Bronx is emblematic of a larger shift that is occurring among voters.

Despite deep-seated partisan affiliations, there is a growing willingness to cross party lines if it means electing leaders who can address their concerns more effectively.

Trump’s ability to draw support from a Democratic voter in a traditionally blue stronghold like the Bronx indicates his continued influence and the potential for significant crossover appeal.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

New data regarding Biden policies expose a shocking reality for millions of Americans

The Left has tried their hardest to cover for Joe Biden. But the latest statistics are revealing everything.

And new data regarding Biden’s policies has exposed a shocking reality for millions of Americans.

In a troubling sign of the economic pressures facing Americans, a recent Fox News poll has found that more than half of the country is planning to forgo summer vacations this year.

The poll, conducted among 1,126 American voters between May 10 and 13, revealed that 55 percent of respondents will be staying home.

The primary reason cited by nearly three-quarters of those opting out of travel was the rising cost of living, which has put an additional strain on their finances.

The poll’s findings underscore the financial struggles many Americans are facing as inflation continues to drive up the cost of essentials.

Among those not taking a vacation this year, 73 percent said it was due to financial constraints, while 15 percent pointed to a lack of time.

The margin of error for the poll was +/- 3 percent, providing a clear indication that economic hardships are a significant factor in people’s decisions to stay home.

Interestingly, Democrats were slightly more likely than Republicans to travel this summer, with 45 percent of Democrats planning trips compared to 41 percent of Republicans. Independents were the least likely to travel, at just 37 percent.

The survey asked respondents to what extent groceries, housing, health care, and utilities were impacting their financial situation.

The vast majority of Americans identified each of these categories as a “problem,” reflecting widespread economic strain.

In particular, the rising price of fuel emerged as a significant concern. Nearly all respondents indicated that the increasing cost of gas was problematic, with 49 percent calling it a “major problem.”

The Biden administration recently attempted to cover up reality with a media stunt where they claimed they would help alleviate these Summer pressures.

“The Biden-Harris Administration is laser-focused on lowering prices at the pump for American families, especially as drivers hit the road for summer driving season,” said Department of Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm in a statement.

“By strategically releasing this reserve in between Memorial Day and July 4th, we are ensuring sufficient supply flows to the tri-state and northeast at a time hardworking Americans need it the most.”

Despite these efforts, the administration’s approach has drawn criticism from millions of Americans.

Many highlight that Biden’s policies, particularly those related to energy and economic regulation, have exacerbated inflation and increased the cost of living.

They point to the administration’s cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline and restrictions on domestic oil production as factors contributing to higher fuel prices.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has been vocal about the administration’s failures, stating, “The Biden administration’s policies have crippled American energy independence and driven up costs for every family. Releasing strategic reserves is a temporary band-aid, not a solution.”

The poll’s findings reflect broader economic concerns among the American populace. Inflation has been at the highest levels in decades, affecting everything from food to housing to healthcare.

As the cost of living continues to rise, many Americans are forced to cut back on discretionary spending, including vacations.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Critical IRS investigation blocked by Biden’s DOJ to cover up major secret

The Left hates the idea of the American people knowing the truth about anything. And they have shown that they will do whatever it takes to cover up their corruption.

But now, a critical IRS investigation was blocked by Biden’s DOJ in order to cover up major secrets.

In a stunning revelation, IRS supervisory special agent and whistleblower Gary Shapley has claimed that the IRS was prevented from investigating Kevin Morris, a key benefactor of Hunter Biden, following a classified briefing with the CIA.

Shapley’s testimony, released by House Republicans, underscores serious concerns regarding the handling of the investigation into Hunter Biden’s potential criminal activities.

According to Shapley, Assistant United States Attorney (AUSA) Lesley Wolf informed the prosecution team investigating Hunter Biden that they could not pursue Morris as a witness.

This directive came after Wolf and DOJ Tax Attorney Jack Morgan attended a classified briefing at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia.

“During a recurring prosecution team conference call in or around late August 2021, AUSA Lesley Wolf told the team that she and DOJ Tax Attorney Jack Morgan had recently returned from the Central Intelligence Agency headquarters in Langley, Virginia, where they had been summoned to discuss Kevin Morris,” Shapley testified.

Kevin Morris, a prominent entertainment lawyer in Hollywood, controls Hunter Biden’s stake in a Chinese private equity firm and has reportedly spent over $6.5 million on Hunter Biden’s legal fees, child support, and luxurious living arrangements in California.

At the time of the CIA briefing, Hunter Biden was under investigation for allegedly failing to pay at least $1.4 million in taxes from 2014 through 2019.

Shapley’s testimony highlights the significant role Morris played in Hunter Biden’s financial dealings.

The decision to block the IRS from investigating Morris as a witness raises serious questions about potential interference and obstruction in the investigation.

“AUSA Wolf stated that they were provided a classified briefing in relation to Mr. Morris and as a result, we could no longer pursue him as a witness,” Shapley continued.

He noted that despite pressing Wolf for more information, she did not elaborate due to the classified nature of the briefing.

Shapley’s concerns were further compounded when Wolf ignored multiple attempts by him to arrange a classified briefing on the information the CIA had provided about Morris.

This, according to Shapley, served as another deviation from normal investigative processes.

Shapley, who supervised line agents investigating Hunter Biden, was removed from the investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice in May 2023 after he provided protected disclosures concerning prosecutors’ alleged mishandling of the case.

His testimony paints a troubling picture of potential interference at the highest levels.

“McKenzie referenced a clearance level of T S – HCS-O as a compartmentalized section required to receive the briefing,” Shapley recalled.

He suggested that this clearance level, likely CIA-specific, was not held by DOJ Tax Attorney Morgan or AUSA Wolf, possibly indicating another roadblock to deny investigators access to critical information.

These revelations come at a time when the Biden administration is already under intense scrutiny.

House Republicans have seized upon Shapley’s testimony as further evidence of the administration’s mishandling of the Hunter Biden investigation.

“Hunter Biden has shown once again he believes there are two systems of justice in this country – one for his family, and one for everyone else,” House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith said in a statement.

This new information has troubled many Americans, and we must not rest until the whole truth is exposed.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Proof of major FBI interference has completely rocked the nation

For years Republicans have been warning of interference from the Left. But while Democrats try to disregard the facts, this cannot be hidden away.

And new proof of major FBI interference has completely rocked the nation.

In a startling revelation, whistleblowers have informed top Republican senators that former Secretary of State, under Obama, John Kerry actively obstructed the FBI’s efforts to execute arrest warrants against individuals in the U.S. who were supporting Iran’s illegal weapons programs.

These claims suggest a severe breach in national security protocols and have ignited a fierce political debate.

Senators Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Ron Johnson (R-WI) stated that for nearly two decades, both Republican and Democrat administrations imposed stringent sanctions on Iranian individuals, companies, and organizations involved in nuclear proliferation, ballistic missile development, and support for terrorist groups.

These measures were intended to hold Iran accountable and prevent it from acquiring nuclear weapons.

The Obama administration, despite its controversial Iran Nuclear Deal, publicly committed to preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

One of Obama’s executive orders and the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 were designed to impose severe consequences on Iran for defying international norms.

However, new allegations suggest that while the administration publicly supported these measures, Kerry’s actions behind the scenes told a different story.

According to the whistleblowers, Kerry’s interference hampered FBI operations, preventing the arrest of individuals illegally supporting Iran’s weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and ballistic missile programs.

The senators outlined these allegations in a detailed letter, indicating that Justice Department and FBI leadership, including then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch and then-FBI Director James Comey, failed to counteract Kerry’s obstruction.

“Kerry actively interfered with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) executing arrest warrants on individuals in the U.S. illegally supporting Iranian efforts, including financial efforts, to develop weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and its ballistic missile program,” the letter stated.

The letter cited unclassified FBI email records from August 25, 2017, which detailed at least eight instances where the State Department under Kerry’s leadership blocked FBI efforts related to the Iran deal.

In six of these cases, the FBI lost the opportunity to arrest the primary suspects.

One of these individuals was reportedly on the Terrorism Watch List, and another managed to return to Iran.

In one alarming case, the State Department allegedly blocked the FBI’s plan to arrest a suspect mid-flight, forcing the individual to leave the U.S. upon arrival.

The records indicate that at least two targets were arrested only after the State Department lifted its block following the Trump administration’s assumption of office.

The whistleblowers assert that Kerry’s actions were politically motivated.

The interference reportedly became so problematic that then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch had to personally address the issue with Kerry.

The senators’ letter underscores the severity of these actions, suggesting that the Obama/Biden administration’s State Department compromised critical law enforcement operations for political reasons.

“The records provided to our offices show that the Obama/Biden administration’s State Department, under the leadership of John Kerry, actively and persistently interfered with FBI operations pertaining to lawful arrests of known terrorists, members of Iranian proliferation networks, and other criminals providing material support for Iran’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs,” the letter emphasized.

“The records also show that DOJ and FBI leadership apparently allowed it to happen until the Trump administration altered course.”

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

New evidence exposing Hunter Biden’s lies leave the Biden family scrambling

While the Biden family and the radical Left try to claim Hunter’s innocence, the American people know the truth. And now, the Bidens have nowhere to hide.

Because new evidence exposing Hunter Biden’s lies have left the Biden family scrambling.

In a significant development, the House Ways and Means Committee has voted to release a tranche of documents that prove Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, lied under oath during a closed-door deposition earlier this year.

The decision to release these documents, which were previously protected under tax code confidentiality laws, comes after whistleblowers provided crucial evidence about Hunter Biden’s finances.

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO) announced the move, stating that the documents reveal Hunter Biden lied at least three times during his deposition in February.

The committee’s mark-up session on Wednesday resulted in a vote to make these documents public, with their release expected imminently.

The documents, reportedly spanning 100 pages, were submitted by whistleblowers involved in investigating Hunter Biden’s financial activities.

According to the New York Post, these documents offer a detailed account of alleged discrepancies and falsehoods in Hunter Biden’s testimony.

“Hunter Biden has shown once again he believes there are two systems of justice in this country – one for his family, and one for everyone else,” Chairman Smith said in a statement to Fox News.

“Not only did Hunter Biden refuse to comply with his initial subpoena until threatened with criminal contempt, but he then came before Congress and lied.”

Smith emphasized that the committee’s investigation is not a personal vendetta against Hunter Biden but a necessary step to ensure equal application of the law.

“Hunter Biden’s lies under oath, and obstruction of a congressional investigation into his family’s potential corruption, call into question other pieces of his testimony,” Smith explained.

“The newly released evidence affirms, once again, the only witnesses who can be trusted to tell the truth in this investigation are the IRS whistleblowers.”

This revelation comes on the heels of Hunter Biden being charged with two federal offenses: one for making false statements while purchasing a firearm and another related to federal tax violations.

The combination of these charges and the committee’s findings paint a troubling picture of a potential pattern of deception and legal improprieties.

The timing of this disclosure is particularly significant, as it could have broader implications for President Biden and his administration.

The release of these documents will undoubtedly fuel further investigations and hearings, keeping Hunter Biden’s legal issues in the spotlight.

Republican lawmakers have hailed the move as a victory for transparency and accountability.

“The American people deserve to know the truth about Hunter Biden’s actions and how they may have been protected by political connections,” said Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH).

As the documents are set to be released, all eyes will be on the specifics of the allegations and the evidence provided by the whistleblowers.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story and more.

President Biden’s administration hit with massive religious lawsuit that has Americans shocked

While Joe Biden and the Left claim to care about the Constitution, their actions tell a different story. And this most recent incident has millions of Americans outraged.

As President Biden’s administration has been hit with a massive religious lawsuit that has people shocked.

A revered Catholic group, the Knights of Columbus, has filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration, alleging religious discrimination after their traditional Memorial Day Mass at a national cemetery was prohibited for the second consecutive year.

The Knights of Columbus have conducted this service at Poplar Grove National Cemetery in Petersburg, Virginia, for the past 60 years, making this denial a significant deviation from longstanding tradition.

On Tuesday, the Knights of Columbus sought a temporary restraining order against the National Park Service in Virginia following the refusal of their permit.

The group claimed that this decision is a violation of the First Amendment, which guarantees the free exercise of religion.

For six decades, the Knights of Columbus have honored fallen soldiers with a solemn Mass at Poplar Grove National Cemetery.

This annual event has been a cornerstone of the local community’s Memorial Day observance, drawing participants from all walks of life to pay their respects.

However, for the second year in a row, the National Park Service denied the necessary permit, citing regulatory constraints.

“The policy and the decision blocking the Knights of Columbus from continuing their long-standing religious tradition is a blatant violation of the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA),” stated a partner for the law firm representing the group.

“We urge the court to grant our restraining order and allow the Knights to hold their service this Memorial Day.”

Alexa Viets, superintendent of the Petersburg National Battlefield, where the cemetery is located, provided an explanation for the decision to deny the permit.

“National Cemeteries are established as national shrines in tribute to those who have died in service to our country, and as such, any special activities within the cemetery are reserved for a limited set of official commemorative activities that have a connection to military service or have a historic and commemorative significance for the particular national cemetery,” Viets stated.

She further elaborated that federal regulations prohibit the authorization of special events within national cemeteries to maintain an atmosphere of solemnity, quiet contemplation, and tranquility.

The parks have classified religious services as “demonstrations,” which have been prohibited since 1986.

Despite these regulations, the Knights of Columbus argue that their prayer service has been a permitted and integral part of the Memorial Day tradition at the site for decades until recently.

Roger Byron, senior counsel for First Liberty, a legal organization representing the Knights of Columbus, criticized the National Park Service’s decision as a violation of the group’s religious freedoms.

“The National Park Service is way out of line,” Byron said. “This is the kind of unlawful discrimination and censorship RFRA and the First Amendment were enacted to prevent. Hopefully, the court will grant the Knights the relief they need to keep this honorable tradition alive.”

The Knights of Columbus argue that the prohibition of their religious service constitutes a direct affront to their constitutional rights.

By denying the permit, they contend that the National Park Service is not only disregarding decades of tradition but also infringing on the group’s ability to freely practice their faith.

“This is a clear case of government overreach,” Byron added. “The Biden administration needs to recognize that religious groups have the right to assemble and practice their faith without undue interference from federal authorities.”

As the legal battle unfolds, the outcome will be closely watched by religious and civil liberties groups nationwide.

The case underscores the ongoing tension between religious freedom and government regulation, a conflict that remains at the heart of many contemporary legal disputes.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.