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Biden’s recent foreign policy failure leads to shocking Congressional admission

Joe Biden might have the worst foreign policy disasters in modern history. But recent events have left people shocked.

And Biden’s recent foreign policy failures have led to a shocking Congressional admittance.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) fiercely criticized Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday during a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing, targeting the Biden administration’s foreign policy approach, which he described as catastrophic.

“You have presided over the worst foreign policy disaster of modern times,” Cruz stated at the beginning of his confrontation with Blinken.

“When Joe Biden became president, he inherited peace and prosperity in the world. We now have two simultaneous wars waging—the worst war in Europe since World War II and the worst war in the Middle East in 50 years. Both, I believe, were caused by this administration’s consistent weakness.”

Cruz continued to lambast the administration, arguing that its foreign policy strategy was “precisely backwards from what a rational American foreign policy should be.”

He accused the Biden administration of attacking and weakening U.S. allies while simultaneously emboldening and strengthening U.S. adversaries.

Cruz took Blinken to task over a report from The Washington Post, which indicated that the Biden administration was “working urgently to stave off a full-scale Israeli invasion of Rafah” by offering Israel valuable assistance, including sensitive intelligence to help the Israeli military pinpoint Hamas leaders and locate the group’s hidden tunnels.

Blinken denied the accuracy of the report, asserting that the administration has not withheld such critical information from Israel.

However, Cruz was unrelenting.

“[Israel is] quite aware you disagree with their plan to k*ll the Hamas terrorists because you and the president have vocally said it,” Cruz retorted. “To be clear, your State Department, on the morning of October 7th, sent out a tweet telling Israel not to engage in military retaliation. I called you out at three in the morning, and you deleted that tweet. The next day, you personally, on October 8, sent a tweet saying you’d spoken with the Turkish foreign minister and Israel should not retaliate. From the very beginning, the Biden administration has consistently at every stage told Israel—and by the way, when I called your tweet out, you deleted it again—at every stage, you have been telling Israel, ‘do not k*ll the terrorists.’ And that has been from day one.”

Cruz didn’t stop at Israel; he also grilled Blinken on the administration’s approach to Iran.

He accused the administration of withholding weapons from Israel and relaxing sanctions enforcement against Iran, actions he claimed have enabled the Iranian regime to generate tens of billions of dollars in oil revenue.

“The relaxation of sanctions has provided a financial lifeline to Iran, a nation that continues to chant ‘Death to America’ and supports terrorism across the globe,” Cruz argued. “This administration’s policies are empowering our enemies and endangering our allies.”

Cruz’s broadside against Blinken and the Biden administration touched on other areas as well.

He highlighted the chaos in Afghanistan following the U.S. withdrawal, which many have viewed as a failure of leadership and planning.

The senator argued that the withdrawal not only led to the rapid resurgence of the Taliban but also emboldened other adversaries around the world, showcasing American weakness.

“The disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan has had ripple effects worldwide,” Cruz said. “It signaled to our enemies that the United States is no longer the resolute leader of the free world. This perception has undoubtedly contributed to the current crises we see unfolding in Europe and the Middle East.”

Cruz emphasized that the Biden administration’s foreign policy failures have severe implications for U.S. national security.

By weakening relationships with key allies and emboldening adversaries, he argued, the administration is undermining the safety and stability that previous administrations worked hard to maintain.

“National security is about strength and resolve,” Cruz concluded. “This administration has shown neither. Instead of standing firm against threats, it has repeatedly capitulated, putting American lives and our national security at risk.”

Cruz’s pointed criticism of Blinken and the Biden administration reflects broader concerns that the current leadership is failing to protect U.S. interests abroad.

As global crises continue to unfold, the pressure on the Biden administration to reassess and recalibrate its foreign policy strategy is only likely to intensify.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Democrat city suffers devastating loss at the hands of American patriots

The Left has been seemingly attempting to destroy America for many years. But now America has shown them that it won’t be so easy.

And a Democrat city has suffered a devastating loss at the hands of American patriots.

In a resounding statement against soft-on-crime policies, voters in Multnomah County, Oregon, in the Portland area, decisively ousted incumbent District Attorney Mike Schmidt in Tuesday’s election.

Schmidt, who was backed by controversial billionaire George Soros, lost in a landslide to longtime prosecutor Nathan Vasquez.

Fox 12 called the race at approximately 9:30 pm local time, showing Vasquez leading with 58 percent of the vote compared to Schmidt’s 42 percent.

In Oregon’s non-partisan primary system, a candidate who secures over 50 percent of the vote is declared the winner of the election but will not take office until January 2025.

Nathan Vasquez, a veteran prosecutor with 24 years of experience in the District Attorney’s office, emerged victorious by tapping into the frustrations of Portland residents who have grown increasingly disillusioned with Schmidt’s tenure.

Vasquez began his career at the District Attorney’s office immediately after law school and worked his way up to a supervisory position, earning a reputation as a dedicated and effective prosecutor.

Vasquez’s campaign resonated with voters by focusing on Schmidt’s Radical policies, which many blame for the rampant homelessness and drug problems plaguing downtown Portland.

Under Schmidt’s leadership, crime rates have surged, and public safety has deteriorated, prompting widespread calls for change.

Since taking office in 2020, Schmidt has faced mounting criticism for his approach to law enforcement.

Adding to Schmidt’s woes was a damning report from the Oregon Bureau of Labor & Industries, which found substantial evidence supporting former prosecutor Amber Kinney’s claims of a toxic work environment.

Kinney, who resigned in 2022, accused Schmidt of fostering a culture of fear, intimidation, and retaliation, and of hindering the advancement of women in the office.

Further allegations surfaced from a senior prosecutor who accused Schmidt of making promotion and clemency decisions based on political loyalties rather than established policies.

These revelations painted a troubling picture of Schmidt’s administration, further eroding public trust.

Despite a last-minute influx of campaign funds from groups linked to far-left mega-donor George Soros, Schmidt’s campaign could not overcome the extensive baggage and public dissatisfaction.

Soros has been known for supporting progressive radical district attorneys across the country, many of whom have faced backlash for their policies.

The election results aligned with recent polling that indicated Vasquez was on track for a significant victory.

Schmidt’s defeat is the latest in a series of setbacks for progressive district attorneys nationwide.

In San Francisco, voters recalled activist DA Chesa Boudin two years ago, frustrated by his social justice reforms that coincided with a spike in crime.

Similarly, in Chicago, Kim Foxx chose not to seek re-election after facing criticism for her handling of criminal cases.

The pattern suggests a growing public rejection of policies perceived as prioritizing ideological agendas over public safety.

Voters in cities across the United States are increasingly demanding accountability and a return to effective law enforcement.

The defeat of Mike Schmidt underscores the importance of balancing progressive reforms with the need to maintain law and order. As cities across America grapple with rising crime rates, the message from Portland is clear: voters are ready for change.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Former Democrat advisor reveals Left’s foreign policy failures

The Left’s foreign policies have been under scrutiny ever since Biden took office. But no one expected things to get this bad.

And now, a former Democrat advisor reveals the Left’s foreign policy failures.

Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, who served under former President Barack Obama, criticized American political leaders for their inadequate efforts in educating the public about the significance of foreign policy issues and their impact on the United States.

Gates shared his views during a Sunday interview on CBS News’s “Face The Nation” with Margaret Brennan.

Gates emphasized the critical need for American leaders to communicate the relevance of foreign policy to the everyday lives of citizens.

He argued that without a comprehensive understanding of international affairs, Americans might underestimate the direct and indirect effects of global issues on their country.

“I think our leaders need to bring these issues home to the American people in a very direct way,” Gates stated.

He suggested using historical examples to illustrate how ignoring foreign threats can lead to severe consequences, including the loss of American lives in conflicts. “The world isn’t going to ignore us just because we think we can ignore the world,” he added.

Gates stressed that addressing foreign policy challenges early is crucial to prevent them from becoming significant, costly problems later on.

He highlighted the importance of proactive engagement with global issues to safeguard national security and economic stability.

Furthermore, Gates underscored the interconnectedness of the global economy and how disruptions overseas can have profound effects on the domestic economy.

He criticized the lack of accessible data that would help Americans understand the extent to which their local economies depend on international trade.

“I’ve always thought we made a big mistake in not having data available where you could go into a congressional district and say, ‘Do you realize how much of the economy of your county or your town depends on exports or imports around the world because our economy is so integrated?’” Gates explained.

He advocated for a more transparent and informative approach to show how global economic activities influence local economic conditions.

Gates’ remarks highlight a significant gap in public understanding of foreign policy and its domestic implications.

This disconnect, he argued, makes it challenging for the public to appreciate the necessity of U.S. involvement in global affairs.

By failing to effectively communicate these connections, political leaders risk fostering a sense of isolationism that could ultimately harm the nation’s interests.

The former defense secretary’s comments come at a time when the U.S. faces numerous international challenges, including geopolitical tensions, trade disputes, and global security threats.

Gates believes that educating the public on these matters is essential for building a more informed and supportive citizenry.

He pointed out that many Americans might not realize how their livelihoods are intertwined with global economic dynamics.

By making this information more accessible, Gates hopes to bridge the gap between foreign policy and everyday life, helping citizens understand why international engagement is vital for their well-being.

Gates also suggested that this educational effort should be a bipartisan endeavor.

He emphasized that foreign policy should not be a divisive issue but rather a collective responsibility that transcends political affiliations.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Trump critic reveals Left’s shocking secret plan, and the world is horrified

It is no secret that Joe Biden and the Radical Left hate America. But the lengths that they are willing to go to in order to keep Trump out of office are crazy.

And a Trump critic has revealed the left’s shocking secret plan and the world is horrified.

Renowned director Oliver Stone has voiced strong opinions about what he terms “lawfare” being used against former President Donald J. Trump.

In a recent interview with Variety, Stone described the numerous legal battles Trump faces as part of a larger, more insidious strategy to undermine political figures through judicial means.

Stone, celebrated for his politically charged documentaries, discussed this concept while promoting his latest film about Brazilian President Lula da Silva.

Lula, a favorite among American progressives including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and President Joe Biden, endured his own legal ordeals, which Stone sees as analogous to Trump’s current situation.

Lula’s corruption probe led to a 580-day imprisonment, a fate Stone warns could befall Trump through similar tactics.

“The charges on both sides of the Trump-Biden election are pretty wild — that Biden is corrupt and Trump is corrupt,” Stone told Variety. “It’s a new form of warfare. It’s called lawfare. And that’s what they’re using against Trump.”

Stone elaborated on the growing trend of using the legal system as a weapon, noting that this phenomenon is not isolated to the United States but is increasingly observed worldwide.

He pointed out that Trump faces four trials with numerous charges, many of which he described as “minor,” regardless of one’s political stance.

“I think there are interesting parallels here in America, as well as all over the world,” Stone remarked. “[Trump’s] got four trials and some of these charges, whether you’re for him or against him, they are minor.”

Though not a supporter of Trump, Stone criticized the superficial handling of corruption charges against political figures, arguing that such accusations often fail to address deeper systemic issues.

He underscored that corruption is an age-old problem, embedded in societies since ancient times.

“Corruption is a way of life,” the director stated. “It goes back to the Greeks, the Romans, and before that the Babylonians. There’s corruption all through history, so let’s not be Pollyannas about it and think we’re ‘America the clean’ and we’re better than anybody else. That’s such bullsh*t.”

Stone’s skepticism towards the legal cases against Trump stems from his belief that money-driven politics are the true root of corruption.

He argued that politicians manipulate public perception through financial means, a practice that inherently breeds corruption.

“In a broad sense of the word, it’s manipulation of your office,” Stone explained. “You’re trying to control what the perception of you is in the public eye. And if you’re willing to pay money for that, that’s part of the concept of corruption, isn’t it?”

Stone’s reflections on corruption extended beyond American borders, emphasizing that no country is immune to these issues.

He criticized the notion of America as a paragon of virtue, highlighting the deep-seated corruption within both major political parties and advocating for a more diverse political system.

“There is life, there is death and there’s corruption,” Stone said. “But it’s a scale. You can’t point fingers at another country and say that is a corrupt country and that president has to be removed from office or we have to attack them or end a regime. Who are we to say those things when we are deeply corrupt? Look at the [two] parties. We should be multi-party and we should have public money in politics like they do in Poland. Or look at the English and the French models.”

The Radical Left is doing whatever is necessary in order to stop Trump from taking office, and they do not care about legality.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Republicans make shocking demand that exposes just how much trouble Biden is in

With Donald Trump not bowing to their demands, the Left has tried to change their tactics. But now, they are not liking where things are going.

And Republicans have made shocking demands that expose just how much trouble Biden is in.

Multiple prominent Republicans are calling for President Joe Biden to submit to a drug test before debating former President Donald Trump.

The calls come amid concerns about Biden’s mental acuity and alleged use of performance-enhancing substances to boost his public appearances.

These demands gained traction following Biden’s notably energetic performance during his State of the Union address earlier this year, which stood in stark contrast to his often more subdued public demeanor.

Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina addressed the issue on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures,” suggesting that a drug test for the president would be beneficial.

“Why not?” Scott responded when asked about the necessity of such a test. “The truth of the matter is if you saw the State of the Union and you watched that performance, it was surreal. There was something going on, and if we could find the truth of what it was, we’re all better off. If it takes artificial stimulation to make the President of the United States perform, how often can he do that?”

Representative Anna Paulina Luna of Florida echoed Scott’s sentiments, emphasizing the importance of ensuring the president’s mental fitness given the gravity of his responsibilities.

“We’re talking about someone who has the ability to launch nukes,” Luna stated.

She linked these concerns to the ongoing efforts by House Republicans to obtain audio recordings of Biden’s interview with former special counsel Robert Hur, which the White House has shielded under claims of executive privilege.

Former President Trump has been the most vocal advocate for drug testing Biden, repeatedly questioning the current president’s cognitive abilities and hinting at possible artificial enhancement.

During a rally in Minnesota last week, Trump reiterated his demand for a pre-debate drug test. “I just want to debate this guy … and I’m going to demand a drug test too, by the way,” Trump declared. “I am. No, I really am.”

Referring to Biden’s State of the Union performance, Trump said, “I don’t want him coming in like the State of the Union. He was high as a kite. I said is that Joe up there? … And by the end of the evening … he was exhausted, right? No, we’re going to demand a drug test.”

North Carolina Representative Greg Murphy, a trained surgeon, supported these claims, suggesting that Biden’s performance during the State of the Union was likely enhanced by some form of stimulant.

“I absolutely believe that from a medical viewpoint, actually I have a little bit of good knowledge that that happened,” Murphy said. “He can’t stand it. He can’t stand under the lights for that long. And I don’t think he can keep a concept in his brain that long.”

The insistence on drug testing stems from broader concerns about Biden’s fitness for office.

At 81 years old, Biden is the oldest president in U.S. history, and his opponents have frequently highlighted moments of apparent confusion or memory lapses as evidence of cognitive decline.

These concerns have fueled the idea that Biden is not fully capable of handling the demands of the presidency, particularly in high-pressure situations like debates.

The debate over Biden’s mental fitness is not new. Throughout his presidency, Republicans have questioned his ability to perform the duties of the office effectively. This latest push for a drug test is seen by many as an extension of these ongoing concerns.

While the White House has not directly responded to the latest calls for a drug test, it has consistently defended Biden’s mental and physical fitness.

White House officials have pointed to Biden’s packed schedule and active engagement in policy discussions as evidence of his capability.

Nonetheless, the administration has not addressed the specific allegations regarding possible artificial stimulation during public appearances.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Joe Biden suffers massive loss that could cripple his re-election chances

The Radical Left cannot afford any setbacks if they hope to keep the White House. But now, things are not looking good.

And Joe Biden has suffered a massive loss that could cripple his re-election chances.

President Joe Biden is facing a significant decline in support among Black voters, as highlighted in recent polling and interviews conducted by the New York Times.

This trend is particularly noticeable in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where many Black voters feel that Biden has neglected domestic issues in favor of foreign conflicts.

The Times report revealed that out of nearly two dozen residents interviewed in predominantly Black neighborhoods in Philadelphia, only eight expressed a commitment to voting for Biden in the upcoming election.

Many of those interviewed indicated that they were considering abstaining from voting entirely or casting their vote for former President Donald Trump.

This sentiment reflects a broader dissatisfaction with Biden’s performance, particularly concerning immigration, rising living costs, and his focus on international matters.

One of the interviewed residents, Latasha Humphrey, encapsulated the prevailing frustration by stating, “I don’t care about what goes on overseas. I care about where I live.”

This sentiment underscores a common belief among these voters that Biden has prioritized issues like the conflict in Ukraine over addressing the pressing needs of Americans in local communities.

Although Biden still holds a lead among Black voters overall, recent polls suggest an unprecedented shift in support.

A CNN poll found that Trump is currently polling at 22 percent among Black voters, a historically high figure for a modern Republican nominee.

By contrast, Trump received just 9 percent of the Black vote in the 2020 election. This shift signals a growing discontent with the current administration’s policies and priorities.

Philadelphia City Councilman Isaiah Thomas highlighted the challenge facing Biden’s campaign, stating, “It’s going to be easy to convince people not to vote for Trump. It’s going to be hard to convince people to vote for Biden. Those are two totally different fights.”

Thomas’s remarks emphasize the difficulty Biden’s campaign faces in mobilizing voters who feel disillusioned and overlooked.

Jasmine Harris, Biden’s Director of Black Media, acknowledged the campaign’s efforts to target Black voters with the same level of resources allocated to traditional swing voters.

“We’ll really see the results of our campaign’s outreach to Black voters closer to Election Day,” Harris said. Despite these efforts, the challenge remains significant as Biden’s approval continues to wane among a demographic that was crucial to his 2020 victory.

The concerns expressed by Philadelphia’s Black voters are not isolated incidents but part of a broader trend.

Many voters feel that Biden’s administration has not delivered on promises made during the campaign, particularly regarding economic opportunities, education, and healthcare. Instead, they perceive a disconnect between the administration’s focus and the everyday struggles faced by many Americans.

Biden’s declining support among Black voters poses a significant threat to his re-election campaign.

In 2020, Black voters played a pivotal role in securing his victory, particularly in swing states like Pennsylvania.

Losing their support could jeopardize his chances of winning in 2024.

The Biden campaign must therefore redouble its efforts to engage with Black communities, address their concerns, and deliver tangible results.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for updates on this developing story and more.

Star witness Cohen caught in massive lies that could completely reverse Trump’s trial

Biden’s Justice system is doing everything it can to prosecute Trump and stop him from taking back the White House. And they have proven they will do whatever it takes.

And now, star witness Cohen has been caught in massive lies that could completely reverse Trump’s trial.

Former President Donald Trump’s hush-money trial has taken a dramatic turn as ex-Trump staffers assert that Michael Cohen, Trump’s former attorney, lied under oath.

Bryan Lanza and Alyssa Farah Griffin, both of whom worked closely with Trump, expressed their belief that Cohen’s testimony in the Manhattan trial was riddled with falsehoods.

Cohen has spent the last few days testifying against Trump, claiming he never aspired to work in the Trump White House.

However, Lanza and Griffin challenge this assertion, citing their experiences and widespread knowledge within the Republican circles.

Bryan Lanza, who served as the deputy communications director for the Trump-Pence campaign, told CNN’s Jake Tapper that Cohen was quite eager to secure a White House position.

Lanza recounted Cohen’s ambitions, saying, “Michael Cohen was pretty adamant that he wanted to be White House counsel. He said everything he was doing was to be White House counsel, he’s always injected himself with the space that I was in, which was the TV space, because Trump cared a lot about it. Just so, I always viewed that he’s always positioning, and he was pretty clear that he wanted to be White House counsel.”

Lanza joked about his own reluctance to be called to testify, indicating the seriousness of the accusations against Cohen.

Alyssa Farah Griffin, who later appeared on CNN, corroborated Lanza’s claims, noting that Cohen’s ambitions were well-known among those in Republican circles at the time.

“I was working for a number of Republican lawmakers at that time, several of whom would go into the administration, including Mick Mulvaney as OMB director, and it was widely known and believed,” Griffin said.

“Now, Michael Cohen never told me firsthand, ‘I’m going into the White House, I want to.’ But it was widely discussed that he was angling for Attorney General or to be White House counsel. That’s, I mean, there’s dozens and dozens of people around Washington who could corroborate that.”

Griffin was particularly stunned by Cohen’s denial, saying, “My jaw hit the floor when I heard him denying that.”

Despite her desire to see Trump convicted, she admitted that she couldn’t base a conviction solely on Cohen’s testimony, given his dubious credibility.

The credibility of Cohen’s testimony has been a point of contention.

CNN legal analyst Elie Honig weighed in, suggesting that while Cohen’s statements might be questionable, they likely don’t rise to the level of perjury.

Honig described Cohen’s testimony as too “wishy-washy” to meet the stringent legal standards required for perjury charges.

The implications of Cohen’s credibility are significant, particularly in a high-profile case involving a former president.

If Cohen’s testimony is discredited, it could weaken the prosecution’s case against Trump, making it more challenging to secure a conviction.

Trump’s defense team is undoubtedly seizing upon these contradictions to bolster their argument that the case is politically motivated and lacks substantive evidence.

This development underscores a broader issue within the legal and political battles surrounding Trump.

Allegations of dishonesty and political maneuvering have plagued many of the cases against him, leading to a pervasive sense of skepticism among his supporters.

Many Americans argue that these trials are less about justice and more about undermining Trump’s political influence.

We cannot allow the Radical Left to weaponize the justice system, because if they can use it to go after Trump, what’s to stop them from going after you and me?

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Trump receives defense from unlikely ally that has Democrats infuriated

The Radical Left has been trying to convince the world to hate Trump for years now. But people are instead standing up for him.

And now Trump has received defense from an unlikely ally that has Democrats infuriated.

Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) delivered a sharp critique of President Joe Biden’s handling of the southern border, while defending former President Donald Trump’s robust policies on immigration.

In an interview with Stephanie Ruhle on MSNBC, Romney highlighted the ongoing border crisis as one of the most pressing issues under Biden’s administration, contrasting it with the stability during Trump’s tenure.

“People have been screaming about the border for all three and a half years Joe Biden has been president,” Romney stated.

“He’s not done anything to solve the problem of the border. That’s a huge issue for President Trump. I can’t understand why President Biden didn’t tackle this from the beginning.”

Romney emphasized that Trump’s strong stance on border security was a key factor in his 2016 victory and remains a cornerstone of his 2024 campaign.

The senator expressed bewilderment and frustration at Biden’s failure to address the border crisis effectively, suggesting that this negligence has only served to strengthen Trump’s position.

“If I were President Biden, I’d be all over that, and instead he served it to President Trump on a silver platter,” Romney said. “The issue of border security and illegal immigration was not a problem when President Trump was president.”

Under Trump, illegal crossings were significantly curtailed through policies like the Remain in Mexico program and increased border wall construction. These measures provided a deterrent effect, reducing the influx of illegal immigrants and enhancing national security.

“When Trump was president, he did a lot of things that sounded pretty ugly, but we didn’t have anywhere near the number of people that have come into the country illegally as we have under President Biden,” Romney explained.

“Biden should have done everything in his power, frankly, taken some actions that maybe the courts would have stopped, then he’d have a better argument saying, ‘Hey, Congress needed to act,’ but he never did that. As a result, the American people are saying, ‘Hey, I want something else.’”

The data supports Romney’s assessment. Under Biden, the southern border has seen record numbers of illegal crossings, straining local resources and creating significant security concerns.

This influx has overwhelmed Border Patrol agents and led to increased crime and drug trafficking across the border states.

Biden’s administration has faced widespread criticism for reversing Trump-era policies that effectively managed the border crisis.

The decision to halt border wall construction and the rollback of the Remain in Mexico policy are seen as primary contributors to the current situation.

These actions have signaled to potential migrants that the U.S. border is open, exacerbating the problem.

The senator’s remarks resonate with a growing number of Americans who are dissatisfied with Biden’s handling of the border crisis.

A recent poll shows that immigration remains a top concern for voters, and Biden’s approval rating on this issue is notably low.

The American people are looking for decisive action and effective leadership to address the challenges at the border.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics for all of your news needs.

Joe Biden refuses to release critical immigration information that could help protect America

Joe Biden and the Radical Left have avoided addressing the border crisis as much as possible. But now, they have done something even worse than addressing it.

And Joe Biden has refused to release critical immigration information that could help protect America.

The Biden administration has refused to disclose data concerning the nationalities of illegal immigrants on terrorist watchlists who have been apprehended by Border Patrol agents in recent years.

This refusal comes despite a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from Fox News filed over six months ago.

Bill Melugin, a reporter for Fox News, revealed on Thursday that U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) had denied his FOIA request, citing privacy and law enforcement sensitivity exemptions.

In a letter to Melugin, CBP stated, “The privacy interests of the individuals in the records you have requested outweigh any minimal public interest in disclosure of the information. Any private interest you may have in that information does not factor into the aforementioned balancing test.”

Melugin, who has been diligently covering the border crisis, expressed his dissatisfaction on social media platform X (formerly Twitter). “I did not ask for any names, IDs, addresses, anything that would breach privacy, nor did I ask for any law enforcement sensitive information. I simply requested only the nationalities of people arrested on the list, so the public can have an understanding of where in the world they are coming from,” he wrote.

The CBP response acknowledged that Melugin had only sought information about the nationalities of those on the terror watch list. However, the agency still invoked exemptions irrelevant to the request, such as dates of birth, medical records, phone numbers, email addresses, home addresses, and other personal information that was not requested.

Melugin announced his intention to appeal the CBP’s decision, highlighting the ongoing concerns about the transparency of the Biden administration’s handling of the border crisis.

Congressional Republicans have repeatedly warned about the potential for terrorists to enter the United States through the unsecured southern border, a fear exacerbated by the administration’s lack of disclosure.

The Biden administration’s stance on border security has been a point of contention since taking office.

The current policies have led to a surge in illegal crossings, thereby compromising national security. The refusal to provide information about the origins of individuals on terrorist watchlists only fuels these concerns.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has been vocal about the risks associated with the administration’s border policies. “The American people deserve to know who is crossing our borders, especially when it involves individuals on terrorist watchlists. The Biden administration’s lack of transparency is unacceptable and dangerous,” Cruz stated.

Similarly, Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) emphasized the need for accountability and transparency. “We need to hold this administration accountable for its failures at the border. The refusal to provide crucial information about the nationalities of those on terrorist watchlists raises serious questions about what they are trying to hide,” Jordan said.

According to recent data, Border Patrol agents have encountered an increasing number of individuals on terrorist watchlists.

However, without clear information on their nationalities, it is challenging to assess the full extent of the threat.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has defended the administration’s approach, stating that they are committed to ensuring national security while also addressing humanitarian concerns.

However, the policies in place are insufficient to protect the American people from potential threats.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

White House’s newest suspicious comments regarding terror attack have people alarmed

The current administration seems to believe that nothing is wrong with letting known terrorists across our border. But a recent incident has everyone worried.

And the White House’s newest suspicious comments regarding a terror attack have people alarmed.

During a briefing on Thursday, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was questioned about two Jordanian immigrants who attempted to breach the security at the Quantico Marine Corps Base in Virginia.

The incident has raised significant concerns about a potential terrorist attack, but the White House declined to provide any specific details or confirm the nature of the incident.

Peter Doocy from Fox News directly asked Jean-Pierre whether the White House considered the incident a failed terrorist attack.

“The deputy director of ICE is telling us that two Jordanian nationals are in removal proceedings now, after posing as Amazon delivery drivers to crash the gates at Quantico. Does the White House think this might have been a failed terrorist attack?” he inquired.

Jean-Pierre responded in a suspicious and questionable manner saying, “So going to be really mindful, these two Jordanians that you’re speaking of remain in ICE custody and given that it is an active law enforcement matter, so I would have to refer you to ICE. I just can’t dive into this because again, this is a law enforcement matter,” she stated.

According to Potomac Local News, the incident occurred when two men inside a box truck attempted to force their way through the base’s main gate on Fuller Road, just outside Dumfries.

The men posed as Amazon drivers in an effort to gain unauthorized access. Military police quickly intervened, detaining the individuals.

Sources familiar with the investigation revealed more troubling details.

One of the men had crossed the southern border illegally, and the other was on the U.S. terrorist watch list. This alarming information suggests a potential threat that goes beyond a simple security breach.

Capt. Michael Curtis, a spokesman for the base, provided additional context about the incident.

“One of the military police officers noticed the driver, ignoring the direct instructions of the officers, continued to move the vehicle past the holding area and attempted to access Quantico,” Curtis explained.

The potential involvement of individuals with terrorist affiliations highlights the urgent need for robust border security measures and thorough vetting processes for all individuals entering the country.

The Biden administration has faced criticism for its handling of border security and immigration policies.

The southern border has seen a significant increase in illegal crossings since President Biden took office, raising concerns about national security.

Critics argue that the administration’s policies have created vulnerabilities that could be exploited by those seeking to harm the United States.

The refusal of the White House to provide clear answers on the Quantico incident only adds to the growing unease.

The public deserves transparency and assurance that their safety is being prioritized. The potential threat posed by individuals attempting to breach a military base is a serious matter that requires immediate and decisive action.

Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) voiced his concerns about the incident, calling for a thorough investigation and accountability. “This is a wake-up call for the Biden administration. Our national security is at risk, and we need to take these threats seriously. The American people deserve answers, and we must ensure that our military installations are protected from potential terrorist attacks,” Cotton said.

Representative Michael Waltz (R-FL), a former Green Beret, emphasized the need for a comprehensive approach to national security. “We need to address the root causes of these security breaches. This includes securing our borders, enhancing our intelligence capabilities, and ensuring that our military bases are equipped to handle potential threats. The safety of our nation depends on it,” Waltz stated.

We must not sit by idly while Joe Biden and the Radical Left open up our nation to terrorists.

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Biden backstabbed by major Democrat fundraiser, and people are shocked

Joe Biden and the Radical Left are doing everything they can to get ahead of Donald Trump in fundraising. But not everything is going well.

And Biden has been backstabbed by a major Democrat fundraiser, and people are shocked.

In a surprising turn of events, tech adviser Jacob Helberg, previously a significant donor to Democrat campaigns, has shifted his support towards former President Donald Trump for the 2024 election.

Helberg, who has been a notable figure in Silicon Valley, recently contributed a substantial $1 million to Trump’s re-election campaign, positioning himself as one of Trump’s largest financial backers.

Helberg’s donation marks a significant departure from his previous political affiliations.

Four years ago, he was a key financial supporter of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg’s presidential campaign.

However, disillusioned with the current administration, Helberg has joined a growing number of high-powered Silicon Valley executives who are now aligning with Trump.

“The social cost of supporting Trump isn’t as great as it was,” Helberg stated, highlighting a shift in perspective within Silicon Valley. Many now recognize that “Trump was right on a lot of make-or-break issues for America.”

Following a report by The Washington Post on his substantial contribution to Trump’s campaign, Helberg took to social media to express his motivations.

“This one’s for Israel,” he posted on X, emphasizing his support for Trump’s strong stance on issues concerning the Jewish state.

Helberg has donated $844,600 to the Trump 47 joint fundraising committee, joining a select group of donors who have maxed out their contributions to the group.

According to Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings reviewed by The Post, at least 20 other donors had reached the contribution limit to the Trump committee by March.

The alignment between Helberg and Trump is largely driven by their shared views on China.

At a recent meeting at Trump’s Florida resort, Mar-a-Lago, both men bonded over the necessity of taking a hardline approach to China, particularly concerning trade, TikTok, and other critical issues.

Helberg’s pivot towards Trump reflects a broader trend among Democratic supporters who have become increasingly disenchanted with President Joe Biden’s tenure.

Many of these former supporters are reassessing Trump’s policies and finding them more aligned with their current priorities.

David Friedman, Trump’s former ambassador to Israel, has observed a notable shift among Jewish donors who were previously skeptical of Trump.

With Biden’s administration showing a perceived tilt away from Israel, these donors are reconsidering their support. Friedman explained, “There is clearly a change going on. People who were never Trumpers or reluctant ‘hold your nose Trumpers’ are telling me that Trump has to win.”

This sentiment was echoed by Democratic mega-donor Haim Saban.

In an email to two Biden aides, Saban criticized the president for his stance towards Israel, especially amidst its ongoing conflict with Hamas. Saban expressed his concerns over Biden’s decision to withhold munitions from Israel, suggesting that it sends a negative message to America’s allies.

“Even beyond Israel, this sends a terrible message to our allies in the region, and beyond, that we can flip from doing the right thing to bending to political pressure,” Saban wrote.

He also highlighted the political implications within the U.S., stating, “Let’s not forget that there are more Jewish voters who care about Israel than [Muslim] voters who care about Hamas.”

Saban’s remarks underline the growing dissatisfaction among many Democratic donors with Biden’s foreign policy, particularly concerning Israel.

This dissatisfaction is driving a reassessment among donors who are now considering Trump as a viable alternative for 2024.

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Biden goes back on previous lies, now he’s in a world of trouble

Joe Biden is known as a complete liar. But now, he has been caught in an issue so big that there is no escape.

And Biden has gone back on his previous lies and is now in a world of trouble.

President Joe Biden is reportedly preparing an executive order to shut down the U.S. southern border if daily encounters exceed a 4,000-a-day threshold.

This potential move contradicts Biden’s previous claims that he couldn’t take unilateral action on the border without Congress.

The New York Post first reported the executive order, which is strikingly similar to a provision in an immigration bill that failed to pass the Senate in February.

That bill included a mechanism for the president to close the border if encounters averaged 4,000 per day over a week, with mandatory closure triggered at 5,000 per day or a single-day spike to 8,500.

Despite the White House’s continuous blame on Congress for the ongoing immigration crisis, claiming that legislative action is necessary, this executive order indicates that Biden does have the authority to act on the border issue.

Republicans have long argued that the president already possesses the necessary authority to address the border crisis without waiting for Congress.

Public opinion on Biden’s handling of the border is overwhelmingly negative, as illegal immigrants continue to pour into the country.

According to a New York Times/Sienna poll released this week, immigration ranks as the second most important issue for voters in swing states.

However, Biden’s approval rating on immigration is abysmally low, sitting just over 33%, with a disapproval rating around 63%, according to the Real Clear Politics polling average.

In 2019, Jeh Johnson, who served as Homeland Security Secretary during the Obama administration, stated that a daily average of 1,000 encounters would overwhelm Border Patrol.

At 4,000 per day, Johnson declared the situation a “crisis.” Reflecting on his time in office, Johnson described how he monitored apprehension numbers daily.

“I’d look at them every morning, it’d be the first thing I’d look at. And I probably got too close to the problem, and my staff will tell you if it was under 1,000 apprehensions the day before, that was a relatively good number, and if it was above 1,000, it was a relatively bad number, and I was gonna be in a bad mood the whole day,” Johnson said at the time.

“On Tuesday, there were 4,000 apprehensions. I know that a thousand overwhelms the system. I cannot begin to imagine what 4,000 a day looks like, so we are truly in a crisis.”

Biden’s potential executive order suggests a significant policy shift, acknowledging the severity of the border situation, which his administration has downplayed.

The president’s reluctance to act until now has exacerbated the crisis, leading to a surge in illegal crossings and overwhelming local communities and resources.

The administration’s handling of the border has been marked by inconsistency and mixed messages.

Initially, Biden reversed many of Trump’s successful border policies, such as the “Remain in Mexico” policy, which required asylum seekers to wait in Mexico while their claims were processed.

This reversal led to a sharp increase in border encounters, as migrants perceived a more lenient stance from the U.S. government.

Republicans have criticized Biden’s open-border policies, arguing that they incentivize illegal immigration and compromise national security.

They contend that the administration’s failure to enforce immigration laws has created a humanitarian and security disaster at the southern border.

The Biden administration’s handling of the border crisis has not only undermined public confidence but also strained relationships with key allies.

The recent revelation that Biden is considering an executive order to shut down the southern border suggests a belated acknowledgment of the crisis’s severity.

However, critics argue that this action comes too late and fails to address the root causes of the problem.

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