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Biden administration hit with massive lawsuit that has completely exposed their plans


The Biden administration is extremely corrupt and many people wonder what goes on behind closed doors. Well now, people are about to find out.

Because the Biden administration has been hit with a massive lawsuit that has completely exposed their plans.

America First Legal (AFL) filed a lawsuit against the National Archives (NARA) and the Health and Human Services (HHS) department of the Biden administration for allegedly erasing the emails of former workers of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

AFL filed the lawsuit against HHS and NARA last week after they started allegedly erasing illegal files from CDC staffers’ emails.

AFL announced in a press release it was suing “Secretary Xavier Becerra, the US Department of Health and Human Services, the Archivist of the United States Colleen Shogan, and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) for illegally destroying federal records from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in violation of the Federal Records Act.”

In order to “protect the legal and financial rights of the Government and of persons directly affected by the agency’s activities,” government agencies are required by federal law to “make and preserve records containing adequate and proper documentation of the organization” and other operations, according to the lawsuit, citing 44 U.S.C. § 3101.

But according to the lawsuit filed by the AFL, NARA, and HHS “have a pattern and practice of removing the emails of employees who separate from employment within as little as thirty days from the date of separation”.

The CDC replied to AFL’s FOIA request for documents from the agency by email, stating that “employees’ emails are deleted 30 days after they leave the agency.”

The complaint claims that three years, not thirty days, is the correct time frame to comply with the legislation.

NARA wrote in a memo to AFL, “NARA acknowledges that the CDC’s policies and procedures prohibit disposing of separated employees’ email accounts without authorization, and specific criteria must be met before the email accounts of separated employees are deleted.”

The memo also said, “The CDC does not require the preservation of all emails but rather preserves all records from email accounts. CDC’s records management policy instructs all agency personnel to maintain records outside of email accounts in a proper record-keeping system, shared drive, personal drive, or physical format.”

“The CDC instructs individual email account holders to apply retention based on the email’s content value and its applicability to a NARA-approved records schedule.”

According to the AFL, “If the federal government wants to unlawfully assert that anytime a government employee leaves an agency their records are no longer considered records of the United States, then the same assumption would apply to former Presidents of the United States.”

“According to this logic, Special Counsel Jack Smith’s prosecution of President Trump over Presidential records would be voided null as the records in question would effectively no longer be considered records of the United States upon the end of the Trump presidency,” the AFL stated in its release.

This lawsuit has exposed the hypocrisy and dual standard of the Left.

The Left does not care about the legality of things, nor do they care about policies and procedures.

They will do whatever it takes to cover up their lies, deceit, and corruption and will bend over backward to attack their political opponents no matter who it is.

We must hold these government agencies and the entire Biden administration accountable for their corrupt and illegal actions.

As long as the Left is in control, they will do everything they can to control the narrative, and they will not stop until all true American patriots are silenced.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Republican leader calls out Biden for one massive lie


It is no secret that Joe Biden is a liar. But even so, people were still dumbfounded by this recent incident.

And a Republican leader has called out Joe Biden for this massive lie.

Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-AK) attacked President Joe Biden this past weekend for moving to limit mining and oil exploration in his state but for not imposing sanctions on some of the country’s most dangerous enemies.

Sullivan said this when speaking with Margaret Brennan on “Face the Nation” on Sunday on CBS News.

Brennan said, “I know you’re also passionate about this and what the Biden administration just announced about your state of Alaska,”

“He has limited oil and gas drilling in parts in the National Petroleum Reserve to protect polar bears and other things. And then he also blocked a road crucial to operating a copper and zinc mine,” he added.

Brenna stated, “You said this is ‘suicidal’ and ‘lawless.’ Those are strong words.”

Sullivan replied: “Well, it’s lawless. He doesn’t have the authority to do it. And I could go into all the laws that support me on that. It’s, as I say, national security suicide. Look, this president won’t sanction the Iranian oil and gas regime. You may have seen Senator Blumenthal and I put a – sent a letter to the president on Friday, saying you need to do that.”

“But he has no problem sanctioning Alaska,” the Senator added.

“This administration has issued 63 executive orders and executive actions singularly focused on Alaska to shut our state down. Now, that, of course, hurts my constituents. But, Margaret, the national resources, energy, critical minerals, that’s an American strength.”

“This should concern all kinds of Americans,” he continued.

“I will mention one final thing that I really wanted to highlight here. You know, I have been in the Senate nine years. I have never seen such a cynical and dishonest display coming out of any presidency when this president on Friday, with Secretary Haaland, announced that they did this because the Alaska Natives, the indigenous people on the North Slope of Alaska asked them to, they wanted them to.”

“The leaders of the North Slope of Alaska were unanimous in opposition to this,” Sullivan added.

“They tried to meet with Secretary Haaland. She wouldn’t meet with them. This is a rule that focuses on their land where they’ve been living for thousands of years. And then the president says, well, I did it because the indigenous people of Alaska wanted it. That is a lie.”

Joe Biden and the Radical Left claim to be champions of the people and the environment, yet their actions are quite the opposite.

As Senator Sullivan has proven, Joe Biden and the Left do not care about the American people, and they will continue to push their Radical agenda and do not care who it hurts.

In addition to flat-out lying about what exactly the indigenous people of Alaska wanted, Sullivan pointed out that Biden was also “canceling their voices and now stealing their voices.”

He said that “it was really a despicable move.”

We must hold our elected officials accountable, and we cannot let them silence the voices of Americans across the nation.

We must stand up for our rights and our freedoms before it is too late.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Liberal mayor makes discriminatory comments that have people concerned


The Radical Left seems completely obsessed with race. And they cannot help but make some extremely questionable decisions.

But now, a liberal mayor has made discriminatory comments and people are concerned.

The Radical Left seems to make everything about race even when the color of someone’s skin should have nothing to do with anything.

And while Democrats accuse conservatives and Republicans of being racist, it seems that their policies and actions are more harmful than others.

Many liberal leaders have been advocating for policies or laws that divide people based off of skin color instead of bringing all citizens of this great nation together regardless of skin color.

Now, according to a statement made by Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott, local art organizations that are not owned by white people will receive priority when funding from the American Rescue Plan Act is allocated to them.

In the announcement, Scott said, “For too long, public dollars have simply just gone to the big names and the big players in town.”

“And dare I say, I know my staff is going to hate this, the big names and big players in town that just happen to be white-ran organizations in Baltimore,” he added.

“Baltimore has always been a city defined by the arts, and our art community remains a cornerstone of our city’s identity, reflecting our history, diversity, and resilience,” Scott said.

He added, “Baltimore’s arts community has always been there to express what this city is about, often giving a voice to the voiceless.”

The Reginald F. Lewis Museum and the National Great Blacks in Wax Museum are among the recipients of the Capital Award, according to a report by FOX Baltimore.

Twenty-four project recipients, including Baltimore Center Stage and Creative Nomads, will receive grant funds under this initiative, with amounts of $100,000 and $200,000 each.

It is acknowledged that Creative Nomads has helped its partners promote “African drumming” and “mindfulness.”

And while many people rightly celebrate the move as providing finances to the local community, many people are concerned over just who the funds will go to.

Instead of giving money back to those in the community who need it most, Mayor Scott has stated that he will focus on “non-white” owned businesses.

This newest development is just one sign from the Left that the status of American citizen does not mean anything, but instead, the color of skin does.

The Left continuously seeks to divide this great nation, because they understand that if Americans joined together and voted for politicians and leaders who put the American people first, no Radical Liberal would ever be elected again.

So instead of trying to unite the American people, the Left continuously divides us.

We must be aware that the government does not have our best interest in mind, but instead, they only care about passing their Radical Agenda.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Democrat congressman makes horrifying border comments that completely expose the Left


The Radical Left has been neglecting our border in favor of foreign countries for far too long. But now, America knows the reason why.

Because a Democrat congressman has made horrifying border comments that completely expose the Left.

During the House discussion on a major foreign aid bill that would give $60 billion to Ukraine, Rep. Gerald Connolly, a Democrat from Virginia, declared that the boundary between Ukraine and Russia is “our border.”

“Some say we have to deal with our border first,” Connolly stated. “The Ukrainian-Russian border is our border!”

Connolly continued and said, “It’s the border between depraved autocracy and freedom-loving people seeking our democratic way of life. Do we have a stake in that outcome?”

He answered, “Yes. Undeniably, yes.”

He then asked, “Will we rise to the occasion? Will we stand shoulder to shoulder with our Ukrainian brothers and sisters who for 1,151 days have been holding off the depraved, thuggish dictator Vladimir Putin, who has respected no norms of warfare.”

“He’s targeted children and hospitals and schools. He’s bombed apartment blocks killing 1,000s,” he continued.

Despite the absence of a clause protecting the US border, the law was passed, and Democratic members of the House waved Ukrainian flags upon the bill’s passage.

Additionally, Connolly supported assistance for Gaza, a place that is at war with Israel, an ally of the United States, after terrorists from Gaza massacred Israeli people on October 7, 2023.

Connolly has also demanded a ceasefire in Israel, but has not called for one in Ukraine.

“Today’s funding package, however, must not distract us from efforts to bring home the hostages and use every piece of leverage available to us to push for a mutually agreed upon ceasefire and insist that Israel fight Hamas in a way that abides by international law and reflects our shared democratic values,” said Connolly.

He also urged Biden to stop the money for Israel included in the measure he supported from getting to Israel, adding:

“I call on the President to withhold the transfer of any offensive weapons until there is a robust agreement on humanitarian assistance for the Palestinian people and until Israel accepts President Biden’s caution about Prime Minister Netanyahu’s catastrophic plans for Rafah.”

This sort of hypocrisy and flip-flop has caused many Americans to wonder why the Left is so insistent on sending our money and weapons to foreign countries instead of securing our own nation.

Many Republicans in Congress and the rest of the country have strongly expressed that the US border with Mexico is the actual border that needs to be guarded.

Since Joe Biden assumed office in 2021, millions of illegal immigrants have entered the country, and his administration has implemented policies allowing an extra 30,000 illegal immigrants from particular nations to enter the country each month.

In response to a question on how long Americans should expect to pay for the war in Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, the president of Ukraine, stressed that “Americans are not funding the war in Ukraine. They first and foremost protect freedom and democracy all over Europe.”

He asserted that the US was genuinely defending Europe by supporting Ukraine’s endeavor.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Karine Jean-Pierre defends Biden’s newest shocking press conference story and people are stunned


Joe Biden’s habit of getting facts horribly wrong or even just completely fabricating stories is one the Left tries to hide. But now, the American people have heard it all.

And KJP is defending Biden’s newest shocking press conference story and people can’t believe it.

After Joe Biden told Pennsylvania voters that his Uncle Bosie had been eaten by cannibals in New Guinea after his plane was “shot down” in the Pacific during World War II, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stood up for the president.

During a press conference on Air Force One en route to Philadelphia, Jean-Pierre addressed the controversial tale, asserting that the president was quite proud of his uncle.

She laughed when the reporter asked Jean-Pierre, in jest, if the binder she brought to press briefings contained a “cannibal tab.”

KJP joked and said, “There’s no cannibal tab, what are you talking about? Is that what you’re asking about?”

When the reporter answered, Karine Jean-Pierre said, “You saw the president, he was incredibly proud of his uncle’s service in uniform.”

She added, “You saw him at the war memorial, it was incredibly emotional and important to him.”

She proceeded to recount a portion of the story, stating that Biden’s uncle had lost his life after the military aircraft he was on crashed in the Pacific Ocean off – near New Guinea.”

She then abruptly changed course to criticize Trump and asserted that Biden didn’t think military personnel were “suckers or losers” falsely implying that Trump did.

She had nothing more to say when reporters questioned Jean-Pierre about the authenticity of the story other than that “it was a really proud moment for him.”

However, the Pentagon’s version is very different from Biden’s:

“For unknown reasons, this plane was forced to ditch in the ocean off the north coast of New Guinea. Both engines failed at low altitude, and the aircraft’s nose hit the water hard.

Three men failed to emerge from the sinking wreck and were lost in the crash. One crew member survived and was rescued by a passing barge. An aerial search the next day found no trace of the missing aircraft or the lost crew members.”

According to Biden, “the government went back when I went down there and they checked and found some parts of the plane,” after the aircraft his uncle was flying was “shot down.”

This newest story which seems to be untrue, has Americans frustrated and concerned.

Many people do not think that they can believe a single word out of Biden’s mouth, and even more, are extremely concerned that the Left is always covering for him.

Joe Biden’s mental fitness is in question, but instead of proving that he is healthy, the Radical Left merely covers for the corrupt president.

We must demand more from our elected officials.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

New breaking report details massive development in Trump’s NY case


News from the NY case has been slim at best as the trial is only in the beginning stages. But what has been reported on has outraged millions of Americans.

And now, a new breaking report has detailed a massive development in Trump’s NY case.

The Radical Left hates Trump and they are doing everything they can to silence him and stop him from speaking the truth.

And now that the polls are showing a massive shift among key voters who are turning to Trump, Democrats know that they have to change something up if they want to keep the White House.

So instead of campaigning on different promises or actually passing laws that help America, they have decided the best course of action is to weaponize the justice system.

They are doing so in order to silence any political rivals who disagree with them, and millions of Americans are worried about what could come next.

As seen so far in Trump’s other cases, the Left has been making the most absurd and ridiculous claims regarding conservative Americans and especially Donald Trump.

But now, they have taken things even further in Trump’s newest criminal trial in New York.

Currently, the trial is in the very beginning stages of selecting a jury, however, that is proving to be extremely difficult.

Many of the jurors the Left has brought forth are biased heavily against Donald Trump and they seem to be as Radical as the people bringing these charges against him.

And recently, another juror was removed from the Donald Trump New York panel on Thursday following the revelation that the juror had previously been arrested for vandalizing right-leaning political advertisements.

Following this dismissal, there are now currently five jurors sworn in.

Juror #4 in DA Alvin Bragg’s case against Trump involving forged business paperwork was chosen on Tuesday, according to Fox News, and was later discharged by Judge Juan Merchan on Thursday.

According to a prosecutor from Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office, the individual was detained in Westchester, New York in the 1990s for destroying right-leaning political advertisements.

Prosecutor Joshua Steinglass stated, “I actually believe the propaganda that was being ripped down was political posters that were on the right — the political right.”

Following further investigation, Steinglass reported that it also seemed the juror’s wife was involved in or had been charged with a “corruption inquiry” in the past, necessitating a “deferred prosecution agreement with the district attorney’s office.”

When asked if they or a loved one had ever been arrested on the jury selection form, potential jurors chose not to reveal this information.

The dismissal occurred after the woman, who was dismissed, told the judge that she no longer believed she could be unbiased and that she was afraid her identity as a juror would be discovered.

So if the juror had not revealed that she could not be unbiased, then the Left would have succeeded in convicting Trump because of a biased jury.

We must be wary of the schemes of the Left.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Mayorkas impeachment proceedings uncover horrifying new truths regarding Laken Riley’s murder


While the Left tries to deny that anything is wrong with the border, American lives are in danger. But this recent discovery could change everything.

And the Mayorkas impeachment proceedings have uncovered horrifying new truths regarding Laken Riley’s murder.

On Thursday, Senator Josh Hawley questioned Alejandro Mayorkas, the secretary of Biden’s Department of Homeland Security, in the US Senate, holding him accountable for the entry of Jose Ibarra, an illegal immigrant from Venezuela, into the country.

Ibarra is accused of killing Laken Riley, a nursing student from Georgia.

Ibarra was only freed into the United States, according to Hawley, because there wasn’t enough room for custody at the border.

In essence, he explained, Ibarra entered the country in September 2022, crossed paths with US Border Patrol in El Paso, “and was paroled into the United States due to lack of detention capacity.”

This, according to Hawley, is “a proviso, a rule that is not permitted under the statute.”

He charged Mayorkas with lying to other congressmen and senators regarding the policies, the border, and the case.

Hawley went on to add that Ibarra showed up for a biometric appointment on July 19, 2023, and was fingerprinted.

He said, “July 19, 2023, Ibarra reports for a biometric appointment and was fingerprinted. This is now in New York. The results come back and indicate he has a criminal history. So he’s in this country. He has a criminal history. September 14: he is arrested in New York by NYPD for what? For injuring a child.”

Hawley continues: “He is arrested for injuring a child. What happens, the offense was never prosecuted, and the arrest was expunged and— reading right out of the profile— expunged. Nothing is done to this guy.”

Hawley then pointed out how ridiculous it was that having entered illegally into the country and also had criminal charges, nothing was done against Ibarra.

“He had a criminal record to start with. He’s in the country on illegal grounds. You have falsely and illegally allowed him in. He commits a crime against a child: he’s not prosecuted, it’s expunged. In November, Ibarra filed an Application for Employment Authorization, and unbelievably on December the 9, 2023, it’s approved.”

“So this is your policies and action. Mr. Secretary, a criminal is permitted into this country on ground flatly not permitted, flatly contradictory to the statute,” said Senator Hawley.

“He commits a crime against a child and then gets a work permit. He gets a work permit. You want to know why all of the jobs in the last two or three years have gone to illegal migrants? Working people in this country can’t get a job, their unemployment rates high why, because of things like this, and then once you do well, we all know, then in February, he commits the heinous crime against Lincoln Riley. Is this a record that you are proud of?” he added.

This interrogation follows Mayorkas’s escape from an impeachment hearing in the Senate, which declined to consider the articles after they were presented by the House, and coincides with the ongoing spike in illegal immigration during the Biden administration.

Ibarra is an undocumented immigrant from Venezuela who entered the country with his wife and child and traveled to New York City.

Ibarra’s wife said in a post-murder interview that they were married in order to pool their asylum requests.

After arriving in New York, he rode a moped with a child without the child’s helmet on, which led to his arrest on suspicion of endangering the child.

After the lawsuit was dropped, Ibarra traveled to Georgia by himself, leaving his family behind, to live with his brother and work at the University of Georgia on fake documents.

Here, he allegedly saw nursing student Laken Riley and killed her as she was going for a run close to her house.

Biden has come under fire for permitting such a crime to occur due to his open border policies.

In addition to Ibarra’s release into the United States, Biden has designated Venezuela as one of the nations from which 30,000 additional undocumented immigrants are allowed entry each month.

Yet, the Radical Left continues to deny that there are any problems, and they refuse to protect the lives of American citizens.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Ted Cruz exposes top Democrats and people can’t believe what he caught them doing


The Radical Left has secrets that would make anyone shudder. But new developments have people shocked.

And Ted Cruz has exposed top Democrats and people can’t believe what he caught them doing.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) attacked Senate Democrats this week as the upper chamber of Congress started the process of impeaching Alejandro Mayorkas, the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

On the most recent episode of his podcast “Verdict,” which he co-hosts with Ben Ferguson, Cruz made the comments.

Speaking of the millions of illegal aliens who have entered the country under President Joe Biden, Cruz claimed the Democrats “are willing to throw the Constitution in the trash in order to avoid any national attention on the disaster that is playing out on our southern border.”

According to Cruz, because “he doesn’t want the House managers to present any evidence,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is likely trying to conceal the border issue by attempting to prevent a trial in the Senate.

Cruz said, “Schumer and the Democrats are terrified of the evidence of the suffering of the people who’ve died, of the people of the children who’ve been sexually assaulted, of the women who’ve been sexually assaulted, of the fentanyl deaths and the drug overdose deaths.”

He added that “He doesn’t want that evidence put before the American people.”

“Why does Chuck Schumer want to avoid a trial?” Cruz asked.

“Because he’s desperate to protect the Democrat senators on the ballot from the consequences from the deaths and suffering and people who are suffering misery, because of their open border politics and policies, which they intend to continue, and Schumer, this is all about political camouflage,” said Cruz.

Cruz’s comments highlight deep and unsettling problems among top Radical Left politicians:

They are willing to do whatever it takes to suppress the truth so that they can continue to push their agenda.

The crisis at the border is one that has affected the lives of millions of Americans, and it has also greatly affected the lives of those who are trying to enter the country legally.

But instead of taking responsibility or holding anyone accountable, the Left wants to shrug off the issue like nothing is wrong.

Cruz rightly understands that the Left is terrified of the American people hearing the truth because they know it will lose them support by the tens of thousands.

The Radical Left thinks that they can hide what is really going on in America, but the truth will eventually come out.

Even without a trial, it is so obvious that Mayorkas, the Biden administration, and the whole Left are not doing their jobs, and it is even more obvious that they do not care about America.

We must demand accountability for our elected officials, and we must not vote for politicians who will not put America first.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Chuck Schumer makes disturbing statement regarding Speaker Johnson and Republicans are concerned


Democrat politicians are always saying or doing things that harm America. But now, people cannot believe this newest incident.

And Chuck Schumer has made a disturbing statement regarding Speaker Johnson and Republicans are concerned.

House Speaker Mike Johnson has faced many challenges already during his time as Speaker, but things have certainly been heating up during recent months.

During a time of such partisanship in politics, passing any law is a very difficult undertaking, and getting Democrats and Republicans to agree on things these days seems almost impossible.

But now, on the Senate floor on Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer boasted about how House Speaker Mike Johnson catered to Democratic demands for overseas aid packages.

According to a senior Republican official cited by Jack Posobiec of Human Events, Schumer “was just on the Senate floor bragging to other members about Speaker Johnson giving Democrats everything they wanted in the Ukraine and foreign aid packages.”

Posobiec stated that this package for the southern border has “nothing” on Human Events Daily on Wednesday.

“Not one penny of this should be spent. None of these bills should go forward and any Republican who thinks that they could sign these bills before we have anything for our border should be looking for a new line of work.”

Speaker Johnson declared on Wednesday that a vote on the recent package of foreign aid meant for Israel and Ukraine would take place in the House on Saturday.

This action is taken in spite of strong Republican efforts to block additional foreign aid.

According to the New York Times, the proposed measure is comparable to a $95 billion aid bill that was approved by the Senate two months ago and provided funding to Taiwan, Israel, Ukraine, and other countries.

Speaker Johnson has proposed that the House vote separately on aid allotments to specific nations in addition to calling a vote on the overall package.

Although Speaker Johnson has remained absolutely steadfast on other issues in the past, many Americans are concerned at Schumer’s recent comments.

The idea that Senate Democrats are getting exactly what they wanted is one that has American voters concerned about what the Left might be up to.

In a time of such polarity among politicians, it is certainly a goal to find common ground, but when the Senate majority leader states that Democrats have “everything they want” it is a concerning thought.

The American people want to ensure that our money is going to things that matter, and many Americans believe that we should spend more money protecting our own nation and our own citizens before giving away millions and billions to other countries.

And while the US certainly needs to support its allies, the idea that millions of Americans are suffering, our economy is in the toilet, and our border security is non-existent yet we still are sending away money is infuriating to many.

During times like this, we must ensure that we elect leaders who will put America first.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

Illegal immigrants make shocking comments during Council meeting that has Americans disgusted


The immigration crisis in America has reached a boiling point. And while the Left denies that anything is wrong, the American people know the truth.

And now, illegal immigrants have made shocking comments during a council meeting, and it has left Americans disgusted

The border crisis in the United States has been in the news for years now and things have been escalating ever since Joe Biden took office.

When Donald Trump was President, our nation experienced a time of safe and secure borders, healthy and positive immigration policies, and a mutual respect with bordering nations.

Now under the leadership of Joe Biden and the Left, America’s border security is non-existent, bordering nations think we are a joke, and the immigration crisis is out of hand.

Millions of illegal immigrants have flooded the nation and are putting massive amounts of stress on communities, cities, and states regardless of political standing.

Republican and Democrat citizens alike have been begging the government for some sort of relief, yet Joe Biden and his administration refuse to do anything.

Instead, they make matters more difficult by taking American tax-payer dollars and spending it on illegal immigrants.

While millions of Americans suffer under Joe Biden’s economy to pay bills, buy groceries, afford gas, and face homelessness, people who are in the country illegally are receiving free housing, food, clothes etc.

However, now things have taken a turn that leaves American citizens even more outraged than before.

Recently, African migrants protested about the food they received and being forced to vacate their city accommodations after a predetermined amount of time during a Tuesday city council meeting in New York City.

Speaking through a translator, a mother informed the Committees on Hospitals and Immigration that her kids “cannot eat the food at the shelter.”

She also said that during Ramadan, a time when observers do not eat food until sundown, “we couldn’t eat because when you come back for the breaks the food is no good at all.”

“And they give us two months to stay at the shelter and then you have to go out again with your luggage and your kids and find another place. It’s very difficult,” she continued.

She also bemoaned the lack of education received by her older child, who is 18 or 19 years old.

The topic of discussion during the Tuesday morning meeting was “The Experiences of Black Migrants in New York City.”

At City Hall, more than a thousand people gathered, most of them African single males.

For the hearing, just 250 persons could enter the building.

An activist group allegedly attracted the sizable group to City Hall.

Many claimed to have heard from others in the neighborhood that they might obtain work visas or green cards by showing up.

The Radical Left has created a massive problem that they refuse to address, and now people are seeing the effects of their disastrous policies.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.

New development in Trump’s NY trial seems to uncover proof that proceedings are rigged


Trump has been calling the criminal charges against him bogus since the start. But the Left denies doing anything wrong.

But now, a new development in Trump’s NY trial seems to uncover proof that things are rigged against Trump.

During the second day of former President Donald Trump’s hush money trial, a potential juror was dismissed after Trump’s legal team discovered social media posts where the individual expressed strong opinions against Trump, including phrases like “lock him up.”

The trial, overseen by New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan and involving prosecutors from Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office, has been marked by intense scrutiny of jurors’ backgrounds and online activities.

The juror in question had made several posts critical of Trump, with one notably calling for his imprisonment and another urging his removal from office.

This led to their dismissal from the jury pool, highlighting the challenges of selecting impartial jurors in such a high-profile case.

The trial’s jury selection process has proven to be a complex undertaking. The Associated Press reported that over the first two days, dozens of potential jurors were excused for reasons ranging from explicit biases to personal commitments.

Trump’s attorneys have been particularly vigilant, challenging several potential jurors over their past social media activity. One such instance led to the dismissal of a juror who, in a 2017 post, explicitly stated “Lock him up!” referring to Trump.

On the first day of the trial, the challenge of finding unbiased jurors was already evident.

Out of 96 potential jurors, more than half were dismissed after they admitted to preconceived notions about the case that would prevent them from judging fairly.

Other jurors dismissed included one who joked on social media that Republicans were “projected to pick up 70 seats in prison” and another who posted a parody video mocking Trump.

The careful examination of jurors’ social media profiles and public statements has become a critical part of the jury selection process, ensuring that those selected can evaluate the case based solely on the evidence presented.

The trial stems from charges brought against Trump in April 2023 by Manhattan DA Bragg.

Trump faces 34 counts of falsifying business records related to payments made to adult film actress Stormy Daniels during the 2016 presidential campaign.

These charges are part of a broader investigation into alleged financial misconduct and have added to the already significant public and media scrutiny surrounding the former president.

The process of jury selection in Trump’s trial not only reflects the polarized political climate but also the growing impact of social media on legal proceedings.

As public figures face legal challenges, the past actions, along with the digital footprints of potential jurors, come under the microscope, complicating the legal process and raising questions about privacy and freedom of expression.

This case serves as a stark reminder of the complexities facing our legal system in the digital age, where social media can influence public opinion and potentially affect the impartiality of jury deliberations.

As the trial progresses, the court’s ability to manage these challenges will be crucial in ensuring a fair trial, based on evidence and the rule of law, unaffected by external biases or perceptions.

However, the Left has proven that they care only about locking up Trump and not ensuring a fair trial.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics form more updates on Trump’s NY trial and more.

Horrifying new Homeland Security report unveils the real truth of Biden’s border policies


Joe Biden and the Left are adamant that the border crisis is not a big deal. And they continuously refuse to do anything about the problem.

But now, a horrifying new DHS report has unveiled the real truth of Biden’s border policies.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is tracking over 600,000 illegal immigrants who have entered the United States with criminal records, according to a recent disclosure.

This information came to light during a congressional hearing led by House National Security, Border, and Foreign Affairs Subcommittee Chairman, Rep. Glenn Grothman, on Tuesday.

In his presentation, Rep. Grothman highlighted that among the more than six million illegal immigrants that have crossed into the U.S. since the inauguration of President Joe Biden, approximately 617,000 possess criminal convictions or face pending criminal charges.

Grothman emphasized the gravity of the situation, stating, “Illegal aliens should not be in the country in the first place and able to commit these crimes.”

He pointed out that data from the Department of Public Safety indicates these individuals are statistically more likely to commit serious offenses such as homicide, s*xual assault, and kidnapping compared to the average resident of Texas.

Grothman proposed straightforward solutions to address these challenges:

“Secure the border, stop releasing illegal aliens into the country in droves, and when an illegal alien commits a crime in the community, turn them over to ICE, enforce the law, and remove them. It’s just that simple.”

The hearing, titled “How the Border Crisis Impacts Public Safety,” also featured testimony from Tarrant County Sheriff Bill Waybourn, who echoed Grothman’s concerns about the impact of illegal immigration on local communities.

Sheriff Waybourn, representing a jurisdiction in Texas, shed light on the severe drug crisis exacerbated by the influx of illegal substances facilitated by cartels.

He emphasized the role of foreign entities, including Chinese operations, Mexican cartels, and Venezuelan groups, in what he described as an effort to “weaponize” fentanyl against Americans.

Sheriff Waybourn provided alarming statistics about the criminal activities linked to illegal immigrants in Tarrant County.

According to his testimony, there are currently 264 illegal immigrants from at least 15 different countries detained in Tarrant County jails, accused of committing violent crimes.

These charges include eight counts of murder, 38 counts of assault with a deadly weapon, five counts of s*xual assault, and two counts of child p*rnography.

The disclosures from this hearing paint a troubling picture of the challenges posed by unchecked illegal immigration, particularly from a public safety perspective.

The testimonies highlight a systemic issue where the lack of border security and enforcement of existing immigration laws not only undermines the rule of law but also significantly impacts the safety and security of American communities.

These revelations have reignited debates on immigration policies and border security, prompting calls for immediate and effective actions to safeguard U.S. borders and ensure that immigration laws are enforced rigorously.

The focus has particularly sharpened on the need for collaboration between local law enforcement and federal agencies to efficiently identify and deport illegal immigrants who pose a threat to public safety.

As policymakers and the public digest these findings, the pressure mounts on the Biden administration to address these pressing security concerns effectively.

Yet, Biden and the Left refuse to acknowledge the problem and they continue to pass laws and policies that directly put American lives in danger.

Stay tuned to Prudent Politics.